看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=13135576 Kobe as a good mentor: 談到Kobe做為導師 "Kobe will be a good mentor. I text with Kobe in case the Lakers get Jahlil Okafor. No one's prepared any better to play than Kobe over the years. I hope that's something he would impart to Jah as well as the wisdom he's learned throughout the years." Kobe將會是個好導師.我和Kobe用鍵盤聊過當湖人選了Okafor後的可能情形.過去多年來 沒有人能比Kobe更了解如何去準備比賽.我希望Kobe能將這其中奧義以及多年來的籃球 智慧一併傳授給Okafor. Kobe playing with Jahlil: 談到Kobe與Okafor做隊友 "I told Kobe that Jah will be a fun guy to play with. It's a big screen when he sets it you know? He knows how to pass out of the double with one hand. He gives up the ball, he's unselfish, and he just wants to win, Jah's all about winning." 我告訴過Kobe:Okafor將會是個有趣的隊友.他檔人紮實.他知道被包夾時要如何用單手 把球傳出來.他懂得釋出球權,他不自私,同時他想贏球,Okafor一心一意只想贏球. Jahlil's criticisms from the media: 談到Okafor所受到的媒體批評 "Everyone talks about Jah not being able to defend the ball screen, that is not accurate. We were the best defensive team in the country during the NCAA tournament. Jah can defend. I just didn't want to take him away from the basket because our next biggest PF was only 6'6. Jah can defend, he can do anything. He didn't shoot freethrows well but he has big hands, and comfortable hands. I expect his free throw percentage to go up." 大家總是說Okafor將無法防守P&R,但那是不正確的.我們當時在NCAA錦標賽時是全國最好 的防守球隊.Okafor是能防守的.我只是不想讓他太早離開球場因為我們的下一個最高替補 PF只有6'6.Okafor是能防守的,他是全能的.他雖然罰球不好但他有雙大手,和極佳的手感. 我預期他的罰球率將會有所進步. Coaching Jahlil experience: 談到指導Okafor的經驗 "Jah is a joy everyday to coach. This kid has a great heart, he's a joyful heart. He'll be a high double-double guy in the pros. He's so gifted, he has feet and hands that you can't teach. His attitude is amazing. He's doubled and tripled teamed in college every game. He's the only kid in college basketball where every game plan of the other team was trying to stop him. With his footwork and touch, he's going to score a lot of points. Hopefully somebody will see that he is really the best player in the draft." Okafor是個每天都能讓我高興指導的對象.這孩子心態強健且樂觀(不知道是不是這樣翻?) 他在NBA將會是個雙十機器.他天賦異稟,他的禁區腳步和手感都是你無法教導出來的. 他的態度也很棒.他在大學時每場比賽總是被雙夾或三夾.他也是在大學球員中唯一在每場 比賽前就被敵對球隊訂為守死的首要假想敵.有了腳步跟球權,他將能夠攻下很多分數.希望 能有伯樂能看出Okafor真的是本次選秀中最棒的球員. 心得:Okafor boy,就決定是你了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1435087552.A.78F.html
lovemj88: 來吧來吧來吧~~~ 06/24 03:53
cvbn7910: Coach K的背書遠勝ESPN 的白痴預測 06/24 04:07
Kreen: 就決定是你了! 06/24 04:20
chuanche: 寶貝球(丟 06/24 05:13
laijack512: 別被灰狼看到拜託 06/24 05:56
Eloye: 老科:雙夾三夾?投就對了!!!(燦笑 06/24 07:03
Bigcookie2: 來吧寶貝! 06/24 07:11
Eonst: Randle UK 時期也是成天被包,這兩個擺一起會發生啥事?XD 06/24 07:42
Verlander35: KOBE最後一年的OK連線~歡迎okafor加入我湖大家庭 06/24 07:54
Bigcookie2: RKO連線!!!!!!! 06/24 08:16
fever200977: 老k 背書 我湖不選真的就豆腐腦了 06/24 08:17
Ken52039: 開心 06/24 08:37
rl55586: 都這樣傳給KOBE了 XD 06/24 09:04
casman: 老K背書應該是有保障了 06/24 09:22
colby0114: 可以被老大指導 是多麼幸福的一件事啊 06/24 09:31
garychen40: 這背書應該自己收起來阿..(汗 06/24 09:36
LAKobeBryant: 還是自己養好了~ 06/24 09:36
river0927: 喜歡自己養+1 06/24 21:04
jacky9183: Randle畢竟感覺打起球來比較急躁粗糙一點,非常的新人 06/26 00:35
jacky9183: 不像有些選進來馬上就就有NBA球員的架勢 06/26 00:36