看板 LA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
爾灣Northwood,帶家俱一單人大雅房出租。近I-5, I-405, IVC, UCI, 走路可到超市, 公園。和另一女房客共用浴室,3房2 浴一層獨立屋,共三人住,一人一房間,環境單 純, 乾淨安全安靜,含水電瓦斯, 室內洗衣烘衣,中央冷暖系統。可以使用廚房。屋前停 車方便。月租$790。歡迎專業上班女性或用功安靜女學生。有意者請聯絡Sharon 714-310-1278 照片 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v9EA-sCPt6zpQf4a7Vp0EzKBYUkM9VHt Irvine Northwood one large furnished private room for rent, shared bathroom with another female. This is a beautiful, quiet, clean, friendly and respectful 3 bedroom 2 bath one story single family house. Total 3 tenants, one in each room. Near I-5, I-405, UCI,IVC, walking distance to market and shopping center. In unit washer and dryer. Center A/C and heater. Utility included. Prefer female working professional or serious quiet student. Available now. $790/mo Contact Sharon 714-310-1278 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LA/M.1579989796.A.2CF.html