看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra horoscope for Nov 28 2015 You may be on a path that doesn't feel quite right to you. It may have started when a certain person pointed you in a certain direction, and lacking directi on of your own, you headed there. Now, though, you may be realizing that you h ave just been going through the motions, and that there is more for you out in the world. That's a great discovery, and there is nothing to regret about whe re you have been. This is a good time to start looking inward for the answers to your future. You hold the key, Libra, and the compass. -- Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh -------------------------------------------------- 你也許正走在一條感覺不是那麼對勁的小徑上。這是因為某人為你指引了道路,但你自己 迷失了方向,朝錯的那條路前進。 但是現在,你意識到自己只是做樣子敷衍了事,世界上還有其他更適合你的路。 這是很好的發現,無論已經身處何方都沒什麼好後悔的。這是替你的未來開始找尋內心真 正答案的好時機。秤子,你已經掌握住關鍵和方向了。 -------------------------------------------------- 不該在睡前看美食節目的……一整個太折磨人QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1448643461.A.00F.html
a23455116 : 推 這是很好的發現,無論已經身處何方都沒什麼好後 11/28 03:17
a23455116 : 悔的。 11/28 03:17
Libra24 : 謝謝~ 11/28 07:12
bll135 : 推 11/28 14:58
swx881010 : 開始尋找 11/28 16:11
masakowind : 尋找內心真正答案的好時機~~謝謝翻譯! 11/28 16:19
vivian926 : 真的!! 尋找內心真正的答案!! 11/28 20:05
jackal09 : 推最後一句 XDD 11/29 01:09
kaoru1992 : 分手了哈哈哈哈,算好事嗎 11/29 12:32