看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You are a strong person, Leo, but even you have your limits. For some time now, you have endured a difficult situation. At times, it must seem like the world is sitting on your shoulders, and no one can give you relief. While no one can take your burden from you just yet, you can set it down for a while yourself. You need a break. You need to pamper yourself a bit. You need to relax and walk away from a situation that is draining you. Things are getting better slowly, and if you give yourself some time and space, you will feel inspired again. Do this for yourself. — 你是個堅強的人,但你也有著極限。這段時間你不斷的遇到一些困難。現在看來全世界都在跟你作對,沒有任何人能給你希望。但別人不行時,為何你不自己做呢?你需要休息。你需要放鬆自己並暫時走出那個艱難的困境。一切正在緩緩的變好,而如果你能夠別把自己逼那麼緊,你會再次充滿著精力。為了自己吧。 — 懶人包:讓自己有緩衝區 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1523869008.A.C37.html
Starblue1997: 感謝推 04/16 17:02
imayday0508 : 事情推也推不掉 淚(累) 04/16 17:26
daji : 推 04/16 19:50
nrma : 感覺溫馨 推 04/16 19:54
cydonialison: 推 04/16 22:59
kevin760 : 感謝 推 04/16 23:34
VULCJO : 老天鵝,這幾天真的莫名心累,趕快好轉吧 04/17 00:10
defektliv : 準到爆了…壓力值快爆表了 04/17 00:41
j88072777 : 推 04/17 02:08
grengre : 謝謝 04/17 02:53
deman11d : 一個壓力滿的節奏 04/17 07:23
swwy1661 : 推 最近真的在逼自己啊… 04/17 08:53
jhbgybj123 : 我工作堪稱文組輪班星人。怎麼不逼緊???? 04/17 08:59
abc70340 : 靠,真的好準,覺得自己在孤軍奮戰QQ 04/17 19:49
wuhaha151 : 真的太準~希望可以一直光明下去啊 04/17 20:00