看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
手機排版,傷眼請見諒~ 這篇是老大去年打的,剛剛又重新發了一次 放上來給沒看過的版友看看 小弟英文不好,隨便翻譯一下。 Hunt or be hunted has always been my mentality. I don’t hide the aggressiveness of competition behind All-Star parties, sponsored events, and the idea that the weekend game is a well deserved break. 獵與被獵一直以來都是我的本性,我不會隱藏我在明星賽盛會上的好勝心 The fans voted me in to watch me take on the world’s best. That competition is what I love. 粉絲們選出我來看我與世界上最好的球員競爭,而這競爭是我所熱愛的 Whether my counterpart is ready or not, resting or not, or just feels like going through the motions, it has nothing to do with me. When I play, I compete, and if you’re too busy acting cool for the fans or celebrities courtside then I will demolish you in front of them. 不管我的對手準備好了沒,跟我都沒有關係,當我在場上,我就會競爭,如果你忙著對在場邊的粉絲和名人耍帥,我會在他們面前打爆你 I want MVP. There’s no shame in feeling that way. Why should there be? I want the world to see me dominate the players that are debated by millions of fans as being on my level. Competing with this spirit is fun to me. 我想要MVP,這不是一件羞恥的事,爲什麼要感到羞恥呢?我想要這世界看到我統治這些與我相同等級的球員 As a fan, I can only hope one player decides to take the game on the same way I do and raise its level from the opening tip. Being passive aggressive in this competition means you’re fine with simply going with the flow and unwilling to disturb the calm waters of the game to accomplish your goals. 作為一個粉絲,我只希望球員能用和我相同的方法對待比賽,消極的表現代表你可以接受平靜的比賽方式而不試著去改變它 I see that as a weakness. It’s our nature to compete. Throw the ball up and let’s see who the alpha is. 我將它視為軟弱,我們的天性就是競爭,把球拿來然後我們來看看誰是老大 Maybe I’m just old school. Maybe my line of thinking is that of a rotary phone. Maybe this smartphone generation enjoys sharing games of domination. Maybe they like taking turns. Maybe they enjoy competing passive aggressively. 或許是我老派,或許我思考的方式就像是一台過時的手機,或許新的世代喜歡一起統治比賽,或許他們喜歡消極的比賽方式 Maybe I’m the one with the problem, maybe it is right to have multiple alphas, maybe I’m the weaker one, the selfish one. Maybe, just maybe … 又或許我才是有問題的那個,或許現在的趨勢是一起統治比賽,或許我才是脆弱的那個、自私的那個,或許、只是或許.... Either way, I refuse to change what I am. A lion has to eat. Run with me or run from me. 不管怎樣,我拒絕改變自己,獅子需要獵物,被我統治或逃吧。 (這句我有點不懂,還請版友補充,謝謝) ---------------------------- 看完這篇真的超感動的,雖然是舊文了,但配上這次最後一次的明星賽,心裡還是有許多的感觸啊... 最後私心的希望老大可以有好的表現然後再拿一次All star MVP~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1455497846.A.295.html
Kreen: 翻譯辛苦了~ 02/15 09:30
mamba081024: 現在在播老大回顧影片 02/15 09:31
Kreen: 明星賽影片蠻帥的~現在魔術表揚 kobe 02/15 09:33
WSnipes: 說到這個我就很"暗"...BallStream無預警倒掉關站了... 02/15 09:50
leolovejoyce: 跪求回顧影片,剛剛跑去抽煙沒看到XD 02/15 09:51
Kreen: ballstream那畢竟不是合法的,什麼時候倒掉也不意外呀。 02/15 09:58
Kreen: 晚一點聯盟應該會放出來吧XD 02/15 09:59
WSnipes: 放出來?我不敢想喔...已經十幾天都連不上了XD 02/15 10:46
WSnipes: 以後看板上連結就好,現在有屎烤特也沒啥好看的 02/15 10:47
Kreen: 放出來是說 Kobe 的回顧影片啦xd 02/15 11:06
alex09730561: 最後一句是否可以翻成:選擇和我一起跑,或者逃離我 02/15 11:42
kenness1019: 謝謝a大補充!! 02/15 11:49
WSnipes: 嗯..我大概會等到樂透摸彩那天才完整的看,其他就跳著 02/15 11:51
cutejerry25: 推 02/15 12:48
asdfe88466: run with me=跟著我? 02/15 20:41
YamagiN: run with me 在這篇意思是不是比較接近 "和我競爭" 02/15 22:35
ebey30918: 推樓上 02/16 00:45
toast1521: 新世代喜歡一起統治比賽 ... 老大在暗示什麼 XD 02/16 01:25