看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 內容:People who have photographic memories can remember what happened, how it happened, who was there, and they can even tell you what day of the week it was. That gift can be both a blessing and a curse. You may not have a photographic memory, Libra, but you have been dwelling on some upsetting moment from the past. You have gone over it so many times in your mind that it has become like a framed photograph sitting on your mantelpiece. Until you erase it though, you will only have that negative impression to hold on to. It is time to start a new. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 某些人擁有過目不忘的記憶力還記得發生了什麼事,如何發生的, 誰在那裡,他們甚至可以告訴你那是星期幾。 這禮物可以是祝福或詛咒。您可能不具有這樣如照相般的記憶。 天秤座,你一直糾纏於過去的一些不安的時刻。 他已經在你心中冒出無數次,甚至已經僵化在你的內心。 直到你抹掉它為止,你將只會有負面思想。是時候開始 新的一頁。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 簡單來說,明天會有很多負面情緒吧。而那些情緒來源,來自過去的經驗 ,所以放下過去向前看吧。 英文的好難啊~所以更要努力練習啦!!!請各位繼續指教 <(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1460475568.A.0B7.html
naiveyo : 謝謝分享!! 不過最近真的滿多負面想法的嗚嗚 04/13 00:13
ray90910 : 感謝 會加油的 04/13 00:18
summerdance : 謝謝! 04/13 01:00
ShieChi : 嗚從新開始吧 04/13 01:29
coco2501 : 謝謝翻譯!!!! 04/13 07:53
a923675 : 準 04/13 12:17
csophie : 準 04/13 12:45
fattyfour : 謝謝翻譯~ 04/13 13:01