看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Through trial and error, Leo, you have come to know what you don't want, yet y ou still don't know for sure what you do want. But guess what? That first part - knowing what you don't want - is extremely important in the process of figu ring things out. It means that you have tried and discarded certain options, a nd that you are getting closer to knowing what will be best for you. Be patien t with yourself. You may wind up finding a few more "things you don't want" fo r that list, but that's just fine. When you finally make that decision that's on your mind, it will be the right one. 獅子們,經歷過各種錯誤及嘗試的你們,雖然還不是很確定自己的方向,但至少你們已經 知道自己不想要的是什麼。 了解自己不想要的是什麼,其實是解決問題的第一步—你已經嘗試過各種方法並去除掉行 不通的那些—你已經從這些經驗中逐漸開始靠近最適合你的方式。稍微對自己有點耐心吧 !也許你會找到更多「不想要的東西」,但沒有關係。這意味著在你做出決定時,這些選 擇都會幫助你找到對當下的你最好的答案。 —— 懶人包:勇敢嘗試錯誤,跟隨心中所向:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (泰國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1641643680.A.25D.html ※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/08/2022 20:09:20
henei : 推 01/09 00:30
yukinovssho : 推 01/09 12:03