看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
source: LA times The Lakers have officially hired Byron Scott as their next coach, ending a search of almost three months by choosing a familiar name to fans. Scott, 53, has a four-year deal for $17 million, with a team option for the fourth year. A news conference is scheduled for 11 a.m. PDT Tuesday at the Lakers' training facility in El Segundo. We will cover the news conference live here with tweets and updates from our reporters there: Mike Bresnahan, Eric Pincus and Melissa Rohlin, as well as your reactions. 經過了三個月漫長的等待 湖人官方宣布面試到不想面試的 Byron Scott 為新的教練 4年1700萬美金 最後一年是球隊選項 星期二也開了記者會訪問Scott The trick for Scott, who will be coaching his fourth NBA team, is getting the most of a patchwork roster consisting of an aging veteran (Kobe Bryant), an injury-prone one (Steve Nash), an amnesty-waiver discard (Carlos Boozer), a point guard who lost his starting job last season (Jeremy Lin) and a promising lottery pick (Julius Randle). The Lakers were a dismal 27-55 and missed the playoffs as Bryant and Nash played a combined 21 games last season. 對於上季27-55 老頭2人組加起來打21場的湖人來說 這位新教頭的挑戰是他要怎麼炒出一盤好菜 他手上有 經驗豐富的老頭 - 老柯 * 1 很容易受傷的老頭 - 老納 * 1 最後一個被特赦的 - Booozer * 1 上季被降為替補的PG - 林書豪 * 1 潛力新秀 - Randle * 1 “I know firsthand what it takes to bring a championship to this city, and as someone who both grew up in L.A. and played the majority of my career here, I know how passionate and dedicated our fans are,” Scott said in a statement Monday night. “I will give everything I have to fulfill the championship expectations that our supporters have for us, and that we have for ourselves. ” 他表示 對於我這個生涯大部分的時間都是在湖人度過的LA囝仔來說 首先我的目標就是幫這座城市贏下總冠軍 所以我們會貢獻全部達成支持者們的期望 -- 先進季後賽吧... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1406661768.A.742.html
jamesyu545:頭推 07/30 07:02
LBJKO:往好處想 不防守的要去溫板凳了(回鍋隊員"看,怎麼跟上季 07/30 07:41
LBJKO:要求的相反XDD) 07/30 07:41
Cj3636736:總冠軍XD 07/30 08:05
MagicJohnson:怎麼沒看到他在Cleveland要求Irving防守... 07/30 08:32
Hildebrandt:沒仔細注意過KI,請問,他是心態問題?還是觀念?抑 07/30 08:51
Hildebrandt:或身體? 07/30 08:51
ghghfftjack:心態較多 不過騎士那時重建期 打的是輕鬆籃球 07/30 08:54
pjharper:防守再差也不會比去年差了… 07/30 08:58
casman:"首先的目標" 是總冠軍... 跳好快 07/30 09:30
kobe770403:先進季後賽吧…… 07/30 09:32
KevinLiou:今年西八就算達成目標了 07/30 14:39
minghanwu:Byron Scott 小時候就住在 LAL 主場旁邊長大的耶 @.@ 07/30 15:00
ginxnig:他小時候應該還是Forum的年代吧 不是現在的Staples Center 07/30 15:30
jeffliao1:Irving會聽話嗎? 07/30 19:09
knight210497:餅當然要畫大 07/31 10:27