看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
獅子們,當你表現出自己最自然的樣態,也就是堅強有自信時,那些比較沒有安全感的人們會感到相形見絀、以及備受威脅。但由於這是你真實的樣貌,要你把燦爛耀眼的光芒調暗一點,讓其他人在你面前可以更舒適,並不是件公平的事。不過還是有個替代方案。無論是在職場還是社交場合,如果你必須花時間在這樣的人身上,你可以藉由提起對方最讓人印象深刻的特點和天份來建立自信。在鼓勵他人時,這會是個讓你的力量保持和藹可親的好方法。 ------------------- 原文: When you come off as very strong and confident, which is you in your most natural state, Leo, those who are less secure may feel overshadowed and intimidated. But since this is your true way of being, it isn't fair to ask you to tone down your dazzling bright light so that others can feel more comfortable in your presence. There is an alternative though. If you must spend time with someone like this, whether in a work environment or a social setting, you can build confidence by noticing someone's most impressive traits and talents. It's a great way to keep the energy genial while inspiring others. ------------------- 讓你也一起發光,就不會覺得我太刺目耀眼了:3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1598784505.A.F66.html