看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You have probably tried countless approaches to solving a problem, perhaps one that is family-related. At times it may seem that progress has been made, but then, inevitably, those problems shift back into the same old routine. You need to recognize, Leo, that this is not entirely your problem to resolve, and that someone else plays a critical role in finding the solution that works. You have taken great care to contribute on your side of things. Now you have to let it go and allow the other party to do their part. ----------------------- 你可能嘗試過無數種解決問題的方法,也許是有關家庭方面。有時看起來好像有了進步, 但又無可避免地回到了原點。獅子們你要知道,這不完全是你的責任,有時和他人一起合 作將會對事情有所助益。對現況你已經盡你所能。現在你必須放手讓對方貢獻一些心力。 ----------------------- 懶人包:不要又把事情都當作自己的責任啦~ ----------------------- 整體運勢★★☆☆☆: 今天不太適合約會,易不歡而散。單身者最好一個人靜靜的看書、聽聽音樂。在工作上有 些情緒不穩定,工作進展比較緩慢,得注意調節好情緒。財運較一般,適合謀求智慧財、 專業技能財,對樂透等不要心存僥倖。 愛情運勢★★☆☆☆: 已婚者對另一半的熱情下降,讓另一半覺得莫名其妙,不知道如何配合你的腳步。 事業運勢★★☆☆☆: 工作時容易受到心情的干擾,有些灰色思想或是好高騖遠,難以用心投入工作。 財運運勢★★★☆☆: 精打細算的頭腦,今天不易發生吃虧事件。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1557276007.A.487.html ※ 編輯: chaosgift (, 05/08/2019 08:40:39