看板 KoreanPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
230316 Mnet M Countdown EP.788 一位候補 - j-hope, J. Cole vs TWICE Nicole / 世理 (DalShabet) / OnlyOneOf / Y (Golden Child) / ULALA SESSION / YUJU / Lim Sa Rang / Cherry Bullet / KAI / CRAVITY / TRENDZ / TWICE / TAN / PIXY / HAWW Lim Sa Rang - 和你連朋友都不想當 (Don't even want to be friends with you) (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/ZTfRXNStEXI
HAWW - How Are You https://youtu.be/vek5d92SJTc
PIXY - KARMA (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/8oZ4BY9hbKw
TRENDZ - NEW DAYZ (回歸初舞台) https://youtu.be/bNvoc2C9OUQ
TAN - Fix YOU (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/TswM0KQlpwU
https://youtu.be/QhuTAvE5O7E 側拍 團體
世理 (DalShabet) - Spotlight (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/RfxOvpxjrJU
OnlyOneOf - seOul drift https://youtu.be/8-i2_NLyqm4
ULALA SESSION - ON MY WAY (回歸舞台) https://youtu.be/e_zg7Z_iSfo
Cherry Bullet - P.O.W! (Play On the World) https://youtu.be/lucVOgQ99P0
https://youtu.be/3g_i5bQVLX0 側拍 團體
https://youtu.be/luOxiJSUjrA 側拍 海允
https://youtu.be/nKanw_rD6O8 側拍 紫蘿
https://youtu.be/KWeFQK2xvWI 側拍 莉美
https://youtu.be/vkkz1bzIs8I 側拍 彩麟
CRAVITY - Groovy https://youtu.be/IunuxdFQyLo
https://youtu.be/_R_N-wyj6MQ 側拍 團體
Nicole - Mysterious https://youtu.be/mFTnIr1ShEA
Y (Golden Child) - 若是風的話 (If I were the wind) (Solo出道初舞台) https://youtu.be/efJlsnj8bMQ
YUJU - Without U https://youtu.be/FMoRA_3FDTw
TWICE - SET ME FREE (回歸初舞台) https://youtu.be/DGF4AKopPck
https://youtu.be/vkA7rMHxtlI 側拍 團體
https://youtu.be/5219wZ9oBCw 側拍 娜璉
https://youtu.be/o6DVJFWl8ow 側拍 定延
https://youtu.be/lNa3NaFlVV0 側拍 Momo
https://youtu.be/LHBpJTy62j0 側拍 Sana
https://youtu.be/xcl3HGbrIq0 側拍 志效
https://youtu.be/sTfln0ApUZQ 側拍 Mina
https://youtu.be/1z_bfUl5QeE 側拍 多賢
https://youtu.be/7R5IOc8w-qE 側拍 彩瑛
https://youtu.be/P3vkyVGHHP8 側拍 子瑜
KAI - Rover (回歸初舞台) https://youtu.be/1eY9KqAWQ_I
https://youtu.be/wsBc4JrgOs8 側拍
https://youtu.be/dvYiIsamenQ 側拍(直)
NEXT WEEK - NMIXX / 金在煥 / KINGDOM / BOBBY / Boys Planet 雙重定位對決 優勝組 一位 - j-hope ╔══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦═══╦════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║M COUNTDOWN CHART ║ ║排名║音源║銷量║SNS ║全投║放送║直投║總分 ║統計期間: 230305-230312 ║ ╠══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬═══╬════════════╣ ║ 1 ║5000║ 0║ 289║1500║ 0║ 978║ 7767║j-hope - on the street ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ (with J. Cole) ║ ║ 2 ║ 854║15001000║1497║ 0║1000║ 5851║TWICE - SET ME FREE ║ ╚══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩═══╩════════════╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1678964934.A.4F0.html
sodavoxyi: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 20:17
gbyw: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 20:36
shwd: 推TWICE韓國初舞台~ 03/16 20:39
volermer: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 20:41
paula331: 世理認不出來 03/16 20:43
bersor870303: 推TWICE 03/16 20:59
mrjheng: 推TWICE! 03/16 21:06
Ningvolley: 配舞蹈真的好好看!!! 03/16 21:16
sw1216ws: 推TWICE 03/16 21:19
oplp407: Serri嘴唇畫比較厚而已其實也沒差那麼多啦 03/16 21:29
jacky16839: Twice舞台都好好看 03/16 21:33
※ 編輯: johnny40615 ( 臺灣), 03/16/2023 21:36:43
abopj80: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 21:37
rh0316: 推TWICE 03/16 21:37
jenny75: \onthestreet2ndWin/~也推TWICE 03/16 21:52
VONKate: 推TWICE 03/16 21:53
locifer: 推TWICE 03/16 22:21
freechy: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 22:27
HannnnnSunny: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 22:42
chaechae: 推TWICE 投票盡力了 03/16 22:54
blackdeacon: 推Y的個人初打歌舞台!!雖然他說很緊張,仍live得 03/16 23:06
blackdeacon: 很好哇 03/16 23:06
jplix: 推TWICE大家狀態都好好 03/16 23:29
sunny61629: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/16 23:55
toray: JYP家最不意外的就是服裝了...全團都仙女還能變成這樣 03/17 00:26
cihua: \onthestreet2ndWin/ 03/17 00:32
jajoy: 漂釀~ 03/17 01:38
tingsone: 推KAI~~我們金鍾仁! 03/17 09:34
REALLYLIFE: 恭喜號錫 03/17 15:01
Septembre: 推TWICE舞台 03/17 15:02
nwhtay137997: 推我們鍾仁~~ 03/17 15:41
ctmhsl: JYPE的Cody真的一言難盡... 03/17 16:27
AhCheng: 推TWICE 03/17 17:05
yang122: https://youtu.be/m3hr6oTlV7Q 子瑜FaceCam 真的是神顏 03/17 22:07