看板 KoreanPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
210502 SBS 人氣歌謠 EP.1091 一位候補 - SG WANNABE vs NU'EST vs Brave Girls NORAZO / NU'EST / LUNARSOLAR / Mckdaddy, YELO / BIBI / STAYC / AB6IX / ENHYPEN / OnlyOneOf / ONF / 李鎭赫 / ITZY / Kassy / P1Harmony / HOT ISSUE / Hong Ja Mckdaddy, YELO - Bad Thing (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/Y90mD_K3Ix8
Hong Ja - 眼淚的酒杯 (Glass of Tears) (Jazz Ver.) https://youtu.be/hSCq5jtcemY
HOT ISSUE - GRATATA (出道舞台) https://youtu.be/f9NAXbt_Wlg
https://youtu.be/BinRJ9QFZ28 側拍 團體
LUNARSOLAR - DADADA https://youtu.be/qL_I34Crs4U
Kassy - 我會讓你的腳步閃耀光芒 (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/lQ-jseiG0FY
BIBI - BAD SAD AND MAD (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/R03kqaEasvs
https://youtu.be/O6AVLy3j8d4 側拍 (橫)
P1Harmony - 怕了嗎 (Scared) https://youtu.be/sS2QWAGCkx8
ENHYPEN - Not For Sale (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/a3Vg5Fpi9aY
ENHYPEN - Drunk-Dazed (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/UH6vI7PcMhA
https://youtu.be/SRvGmBP7m_o 側拍 團體
https://youtu.be/pgQ4EISz814 側拍 羲承
https://youtu.be/tt1-Fz7GRHY 側拍 JAY
https://youtu.be/_W4Q7WMBVgU 側拍 JAKE
https://youtu.be/nvjqmiWgsz4 側拍 成訓
https://youtu.be/BeSGzku3i3M 側拍 善禹
https://youtu.be/ttLYJocs7So 側拍 禎元
https://youtu.be/cc4GeJd7F3E 側拍 NI-KI
STAYC - ASAP https://youtu.be/HiZ9FkkhO4Q
OnlyOneOf - libidO https://youtu.be/343Vep-E9ZQ
AB6IX - 閉上 (CLOSE) (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/gH6OGG5jweU
https://youtu.be/TUdxAbSiy5w 側拍 團體
https://youtu.be/WaOGEjQ0lxg 側拍 田雄
https://youtu.be/-rmwaeXF2r0 側拍 金東賢
https://youtu.be/s7Jc4DQIZIU 側拍 朴佑鎭
https://youtu.be/u-eoQyZo2DQ 側拍 李大輝
李鎭赫 - 火 (Coup d'État) https://youtu.be/RSQdlrbEryA
NORAZO - 蔬菜 (Vegetable) (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/ecG0qFlk7gg
ONF - 跳舞吧 (Ugly Dance) (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/Pu-P-AOAhYA
https://youtu.be/oknH7PhKkPA 側拍 團體
ITZY - 黑.手.黨. In the morning (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/wmdVs2JcoBY
https://youtu.be/LWsjFJ4Cclk 側拍 團體
https://youtu.be/GN4_A3OJ4TQ 側拍 禮志
https://youtu.be/zABxY9EjDrk 側拍 Lia
https://youtu.be/QeYXjdtdDT0 側拍 留眞
https://youtu.be/xN_N08lYpIU 側拍 彩領
https://youtu.be/dwUjvMyr5iU 側拍 有娜
NU'EST - INSIDE OUT https://youtu.be/AYb9YT3Y8s0
https://youtu.be/wMcN9fv39pk 側拍 團體
NEXT WEEK - Highlight 一位 - NU'EST ╔══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦═══╦════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║人氣歌謠 Chart ║ ║排名║音源║銷量║SNS ║放送║事投║直投║總分 ║統計期間: 210419-210426 ║ ╠══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬═══╬════════════╣ ║ 1 ║ 702║ 956║3000║ 800║ 118║ 500║ 6076║NU'EST - INSIDE OUT ║ ║ 2 ║5224║ 0║ 159║ 300║ 81║ 71║ 5835║Brave Girls - Rollin' ║ ║ 3 ║4334║ 0║ 24║ 500║ 16║ 3║ 4877║SG WANNABE - Timeless ║ ╚══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩═══╩════════════╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (香港) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1619946998.A.71A.html
Im22Yo: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:52
pyh0808: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:53
wen02: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:53
Im22Yo: 再推SG WANNABE 05/02 17:53
gaablabla: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:54
ChinMa: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:56
std87177: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:58
YFB: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 17:58
t1018: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:00
xxyoyoxx: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:00
aangel9961: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:01
syuanAqr: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:05
thezoechen: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:07
poiuyt: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:19
vacancy623: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:20
mei791011: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:30
dreamer1126: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:37
monkey790724: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:38
juanahuang: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:41
likeithot: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 18:47
fiorina0621: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:03
secret1414: 我想要白虎直拍 05/02 19:06
doris0238: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:22
doris0238: 一位候補見證了逆行團們:) 05/02 19:24
kifood: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:26
anna81122: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:29
xxxixiii: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:29
angelliao37: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:46
v86715: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 19:59
lrene0318: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 20:01
oyaoya: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 20:04
mermaid1111: 推ITZY!!!! 05/02 20:55
zozo3991: 推SG WANNABE 進一位候補!! 05/02 21:00
yukakaze: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 21:01
gigi0921: 推ITZY 05/02 21:43
sselinaa: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 22:26
pioneya: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/02 23:18
judyh8088: 推ITZY 05/03 00:07
mindy0523: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/03 00:28
carpediem93: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/03 03:09
yun0512: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/03 07:00
yiyilin7: \NU'EST/\INSIDE OUT 4th WIN/ 05/03 09:41
※ 編輯: LunaPark ( 香港), 05/03/2021 23:05:22