看板 Leo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may be having some trouble bouncing back from a recent disappointment. Whi le you are a dazzlingly positive Leo, even you can have an experience that lea ves you feeling less than your usual fierce self. Give yourself a chance to de al with whatever loss you may be feeling, because that inner fire is still the re. You are still the powerful, golden force of good energy that you have alwa ys been. And once you have some time to reflect and revive, you will be ready for the next challenge. You can be unstoppable if you put your mind to it - re member that. 最近的你,似乎還深陷之前的失望,無法平復。即使你是這樣閃閃發亮的獅子,偶爾也會 有種「啊,自己好像沒有平常那麼兇猛!」的經驗。請好好照看內心,給自己一個處理失 落情緒的機會,你心中的小火焰仍然燃燒著。 你仍然無比強大,充滿代表獅子們的金黃色的力量;只要你能沈澱下來反思、振作,就能 準備好迎接下一個挑戰。獅子們,請牢牢記住,全神貫注的你們無人能敵。 — 如有誤譯還請包涵 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Leo/M.1671124866.A.504.html
schnauzerrr : 推,謝謝翻譯 12/16 03:36
s870810 : 感謝~~ 12/16 06:38
avendia : 好好處理情緒吧,加油 12/16 07:01
wbar : 情緒激動啊......謝謝翻譯 12/16 09:13
x221320 : 推,今天開會真的開到很憤怒,需要好好靜下來強大 12/16 09:30
x221320 : 自己 12/16 09:30
avendia : 樓上加油 12/16 09:50
yuanfan : 謝謝 12/16 09:58
yukakaze : 推 全神貫注 12/16 11:40
m826112003 : 樓上加油 禮拜五了晚上去喝一杯 沒醉就再喝 12/16 15:15
makks : 全神貫注的你們無人能敵!!! 12/18 01:04