看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
獅子們,也許此刻的你正在思考人生。想知道是否有其他專屬於你、或命中註定該做的事。只要心臟還跳動著,永遠都會有新事物等待我們去發掘探索、學習,以及找到新方法來實現自我與目標。看看有什麼事能引起你的興趣及天賦,由此開始找尋下一段注定好的旅程吧。當你把時間花在有興趣的事物上,就會知道下一站要往哪前進。 --------------- 原文: You may be pondering deep thoughts about your life right now, Leo. You may be wondering if there was something more out there for you or something that you are meant to do. For as long as we live, there will always be new things to discover and explore, new learning to do, and new ways to fulfill ourselves and our purpose. Start finding your next meant-to-be journey by engaging in your interests and talents. When you spend time doing the things you are drawn to, you will always know where to go next. --------------- 沈浸在喜歡的事物時, 專注及發自內心的喜悅會讓人閃閃發亮。 這份閃閃發亮除了能帶來自信,堅定踏出的每一步, 或許還會吸引志同道合的夥伴前來一起拓展道路:3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1580213532.A.CAD.html
yukinovssho : 所以把海賊王從頭開始看 01/28 23:29