看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/ULThbe 球哥(Lonzo Ball)在練習的時候腳踝扭傷,明天對國王的比賽可能會缺席 https://goo.gl/tzxqvu Lakers Injury News: Lonzo Ball Suffered Mild Ankle Sprain In Practice, Listed As Questionable For Kings Game Los Angeles Lakers head coach Luke Walton said Lonzo Ball was unable to finish Friday’s practice due to turning his ankle when landing on another player’s foot during a scrimmage period. His availability for Saturday’s game against the Sacramento Kings is currently unclear. The team sent ball to the training room for treatment and Walton had yet to follow up prior to speaking with media. “Hopefully it’s nothing serious. We got him out at the end of practice and he went in for treatment,” Walton said. It would not come as a completely shock of Ball does not suit up. The matchup with the Kings is the first of a back-to-back for the Lakers. The second-year point guard is coming off one of his better defensive efforts this season, which Ball explained was a point of emphasis after the Lakers got off to a poor start against the Toronto Raptors. If Ball is unable to play, Rajon Rondo presumably would would return to the starting lineup. He started the first two games of the season but has come off the bench in the last six since returning from a three-game suspension. Beyond Rondo, the Lakers may also again revert to putting the ball in Brandon Ingram’s hands. He filled in at point guard last season and it led to success on a personal level and for the team. LeBron James could also shoulder a larger playmaking load. “We have options to go to if he is out or later in the season if people get hurt, we have guys we’re very confident can play that point guard position for us,” Walton said. “From Brandon to LeBron to Lance, even Svi played point guard for his national team, so we have a lot of guys we feel confident in.” -- 我有成立一個新的youtube頻道,會收集一些NBA球隊的影片連結,不定期更新 這是我剛建立的新頻道,歡迎大家訂閱!! https://goo.gl/r6c2Aa -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1541820278.A.659.html ※ 編輯: ckny (, 11/10/2018 11:25:12
ohleleohlala: 啊....... 11/10 11:25
pejapia: 喔不 11/10 11:27
sun0912758: My god 球哥你很重要啊 11/10 11:30
virus2007: 湖人傷病魔咒真的恐怖 11/10 11:34
dickenst35: 痛痛球@@ 11/10 11:34
hotpamsko: 只有輕微 (mild) 11/10 11:42
forest204c: ... 11/10 11:44
zz25678606: 每次對國王球哥都會..... 11/10 11:48
gibbs1286: ...到底,湖人隊內訓練怎麼老是受傷啊 11/10 11:49
wadekao: 球哥一生的恐懼 fox 11/10 11:59
Kreen: 不要遇到 Fox 就逃避啊XDDDDDDDDDD 11/10 12:05
dayjay: 傷腦筋阿,磨合速度又減慢了 11/10 12:05
dwiee: Ball感覺很少打國王欸 11/10 12:10
oasisjung: 禿頭要上來獵狐狸了 11/10 12:22
gibbs1286: 禿哥對上國王都會爆氣XD 11/10 12:23
GodEyes: 抱歉廣告一下,明天的國王湖人之戰國王板有辦賭盤,有興 11/10 12:28
GodEyes: 趣的球迷歡迎下注 11/10 12:28
ck3301111: QQQQQ 11/10 12:28
teruhyde12: 球哥保重... 11/10 12:34
KingLBJ: 也太倒楣惹吧~唉 11/10 12:55
ksuenjjr: 保重… 11/10 13:13
o0991758566: 還好現在後場人手是充足的 球就好好休息吧 11/10 13:20
andy776661: 球哥的健康有點堪慮 11/10 13:38
lkwhenry616: 最可惜的是球是現在最需要上場時間來找定位的 11/10 13:46
lkwhenry616: 不然適應不良問題會很影響他很長時間 11/10 13:47
shawnbear: …太傷啦QQ 11/10 13:50
YamagiN: 球最強的快速反擊球風 現在球隊防守無法撐起來啊 反擊 11/10 13:53
YamagiN: 是要從拿下進攻籃板開始的 但我湖給他的陣容這兩點都悲劇 11/10 13:54
YamagiN: 防守籃板 打錯@@" 11/10 13:54
gibbs1286: 其實之後可以看看跟拳王的搭配,感覺會很適合 11/10 13:57
peter211183: 跟拳王配不起來吧 拳王 球哥進攻不太好 11/10 13:59
gibbs1286: 打籃板的快速反擊,拚第一波三打二,去年滿常用的 11/10 14:02
gibbs1286: 只是這季沒大囉,所以球球自己的三分要起來,這樣第二 11/10 14:03
Lakers24: 反正求現在也很邊緣,不急著代傷出場 11/10 14:03
gibbs1286: 波進攻還可以他幹三分 11/10 14:03
jerrys0580: 國王贏灰狼10分 怕 11/10 14:04
YamagiN: 配拳王目的就是防守跟籃板阿 打快攻不需要五個人都跑 11/10 14:19
YamagiN: 兩到三個人就夠了 中鋒跟不跟得上根本不重要 籃板有抓到 11/10 14:20
showshine: 遇到fox身體就不舒服(誤 11/10 14:20
YamagiN: 持球者能快速推進才是重點 以前我湖甚至快攻是老柯抓籃板 11/10 14:20
YamagiN: 給Odom跟Pau去跑快攻 他老頭跟老魚還有我屁散步過去 11/10 14:21
laidon: 真的躲FOX躲很大 11/10 14:33
ooxxman: 大學曾被吃爆,對Fox有嚴重陰霾 11/10 14:51
micbrimac: Fox今年表現海放球哥了... 11/10 15:22
kbcl: 不得不說Fox真的進步很多 製造犯規能力也非常好 11/10 15:23
matthew0123: 跟了幾場國王比賽,Fox已經是場上指揮官了 11/10 15:26
chenliu0716: 藤總:Ig你是射手,不進算我的 11/10 15:29
kbcl: 其實最擔心球哥的地方是以PG來說他實在是太不vocal了 11/10 15:34
a9527a: Fox感覺越來越像Wall 11/10 15:42
bangch: 慣例躲Fox 沒事沒事 11/10 16:19
gibbs1286: 因為球球不講話就可以控場了...而領袖是別人在當 11/10 16:22
flyintmtc: 根本故意躲Fox,每次打國王都要找藉口,辛苦Ball了 11/10 16:24
naka0619: fox:會怕就好 11/10 16:42
Ken52039: 我球哥..... 11/10 16:54
simon0131: 看不出有啥好躲的 11/10 18:47
callmedance: 狐狸越打越像球隊一哥的感覺 11/10 18:48
callmedance: 而且防守很兇 推進速度快跟攻擊慾望也蠻強的 11/10 18:48
andy82116: 狐狸模板記得是Wall 直線速度17屆最快 11/10 19:01
YamagiN: Fox養得超成功 主攻+主控 除了三分還不夠多之外超全面 11/10 19:14
toast1521: 鮮汁等很久了,顆顆 11/10 19:33
toast1521: Fox主控配一個射手Hield,滿有戲的 11/10 19:34
dwiee: 明天就知道了,但國王/籃網這季都打得還不錯欸 11/10 19:35
dwiee: 今天看國王比賽,感覺明天我們內線會被打爆+外線守不住 11/10 19:36
andy82116: BB8這季也突破很多 場均20分了 11/10 19:37
jerry789k: 樓上BB8才剛復出 你是講buddy hield吧... 11/10 21:21
risingsuns: 內線不會吧 11/10 21:22
andy82116: 對啦 Buddy 3分45% 11/10 22:21
flyintmtc: 是等很久沒錯,等傳說中T1榜眼魔術接班人,帶領湖人總 11/10 22:53
flyintmtc: 冠軍…等等名頭的偉大人才,何時才能兌現傳說那般神奇 11/10 22:53
flyintmtc: 的一半真實?某t你認為呢? 11/10 22:54
ahdrew51: 老實說yamagin 真的有點出重點 防守還要再加強啊 11/11 00:40
gary10308: 隔壁棚JB去76了 11/11 01:59
GANZ: JB去76人 感覺今年東區季後賽會超精彩 11/11 02:00
nepenthes7: 只要能湊齊四狀元明年就能搶狀元 11/11 02:04
violing613: 握草 吉巴賣這個價 連個首輪都沒 11/11 02:07
lin30205: 感覺灰狼想拚現在 不然感覺之前火箭四首輪比較賺 11/11 02:12
lin30205: 阿不是四首輪 是四支籤 11/11 02:13
lin30205: 欸真的是四首輪哈哈哈哈 11/11 02:14
LesBleus: 76屌 11/11 02:33
zkow: Butler這樣來湖人機率更低 11/11 02:59
fack3170: 然後KD明年跑到76人 11/11 03:09
zkow: KD應該不會再大天團了,他想當王 11/11 03:15
zkow: 大天團已經證明可以奪冠了 11/11 03:15
l0607: 有一種會擺IG-Hart-LBJ-Kuzma-Mcgee的感覺... 11/11 03:45
Solid4: 今天正常練習 GTD 11/11 04:25
karta1992560: 76人突然變超級三巨頭... 11/11 07:13
o0991758566: 76人補JB 還不錯 11/11 07:14
chancewen: 76這個交易猛猛 11/11 07:55
Verlander35: 76人視季後賽情況,可交易富兒子擠出30m空間再補強 11/11 08:29
Verlander35: 猛,而KD新約要38m,要簽還要再喬 11/11 08:31
LesBleus: Embiid、Simmons、Butler再加1個頂薪球員,很可以 11/11 08:37
LesBleus: 我湖是Ball、Ingram、Kuzma、James再加1個頂薪球員,聲 11/11 08:39
LesBleus: 勢好像比較弱一點 XD 11/11 08:39
sVs: 差太多了 Embid 這一季數據已經第一中鋒了 11/11 08:48
sVs: Ball Ingram 加起來好像得分才跟Embid 一樣多XD 11/11 08:48
showshine: 除非你的頂薪球員是KD 可愛 11/11 08:50
sthho: 鉛筆這數據不輸AD 11/11 08:51
dwiee: 明年頂薪30%(32.4) 35%(37.8),這是用108M去估的 11/11 09:13
dwiee: 76人清掉Fultz之後還差32.4 還差一點,KD應該會要37.8(?) 11/11 09:14
bitegod0921: 我湖有LBJ啊 聲勢不會比較差 11/11 16:35