看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you were to hear a lot of negative opinions about a venture you were considering before you got started, you might never even bother to try it. Pessimistic thinking is like a weight that holds you down and holds you back. If you are thinking of starting something new that you fear will not be well-received by others who do not understand your vision, Leo, don't waste your time putting it out there for public review and opinion. If you believe in this and are properly prepared, you can be successful, and that would be the best time to share. ------------------------- 如果你在嘗試冒險前得到許多負面意見,你可能永遠不會考慮去實踐它。悲觀的思維就像 一個讓你失望並阻礙你的負擔。如果你正在考慮開始一些新事物,卻擔心不被那些不瞭解 你願景的人所接受時,請不要浪費時間在別人的想法和意見上,獅子們。如果你堅信這點 並做好充分準備,你將可以獲得成功,而這恰巧是分享的最佳時機。 ------------------------- 懶人包:不要因為害怕被三振就不用力揮棒。暫且不聽那些人的看法吧。 ------------------------- 整體運勢★★★☆☆: 憑著敏銳的頭腦,能夠發掘到不少商機,充分加以利用可以招財進寶。對愛情充滿著期待 ,只要鼓起勇氣向心愛的人坦白,就有希望得到對方的認可。好心情要與大家一起分享, 讓快樂感染周圍的人。 愛情運勢★★★☆☆: 戀人、夫妻整天黏在一起,感情衝突較多;採取若即若離的相處方式,可化解矛盾。 事業運勢★★☆☆☆: 遇事三思而後行,不能被表面現象所迷惑,多向年長人士請教,他們的經驗助你突破職場 混沌不明的狀況,更易於打開新局面。 財運運勢★★★★☆: 偏財運不錯,可以買兩注彩券試試手氣! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1557362144.A.65A.html
Alittlemore : 推 05/09 16:39
Starblue1997: 推推 05/09 18:04
Starblue1997: 補推 05/09 19:18