看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇文不是BS的發言,不過看了也令人暈倒,所以 我加個ish在標題後,以利分享我玻璃心。 http://tinyurl.com/opadlqe Lakers Rumors: L.A. ‘Extremely Unlikely’ To Fire Byron Scott After the worst win percentage in franchise history last season, the Los Angeles Lakers improved the talent on their roster, highlighted by drafting D ’Angelo Russell and trading for Roy Hibbert. While there were expectations the Lakers would improve, they are currently 2-15 and are on an eight-game road trip. Despite leading by double-digits, the Lakers suffered an all-time low last night by losing to the Philadelphia 76ers, who earned their first win of the season. With the franchise struggling for the third consecutive season, much of the blame has been on head coach Byron Scott. However, the Lakers are ‘extremely unlikely’ to make a coaching change or player benching according to Sam Amick of USA Today Sports: In any other context on any other team, this would be the kind of stuff that inevitably leads to one of two things: a coaching firing, or a player benching. But according to a person with knowledge of the Lakers’ situation, it’s extremely unlikely that either option will be exercised anytime soon. The person spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation. Although Scott’s game management has been questioned, the organization sees him as an ‘innocent bystander’ in Kobe Bryant’s final season, via Amick: The strong sense, however, is that Scott is seen largely as an innocent bystander in Bryant’s bon voyage campaign. Scott signed a four-year, $17 million deal in July 2014 to reunite with his former teammate, but the contract is only guaranteed through next season. Through the first quarter of the new season, Scott has made interesting comments about Kobe’s shot selection despite the five-time champion suffering career-lows in shooting percentage. In a time where player development should be the priority, there have been numerous instances where D ’Angelo Russell has not played in fourth quarters. With the Lakers not expected to make a coaching change, it does not get any easier for the purple and gold. After playing against the 76ers, Los Angeles will have seven more games as part of their longest road trip of the season. 簡單翻譯:根據不願具名,知情人士指出,僅管湖人戰績持續低迷,高層在季中前, "強烈"不會考慮炒了BS教頭。 順便一提,BS去年和我湖簽了17M/4yr合約,但只保障到明年。 心得:看來坦到前三順位,真是我湖的如意算盤,害我看季前賽,湖人在打滑的 球場痛電勇士,還意淫咱至少季後賽有望。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1449171832.A.BF9.html ※ 編輯: laidon (, 12/04/2015 04:16:18
donnylee: 根本就是個上下交賊 12/04 04:25
abcd40116: 小巴斯go die 12/04 07:19
age200: 要坦完全沒意見 不過要坦至少練練新人培養體系 常常亂冰 12/04 07:44
age200: 亂跑看了真的蠻無言的 12/04 07:44
bacteria2014: 湖人打成這樣就高層授意的,不意外壓 12/04 07:56
WSnipes: 還有一篇寫湖人應該會在球季結束後把年輕核心交易換Star 12/04 07:59
WSnipes: 一堆揣測文 12/04 07:59
volcom: 這是前三順位跟空氣的差別啊 12/04 08:54
holyhelm: 現在的氛圍跟去年沒兩樣了..開始power tanking系列文吧 12/04 08:55
jzbobby: 小巴斯:敗總我需要你的神抽跟神坦,怎麼會現在炒你 12/04 09:22
teruhyde12: 小巴斯:明年才是三年期限的開始,明年抽不好再三年囉 12/04 09:26
alexch: 無間道:三年之後又三年,三年之後又三年,十年都要到了 12/04 09:37
volcom: 明年如果有前三順加上可以簽三個頂級球星的薪資空間 超爽 12/04 09:37
demon77885: 那場真的看很爽~~~ 12/04 09:45
qweasd951: 湖人現在連NBDL都打不贏最好是能進季後賽... 12/04 10:29
lovingkb: 只想好好看完老大最後一季 12/04 10:31
kobe7610: 老大退休湖人也沒有什麼可看性了 12/04 10:52
ebv: 不想換所以小巴斯鐵了心要退休? or 食言? 12/04 11:24
ceckyo: 三年交棒換妹妹還是同一個體系 是有差噢? 12/04 11:25
alexch: 樓上提過很多次了,所以意思是說不用換了,就這樣看哪天會 12/04 11:26
alexch: 好起來對吧。 12/04 11:26
qlighttkms: 坦得到嗎??如果坦的到這隻值得 http://goo.gl/Vdp0e1 12/04 11:30
qlighttkms: 小Buss:你們都搞錯了~我是說抽完明年籤開始算三年.... 12/04 11:32
Lakers24: 今年開季打成這樣,坦到第二名應該是最好的選擇了… 12/04 11:51
jasontseng1: simmom 12/04 12:05
jasontseng1: 跟目前陣型不大搭欸… 12/04 12:05
abcd40116: 西蒙斯會壓縮紅茶 12/04 12:07
jimli: 我偏好skal 有高位的投射低位也能打 finish的能力蠻好 12/04 12:23
jimli: 西蒙斯有在練外線嗎? 看他高光完全都是禁區得分 12/04 12:27
jimli: 幾乎一個中距離以外的都沒有 12/04 12:28
WSnipes: 他的弱點就是外線,但這可以練的 12/04 12:44
kuloda: 湖人選人沒在看陣型的 12/04 12:54
naka0619: 前三真的就是選天份最高的,陣形可以靠交易 12/04 13:00
john7420: 陣形應該球隊是已經有個Star要看的,湖人目前什麼都沒, 12/04 13:20
john7420: 應該需要選天份高的,反正也都可以再交易。 12/04 13:21
john7420: 一般的天才狀元學投籃進步的滿快的,LBJ、BG、Wiggins 12/04 13:23
john7420: 前提是天才狀元啦 XD 別判斷失準就是。 12/04 13:25
patrick08: 其實jc投籃也進步很快,投籃真的是算好練的,有心就能 12/04 13:26
jimli: 目前的前三是都很棒 湖人坦到的話應該都蠻爽的 12/04 13:26
patrick08: 練 高順位選天份滿正常的,陣型先擺ㄧ邊 12/04 13:27
violing613: 天份高拿去交易也才能換好物 12/04 13:28
violing613: 但有前三籤再說吧 12/04 13:29
jason031625: 季前賽真的給我滿大的希望的,結果開季…… 12/04 13:59
YamagiN: 有的選再說吧 選到了先把BS開除再說吧 12/04 14:04
Heimdallwind: 拿到籤就火掉BS 不想等到選秀完 12/04 14:08
goodblessu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyz_CnJL_xQ 12/04 14:29
goodblessu: Simmons外線感覺能練 但目前看來還滿差的 12/04 14:30
o0991758566: 外線是有辦法靠苦練到一定程度 不會是大問題 看看BG 12/04 14:31
Eonst: 幹籃哥練了三年多唷。 12/04 14:33
goodblessu: 重點他罰球能力是OK的 代表不是那種不能練的人 12/04 14:34
Eonst: Skal 麻煩在籃板爛,防守軟,臂展摸高普通。 12/04 14:35
goodblessu: 有的人就不期待能練出來 12/04 14:35
Eonst: 目前看到的是 Simmons 比同年齡時的 Randle 外線更兩光。 12/04 14:38
Eonst: 不過投射的 form 比 Randle 好一點。 12/04 14:39
其實我看南西也是可造之才,如果Randle被拿去換表弟,咱不至於沒PF養 ※ 編輯: laidon (, 12/04/2015 14:46:48
goodblessu: 南西就那樣了吧 倒是AB都不養 比較不爽 12/04 14:48
goodblessu: 明明沒有戰績考量 不來練一下 12/04 14:48
JJJJiiimm: 希望3小真要交易不要換掉Dlo 12/04 15:01
abcd40116: 南西要留 最符合湖人的球員 撿子彈專用 又不貪功 12/04 15:09
aa123cc: 紅茶要換表弟恐怕是只能在睡覺時才能成真了... 12/04 15:29
micbrimac: 目前有陣型? 12/04 16:12
ppccfvy: 不意外,但還是很幹,表示今年除了巡迴送禮外,根本沒有 12/04 16:59
ppccfvy: 其它考量 12/04 16:59
ppccfvy: 屎尬講話也對了一半,只考慮勝負,不關心新秀成長 12/04 17:00
rainy0312: 如果真的要換我覺得就丟Randle吧… 不過也要看可以換 12/04 17:26
rainy0312: 什麼 12/04 17:26
lucky4283: Jim Buss真的是廢物 12/04 22:43