看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra horoscope for Jun, 03, 2016 You may have made a lot of headway with an ambitious plan, Libra, but you are beginning to see that it will be far more complex and involved than you first thought. When you progressed so rapidly it may haveseemed like you were on the right track, and you are, but it probably won't happen at the speed you first imagined. That's okay. You have taken on a goal that is really big, and other people would be far behind you with the same task. Be proud of your accomplishment and keep going. You'll get there. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://thedailyhoroscopeapp.com 秤子,你一直以來抱著野心去執行的計畫(夢想,目標)有了很大的進展, 不過你發現它也因為快速的發展,比剛開始還來得複雜許多。當你進步的如此迅速時, 該慶幸的是計劃依然維持在正軌上,只是它發展的速度出乎你意料。 不過沒關係,繼續堅持這個重大的目標(夢想)吧, 跟其他也在追尋同樣目標的人相比,你已經遙遙領先了, 該為你的成就而到驕傲,繼續保持下去吧,你的目標(夢想)將會實現。 -- 引用一句最近常看到的話 不放手,直到夢想到手! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1464892731.A.25D.html
EMKCUF : 希望可以有好的進展,謝謝翻譯 06/03 03:39
simpsong : 加油加油 06/03 08:23
suber : 推 06/03 09:21
cute1018707 : 加油加油!!! 06/03 12:38
hearfei : 大家一起加油~ 06/03 15:10
shiangyun : 今天真的有為自己感到驕傲XD 感謝翻譯~ 06/03 17:17
eso2 : 遙遙領先…真讓人安心! 06/03 19:57
kekekeyes : 加油加油 06/03 23:25
Junneo : 這個有準,推三所學校,三所都上榜。 06/03 23:27