看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra horoscope for May 22 2016 An opportunity that comes to you from out of the blue will seem free and easy, and rewarding at first, Libra. While this chance has enormous potential to fulfill one of your dreams, it may not all be peaches and cream. After an easy beginning, you will have to settle in and begin some hard work in earnest. This is a terrific opportunity, but it will not be handed to you on a silver platter.You really will have to prove to the universe that you really want it. If you work hard, though, the rewards will be huge. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh -- 秤子,將會有個機會忽然出現你/妳面前,起初你似乎能感受到放鬆和卸下重擔 的感覺。而這個機會有著無比的潛在能量,甚至強大到能夠實現你/妳的夢想之一, 但是過程未必全然是甜美的。至少先有個起頭吧,慢慢地你/妳將會投入其中, 並認真地處理這項艱難的任務。 這是個很棒的機會,不過機會可不會乖乖地待著,秤子們必須去證明,證明你/妳有多 渴望得到它,如果你/妳認真地看待它,並努力去完成,實現它, 成果將會是無比豐碩的! ------------------------------------------------------- 首次翻譯,想說今天的還沒有人翻 就試著翻看,翻的不好請見諒:P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1463899156.A.9CE.html
f328900 : 脫離憂鬱~~!!這幾天的確心情很輕鬆~謝謝翻譯:) 05/22 14:43
EMKCUF : 感謝翻譯,大家一起加油越來越好唷! 05/22 15:08
yueying : 感覺翻得不錯啊 我原本有打算翻 05/22 16:44
yueying : 發現好幾句卡住 就放棄了XD 05/22 16:44
smoochy : 其實不是脫離憂鬱..out of blue=忽然出現 意料之外 05/22 18:32
感謝糾正! 長知識了~~
ssfftt : 謝謝妳 05/22 18:34
csophie : Hope so! 05/22 20:48
各位秤子們加油,會好轉的 ※ 編輯: rs79 (, 05/22/2016 21:50:10