看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may find yourself in great need of serenity and harmony this week, and you will go to the ends of the earth to seek it out. There are many places you can look, but you do know that these things can only truly be found within. However, to set the tone for your quest, you may want to look into hypnosis recordings that can help you tap into your inner light. You could also meditate or speak peaceful affirmations. Whatever way you choose, Leo, doing this on a regular basis can keep your mind, body, and spirit aligned. You may experience a powerful surge of creativity this week as well. Indulge this feeling by spending some time on a favorite creative habit or by seeking out a muse to inspire you. For you, this may be a favorite musical piece or artwork that moves you. If you haven't spent any time using your talent recently, you may be surprised by the fascinating ideas you come up with. Late in the week, someone may use an argument that demonstrates a double standard. Although this is unfair, you may not be able to get through to the individual. However, you certainly have the right to say no to participating in this person's activities. ------------------------- 本週你會發現自己非常需要寧靜和和諧,並會盡其所能的去找到它。或許很多地方都可以 找到,但你明白真正的安寧只能從內尋找。但是,若要為你的索求設好基礎,你可能會需 要某個可以幫助你利用內心想法的催眠植入式能量。你也可以冥想或對自己說些自我肯定 的言詞。無論你選擇何種方式,獅子們,定期的整頓思緒將有助於保持你的思想和身心同 步。本週你也可能體會到強大的創造力,透過一些你喜歡的藝術性嗜好或尋找靈感來激勵 你,它可能潛藏在你鍾愛的音樂劇或畫作裡,而你也樂於沉浸於此。如果你最近沒有時間 去使用你的才能,你將會訝異於自己能想出如此吸引人的主意。而本週後幾天,可能會有 個人驗證了雙重標準這件事。雖然這是不公的,但你好像無法和這個人接觸並進行溝通。 但你依然有權力拒絕參與和他相關的活動。 ------------------------ 整體運勢★★☆☆☆: 好運將被雲霧所遮蓋,你的光芒本周也無法被人發現,隨之產生的最不利也是最為直接的 影響便是人氣下滑。你唯有通過提亮外形或是主動表現來改善這種格局。 愛情運勢★★☆☆☆: 魅力以比較快的速度在本周流失,單身者把學識、修養等內在美作為優勢會是徒勞,提升 外在美才能提升自己的桃花運;有伴者與戀人的感情有點變淡,對約會興趣不濃。 求愛秘笈:切忌把小問題無限放大,以免難以收場。 速配星座:獅子座 事業運勢★★★☆☆: 小人充斥,想要順利開展工作不易。心中堅信自己的能力,小人擋道你就繞道而行,不屑 與小人當面衝突,就能扭轉情勢,把小人阻在門外,轉危為安。 財運運勢★★☆☆☆: 財運不明的一周。小心因為講朋友義氣借出自己難以承受的高額款項而破財。逢此財運也 不宜大筆借進或借出錢財,以免惹來錢財糾紛,遭遇肉包子打狗的情形。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1557710060.A.8EE.html