看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:Libra horoscope for Feb 25 2015 by Daily Horoscope 內容: 一個絕妙的想法已經在你的腦袋裡醞釀很久了, 現在它就像一個高壓鍋,即將爆炸。 你可能很難控制你的想法,當你幻想著無數個關於這個想法的可能性。 秤子,你可能死命想分享你的看法。 在你分享之前,對自己起誓, 抱緊你的信念,以便讓別人動搖不了你的路徑。 總有一個或兩個唱反調的人說些負面的話, 所以你要鼓勵你自己:這真是一個值得承諾的想法。 Libra horoscope for Feb 25 2015 A fabulous idea has been simmering in your mind for quite some time, and now it's like a pressure cooker - about to explode. You may have a hard time controlling your thoughts as you fantasize about the myriad possibilities for this idea, Libra, and you are probably dying to share your thoughts with someone else. Before you do, vow to yourself to hold tight to your belief in this idea, so that no one can sway you from your path. There will always be a naysayer or two around to say something negative, so keep encouraging yourself - this really is an idea with a lot of promise. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1424832105.A.900.html
nickpooh : 最近很想回鍋玩四驅車…是在說這個嗎? 02/25 12:12
happycalla : 換工作XDDD 02/25 17:25
redfish28 : 換環境! 02/25 17:38
fishmeow : 完全講中心聲 02/26 00:22