看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址: https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2019-11-25/lakers-keep-rolling- victory-over-san-antonio-spurs 縮網址:https://reurl.cc/vnodp1 Lakers make it eight-straight wins with victory over Spurs 湖人贏了馬刺拿下八連勝 SAN ANTONIO — Let’s help Frank Vogel out. 大家快來幫我哥忙! After the Lakers’ 114-104 win in San Antonio — the 17th game he’s been LeBron James’ head coach — Vogel kept using the same word over and over again. Unbelievable. 在湖人以114-104擊敗馬刺後,執教老詹第17場比賽的我哥教練只能一直不停重複著相同 的字眼。 難以置信! “I’m gonna need a thesaurus or something,” Vogel said. 「我需要一本辭海什麼的,」我哥說。 How are these? Astonishing. Impossible. Inconceivable. Incredible. Outlandish. Too much. Unimaginable. Because after games like this, they all apply. 這些你們覺得怎樣?驚人的、不可能的、不可思議的、難以置信的、稀奇古怪的、太超過 了、無法想像的。 在經歷了這場比賽後,隨你怎麼形容他都可以。 James finished with 33 points and 14 assists, continuing his assault on the league as he pushed the Lakers to 15-2, their best record to start a season since their title-winning 2008-09 season. 老詹拿了33分14助攻,延續了他的侵略性,並把湖人開季以來的戰績推進到15勝2敗,自 08-09奪冠賽季以來的最佳紀錄。 In the first half, it was brute force, James bullying his way into the paint toward the rim where the Spurs didn’t have a prayer of stopping him. He scored six in the first and 13 in the second, brushing his shoulders off after one basket as if to say the Spurs trying to stop him were a mere annoyance. 老詹在上半場不停在禁區裡使用蠻力霸凌來不及禱告求詹皇輕虐的馬刺隊。他第一節得了 6分然後第二節拿了13分,在一次得分後他輕輕地拍了拍肩膀,彷彿不把馬刺的頑強抵抗 放在眼裡。 “That’s my game. I’m a physical player. I like to play physical,” James said. “But I also have a finesse side as well.” 「這就是我的比賽,我是個強悍的球員,我喜歡身體碰撞。」「當然我的技巧也很好。」 詹皇不忘補充。 Oh, the Spurs saw that too. 對…馬刺也知道了。 Showered with “MVP! MVP!” chants by a large contingent of Lakers fans at the AT&T Center, James put on a vintage performance against the Spurs. Forced to respect James’ thrust toward the basket, San Antonio’s defense began to sag, opening things up for James as a shooter and a playmaker. 隨著成群的湖人球迷在AT&T Center裡大喊MVP!MVP!老詹在馬刺家裡打出了最佳表現。 面對老詹朝著籃框的摧枯拉朽,馬刺的防守開始瓦解,接著老詹轉身一變成為射手及 playmaker。 “Every quarter is its own game for me. I read and react to the quarter — see what’s going on. Some quarters it’s a physical game going downhill. Some quarters I start going to the perimeter. Sometimes I go to the midrange. Sometimes I go to the post,” James said. “Just for me, every quarter is its own game and you just try to read and react and not predetermine what you’re going to do.” 「我幾乎掌控了整場比賽,我會閱讀比賽然後反應在賽場上,接著看看會發生什麼事。有 時候我會在禁區裡跟他們激烈碰撞,有時候我會在外圍遊走,有時候我會待在中距離的地 方,有時候我會下去低位,對我來說比賽時時刻刻都在我的掌控裡,只需要閱讀比賽後再 做反應,不要去預設你打算做哪些事。」 Physically rested from the summer and as mentally sharp as ever, James again insisted that he’s never felt better on the court. And the numbers? They back that up. 有了夏天的休生養息,他一如以往的精神敏銳,老詹再度堅持表示他在場上從沒感覺這麼 棒過。數據會說話。 In Season 17, he’s averaging 25.6 points, 11.0 assists and 7.4 rebounds — numbers only James Harden and Oscar Robertson have ever been able to replicate. 在過去17場比賽裡,他場均可拿25.6分11.0助攻7.4籃板,這個數據過去只有鬍子跟大O曾 經辦到。 “He was unbelievable,” Vogel said. “I gave him opportunities to get a quick blow around timeouts if he wanted to, but he said he was good and fresh. He dominated the action. He was quarterbacking us on the defensive end and made every play offensively. “The guy is unbelievable.” James’ heroics were well-timed. 「他就是這麼令人難以置信。」我哥說「如果他想要的話我會叫幾個暫停讓他有機會喘口 氣,不過他說他狀態很好還活跳跳的。他支配了全場。他像個四分衛一樣在防守端指揮我 們,讓每個play充滿侵略性。」 「這傢伙就是這麼令人難以置信。」 老詹適時展現了他的英勇。 One game before the Lakers play the Pelicans in Anthony Davis’ highly anticipated return to New Orleans, the big man struggled early, his own offense faltering while his cover, LaMarcus Aldridge, torched the defense. But Davis didn’t relent, grabbing a key offensive rebound right before halftime that led to a Kentavious Caldwell-Pope three right at the buzzer that gave the Lakers some momentum heading into the third. And with the defense fully fixated on James in the second half, Davis broke loose, scoring 15 of his 19 points in the final two quarters. 在AD高度期待回到紐奧良的前一場比賽,這個大個子稍早陷入了困境,他的進攻在AGG的 嚴密防守下顯得步履蹣跚。 不過AD並沒有這麼軟蛋 他在上半場結束前抓下了一個關鍵的進攻籃板,傳給KCP投進壓哨 三分球,使得湖人帶著些微領的領先氣勢進入第三節。接著在老詹全神貫注防守下的下半 場,AD衝出重圍拿下了他今天全場19分裡的15分。 “I still try to impact the game, not just on the offensive end but on the defensive end as well,” Davis said. “Do some of the other things as well, especially when the shot isn’t falling. Just make sure my presence is still felt out on the floor.” 「我仍然試著同時在進攻端以及防守端都影響比賽,也要做點其他事情尤其在我投不進籃 的時候,必須做些什麼來保持我在場上的存在感。」 Four other Lakers joined Davis and James in double figures scoring including Rajon Rondo and Troy Daniels, who combined to make all six of their three-point attempts. 其他四名湖人球員也加入了AD跟老詹一起得分上雙,包括了Rondo跟TD,他們合計投進了 六顆三分球。 “We have a lot of options. We have a lot of guys that can make shots,” James said. “But at the end of the day, when we put the ball on the ground, we attract eyes. And when you attract eyes, you’ve got numbers on the weak side, and you want to pass up a good shot to get a great shot.” 「我們有很多選擇,我們有一堆人能夠得分,整場比賽我們只要開始運球就能吸引防守者 ,當我們吸引到對方注意,弱邊就會得到得分機會,接著你會想要傳出好球然後得分。」 (感恩推文指正) The great shots were paired with the Lakers tightening their defense late in the game, allowing James to walk off the floor to the serenades of “M-V-P, M-V-P.” They could’ve said “unbelievable” too. 那些漂亮的投籃以及湖人比賽後段的高壓防守,讓老詹能夠享受著M-V-P、M-V-P的小夜曲 離開球場。 他們本來也可以高呼「令人難以置信」啦。 We know the Lakers coach would agree. 反正我們都知道我哥絕對會同意。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1574789180.A.25D.html
ChenJJay: 好會吹啊哈哈 11/27 01:36
gto731216: MVP 11/27 02:17
firemm666: 同意樓上 Real MVP 11/27 02:27
SWer1026: Put the ball on the ground 會不會是指開始比賽 接在at 11/27 02:39
SWer1026: the end of day後面我覺得這樣翻最順 11/27 02:39
TorukMakto: 開Zone啦! 11/27 02:45
murray501029: Put the ball on the ground 就是指運球,因為球賽 11/27 03:05
murray501029: 開打的第一個動作通常一定是有人開始運球,意義上 11/27 03:05
murray501029: 可以說當我們開始比賽這樣 11/27 03:05
clark86913: 是指明星球員吸引注意 然後綠葉球員就會得到空檔嗎? 11/27 03:06
murray501029: 好像也不太對 總之就是運球吧 11/27 03:07
SWer1026: 對比前後文 應該只是想表達雖然能得分的人很多但致力於 11/27 03:08
SWer1026: 尋找最好的機會吧 11/27 03:08
murray501029: 這句話是AD訪問的時候說的嗎 如果是的話可以理解成 11/27 03:10
murray501029: 他說的”we”是指他自己跟LBJ 然後意指當他們兩個 11/27 03:10
murray501029: 開始持球(運球)之後 他們就會吸引防守者的注意 11/27 03:10
murray501029: 應該是這樣子最合理 11/27 03:10
clark86913: 其實整段意思是可以理解的 只是要逐句翻譯很難跳過它 11/27 03:10
SWer1026: 不是 是James說的 11/27 03:11
murray501029: 可是前面又加了一句at the end of the day,這句可 11/27 03:13
murray501029: 以理解成「畢竟...」,不是真的說今天結束,所以我 11/27 03:13
murray501029: 猜想他說的We也可能是指所有的持球者,總之是一個T 11/27 03:13
murray501029: eam的概念 11/27 03:13
murray501029: 啊 我看到是James的訪問回答了 我會翻成「總之,當 11/27 03:16
murray501029: 我們開始持球運球....」這樣 後面就跟大大翻的差不 11/27 03:16
murray501029: 多 翻譯要信達雅真的是很深的學問呀 11/27 03:16
clark86913: 真的 最近每天翻譯外電才體會到其中學問精深奧妙 Orz 11/27 03:22
murray501029: 辛苦了 感謝大大無私分享(咦?) 11/27 03:23
REMEMBER13: 祝福樓主一生平安! 11/27 03:29
clark86913: 翻到後來其實會有點痛苦 很多看不懂的東西要找資料就 11/27 03:30
clark86913: 算了 最崩潰的是你看懂了字面意思 可是卻明顯不符文意 11/27 03:30
clark86913: 不知道native speaker的意思到底是什麼 還有你懂了文 11/27 03:30
clark86913: 意之後找不到適當的相應中文詞彙來表達 還得要顧及通 11/27 03:30
clark86913: 俗跟通順 總是希望精準翻譯之餘還能詼諧幽默 好難 Orz 11/27 03:30
※ 編輯: clark86913 ( 臺灣), 11/27/2019 03:47:35
LABOYS: 翻到最後,發現多半是記者在那邊發揮文采 11/27 03:48
LABOYS: 所以現在我多半直接找球員講的話來,或是受訪影片, 11/27 03:49
LABOYS: 返璞歸真一波 11/27 03:49
cutejerry25: 推 11/27 03:52
clark86913: 那種語速超快的訪談我英聽實在是不行...還有得練 Orz 11/27 03:57
nt880245: http://i.imgur.com/aS5Cf4o.jpg 11/27 04:14
nt880245: 剩褲子沒有達到預期 希望快點回神 11/27 04:15
iovebaby520: 原來是馬刺拿下八連勝,嚇死我了 11/27 05:16
runawayyu: 今年老詹拿mvp, ad拿dopy 11/27 08:02
zon: 翻得很好,感恩 11/27 08:36
matsuwu: 跪求今年MVP給LBJ啦(大概最後一次了),077明年 11/27 09:29
matsuwu: AD可能要後年機會是最高的一年 11/27 09:30
victor21835: 077 今天被快艇教育了 XDDD 11/27 10:53
prosen: Lbj不用mvp啦。Mvp給年輕人就好。我比較希望lbj能再拿一冠 11/27 14:02
prosen: 1fmvp。生涯晚年了啊 11/27 14:02
shuaipcsh: 美國人詞彙真少 11/27 15:48