看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/mnyrxwh After a 1-9 start to the season, the Los Angeles Lakers are starting to consider making some changing to help right the ship moving forward. – Have You Seen These LIMITED EDITION “Bleed Purple and Gold” T-Shirts? – One of those changes might be parting ways with Xavier Henry in favor of Quincy Miller, according to Bleacher Report’s Kevin Ding: No massive talent upgrade is coming, though if 6’9〃 forward Quincy Miller fares well in a tryout this week, expect to see him replace Xavier Henry on the team. Miller, who turns 22 on Tuesday and has rare upside despite no sense of how to reach it after two years with the Denver Nuggets, would at least give the Lakers a little more youth and hope in Julius Randle’s absence. Henry has struggled to make an impact this season playing in eight of the 10 games thus far. The former lottery pick is shooting 25.0 percent from the floor and 61.1 percent from the charity stripe while averaging 2.1 points per game in a little over nine minutes a night. No one on this team is really making a considerable impression this season outside of Ed Davis and Kobe Bryant, but Henry being the one let go to bring in Miller would be the obvious choice at this point. 前幾段都是老調重談,這段講湖人眾將表現不佳,但Henry被放生,讓Miller可以入 隊是用膝蓋都想的出來的選擇 There’s been no word from the Lakers on whether a change will be made. If the team continues to struggle and many believe they will, Miller may be donning the purple and gold in the near future. Miller is by no means a game-changer, but bringing in some new blood may help with Henry obviously struggling right now 儘管Q米應該不是特效藥,但加簡能舒緩湖人的近況 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1416355322.A.65A.html
WASP01: 堆積天份再說,球隊體質慘不忍睹。 11/19 08:15
WSnipes: Miller起碼手段夠多,運動能力也不錯 11/19 08:23
WSnipes: 對了!現在是Duke vs MSU...Okafor猛得很 11/19 08:24
WASP01: 照這走勢肯定狀元 比起其他人成熟太多了.. 11/19 08:33
kobeslaker: 猛得很是還不至於,就是比較用腦在打球的 11/19 08:33
WSnipes: 我說的猛是指沒有人拿他有輒,而且也會分球... 11/19 08:34
seto: 昨天UF輸給Miami了 哭哭 不開心 11/19 08:34
kobeslaker: MSU內線太弱了,Okafor是蠻輕鬆的 11/19 08:36
michael12348: 那Stanley Johnson呢 有在考慮範圍內嗎 11/19 08:37
WASP01: 這支我認為overate 11/19 08:38
kobeslaker: Johnson也是有前5的潛力 11/19 08:38
kobeslaker: 說overrated還太早了,他基本功很不錯 11/19 08:40
gm79227922: okafor是完成體 體能普通 11/19 08:41
WASP01: 他的攻擊模式大多是直線進行,技術尚嫌粗糙,幾乎沒有左 11/19 08:46
WASP01: 手能力。 11/19 08:46
WASP01: 身體條件倒是沒話講,其他的並不理想。 11/19 08:46
kobeslaker: 還好啦,他技術粗糙的話 2014梯也只有Parker比他好XD 11/19 08:50
WASP01: 個人不愛而已XD 11/19 08:57
kobeslaker: 幹 Kobe為什麼這麼活跳跳 11/19 08:59
WSnipes: kobeslaker兄你的樂透簽會跑掉嗎?XD 11/19 09:12
o0991758566: Henry...可惜了 受傷影響體能影響太大 11/19 09:13
kobeslaker: Nick Young如果越打越好,就沒機會討論選誰了-.- 11/19 09:19
WSnipes: 壞我湖大事!!開鍘 11/19 09:19
dan125987: 可是hanry很帥欸 11/19 09:20
dan125987: henry 11/19 09:20
o0991758566: 完蛋了 Young比想像得強太多XD 最大敵人就是他了(誤 11/19 09:21
WSnipes: 算了啦!!就算#10還是有機會抽前3(挖鼻孔) 11/19 09:23
WSnipes: 這樣起碼16年的籤還可以留住!!啃...16年是PF年="= 11/19 09:26
a126053: 東區真得太弱了...湖人去東區應該有前8 11/19 09:45
demon77885: 明天就可以上場了嗎??? 11/19 10:49
buddar: 不太妙 11/19 10:50
demon77885: 喔喔 還只是rumor喔XD 11/19 10:53
micbrimac: Henry今年打這麼鳥 還是裁掉好了 11/19 11:04
kobelouli: Henry是傷沒好就上吧 熱身賽也沒打 11/19 11:14
Aroe: Henry很帥+1 11/19 13:52
simon814141: 反正小亨利也可以拿到錢 然後讓他好好休息 保養身體 11/19 15:56
simon814141: 畢竟還年輕 讓傷養好再回球場 11/19 15:56
ToBeGentle: 那應該要讓他去養傷 不是派去nbdl吧 11/19 16:35