看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址:https://goo.gl/Y5gydX 其實這篇主旨原本是IG回應Simmons受傷的事情,以及有關增重的控制 但是記者後來又加進有關Randle的部分 有關IG的部分總版已經有貼蠻仔細的新聞 大意就是IG已經增重到88-90公斤、而且增加的全是肌肉 並且決定暫停增重、要帶著目前體重進入季賽。 還有Walton盡可能縮短訓練時間的間隔、訓練員著重拉伸和恢復性訓練等措施以降低球員 受傷的風險。 有關Randle的部分: The physically grueling practice made Randle pause for a few seconds to gather his thoughts. It did not just involve the usual issues of an exhausting training camp. 使身體疲憊的訓練讓Randle暫停了幾秒鐘才重新集中思緒。但這並不能概括在這令人筋疲 力盡的訓練營中所發生的事情。 He absorbed a hit to his mouth for two consecutive days without being rewarded with a foul call. On Friday, blood poured out of his mouth though he did not need stitches. On Saturday, at least no blood was drawn. Randle also no longer plays with tape on his ring and middle finger in his right hand after having stitches removed 11 days ago. But Randle has since jammed his right thumb. Randle的嘴部在過去兩天中連續受創,而且哨聲都沒有響起。禮拜五的受傷血流出了嘴巴 幸好不需要用針縫。但隔天嘴巴又被打到,這次沒有流血。另外在11天前拆完線後, Randle終於不用在打球時右手還纏著繃帶。但Randle又壓到了右手拇指.... (難怪之前影片有練習中途包紮的片段) That seems fine, though. None of that stopped Randle from imposing his power. But something more uncertain has emerged: how much will Randle actually rely on his developed jumper in games? “It’s good, but he hasn’t gotten a ton of reps on it” in practice, Walton said. “Right now, we don’t want our bigs rolling on everything just to get them doing it. But it looks good before and after practice.” 不過Randle的狀態還是很好,這些小掛彩無法阻擋Randle釋放他的力量。但不確定的是 :在比賽中,Randle苦練後的跳投能真正發揮出多少? "他的跳投不錯,但是並沒有太多的機會讓Randle去展示" Walton在訓練中說,"現階段, 還不需要我們的大個子們去完成所有的事情,他們只需要做好教練所安排的。但苦練後 的跳投對比練習之前的,看起來很棒。" Walton hesitated to evaluate Randle’s emergence in practice with his mid-range game because of those limited opportunities to take such shots. But Randle predicted that the repetitive offseason regimen with an unnamed shooting coach “breeds confidence” into fully translating in his game. “As much as I can,” Randle said. “Just trying to feel everything out.” Walton在評價Randle的中距離跳投時有些遲疑,因為在訓練營時並沒有太多的機會讓他 進行中距離投籃。但在休賽季和投籃教練進行大量的練習後,Randle擁有了更多的自信。 Some of it could also depend on his role. Randle and Larry Nance Jr. will compete for minutes at power forward. But Walton has kept the possibility open that the two will play together, including Randle at the center position. More clarity has emerged, however, on how Randle will fit in Walton’s offense catered on ball movement, floor spacing and fast pacing. Randle has quickly driven to the basket anytime he has grabbed a rebound or made a stop. 談Randle和Nance在PF上的競爭,以及我疼並未排除兩人一起上場的可能性。另外在 Walton強調球的轉移、場上空間和快節奏的進攻體系內,Randle的融入。 “That’s how I’m going to play,” Randle said. “I’ll lock down on defensive end, rebound and get up the court. I’ll make a play for my teammates and myself and wear teams down on the defensive end. Then I’ll wear them down even more on the other end.” Randle說:在防守端專注、搶到籃板,推進發起進攻。為隊友以及自己創造機會、 並在防守端支撐全隊。並試著在其他方面做出貢獻。 ------------------------------------------------ 雖然總版已經有關於IG部分的新聞,但是在看到原文補充有關Randle的中距離部分 就嘗試翻譯了一下 然後訓練營的最後兩天似乎都有分組對抗的封閉式訓練 沒甚麼影片上傳 有的也都是片段 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7whPR3NSZSc
翻譯如有錯誤請指正囉~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1475474790.A.44B.html
ggrenic: 感謝分享,推推 10/03 14:11
Verlander35: 推外電 10/03 14:52
ken86607: 第四段Nancy太屌了! 10/03 14:52
ken86607: 打錯 是Nance XDD 10/03 14:53
momowawa1981: 一三段randle防守的態度真的好像野獸啊 10/03 16:56
kbgarnett: 謝原po,另外浪子大最近好少外電,期待 10/03 17:15
bangch: LABOYS最近很忙吧 應該沒時間碰外電 10/03 17:41
cvbn7910: Nance那段感覺很屌 但這樣防守太破了吧XD 10/03 17:49
Addressg: Nance這一灌 我湖起飛了 10/03 18:22
cutejerry25: 推 10/03 20:12
GANZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IENf3682AmE 練球短片 10/03 21:48
EAFV: 想當初練習賽有人嫌IG胖不夠快...還好有專業人士規劃 10/04 00:31
rita200123: 也就超級名模有資格嫌ig胖 10/04 00:46
rita200123: 不夠ig的速度本來就不算快 10/04 00:53
age200: 應該是嫌ig「胖不夠快」不是嫌ig「胖」又「不夠快」吧 10/04 01:14
richard1003: Harry Giles去年開ACL今年又開膝蓋,好慘 10/04 08:22
mightsnsd: 嫌『變胖的速度不夠快』,他那樣還胖一堆人該去死了XD 10/04 08:34
rl55586: Huertas也在影片說 去年第一天就累死了 今年比較有質量XD 10/04 08:45
bangch: http://bbs.hupu.com/17443357.html Winning board結算 10/04 10:47
IngramBrando: 滷蛋老將還在調整嗎 Giles第三次膝蓋手術了..... 10/04 11:08
richard1003: T-Rob分數一直都很高耶 10/04 11:08
bangch: 老將他們大概是不太需要拚表現來證明自己才會分數不高吧 10/04 11:11
bangch: T-Rob跟Nance的分數比較令我訝異 10/04 11:12
IngramBrando: https://youtu.be/LlpX-qMF5xw 10/04 11:15
rita200123: randle要減少推進到前場後無意義的運球 10/04 11:21
rita200123: 真正的內線都是把球舉起來 可以直接手遞手 10/04 11:22
bangch: 1:27那裏是Randle嗎XD 現在網路不好看不太清楚 10/04 11:31
IngramBrando: 是 10/04 11:37
ltmps: 內部練習賽Randle投籃的節奏姿勢看來不錯 10/04 13:25
Eonst: Harry Giles 除非有獸人的恢復力,不然應該是爆了,真是可 10/04 14:10
Eonst: 惜。 10/04 14:10
kbgarnett: 霸主表現不錯 10/04 15:27
micbrimac: Randle不要再把自己當姆斯 Green了 10/04 15:27
bangch: Zubac最近還在看影片學Marc Gasol打球跟歐拉的Dream Shake 10/04 15:59
bangch: 呢XD 他還說過去在歐洲就有用過Dream Shake了 10/04 16:00
bangch: 不過Zubac要拿到穩定的上場時間最快也得到下個賽季吧 10/04 16:01
jimli: 霸主的中距離還真是穩 10/04 16:02
ltmps: 夢幻步太難了,練好體能,學m.gasol就很棒了 10/04 16:04
richard1003: 世平說Zubac是英俊版的Marc Gasol XDDD 10/04 16:11
kangta740508: 看起來還滿亂的= = 10/04 16:14
micbrimac: 有marc gasol就賺翻了 10/04 17:32
micbrimac: 雖然說Marc Gasol的順位也不高 10/04 17:32
alecgood: Marc Gasol還是我們第二輪選的...當年換他哥換出去的... 10/04 18:57
rita200123: marc gasol 是聯盟第一帥哥 10/04 19:25
rita200123: 他的長相比kobe還帥 10/04 19:25
ohnacl: 孫悅在前面喔XD 10/04 19:25
goldenlen: 馬甲獸看起來很浩呆啊,砲帥多了 XD 10/04 20:11
bangch: 唯一支持我湖新帥男-稚嫩童顏霸主(X 10/04 20:17
kbgarnett: 男版長澤茉里奈? 10/04 20:47
Xhocer: 三小= = 10/04 22:06
ltmps: 愈扯愈遠了,希望不要歪掉 10/04 22:12
bangch: 要拉回來很簡單啊 今天的訪問裡講到“Being a leader of 10/04 22:27
bangch: the team is just one of the things I have to do" 10/04 22:27
bangch: ^Randle講到 10/04 22:27
bangch: 希望他跟Dlo下一季會是個良性競爭XD 10/04 22:30
kbgarnett: 熱身賽是明天早上10點嗎 10/04 22:53
kangta740508: YES~ 10/04 22:59
DrizztMon: 啊...剛好有事不能看 wtf 10/05 03:12