看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra horoscope for Jun 13 2016 You may be dealing with some deep and significant feelings now, Libra, You may not feel comfortable sharing what you are feeling, and you may be frustrated that no one understands. However, if you keep your emotions buried, you will have to continue to deal with a feeling of oppression and frustration. If you do reveal how you are feeling to someone close to you - someone who understands you - you will gain a great sense of relief, and a better understanding of yourself in the process. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你也許現在要處理一些深刻、重要的感情,秤秤 可能你會對於要分享你的感受而覺得不自在, 也可能會因為沒有人能理解而感到沮喪。 可是,若你繼續埋藏你的情感,只能繼續面對這些壓抑和挫折。 如果你能表達出你對某個親近、了解你的人的感覺, 你會獲得非常大的解脫、如釋重負, 並在這個過程中可以更好的了解自己。 ============================================== 好歌分享~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGB4STuFC4c
Lenka - Maybe I Love You 好像是可以告白可是我沒那個對象啊 QAQ... 啊~~補更正 我覺得或許這也是跟好朋友或家人 表示或坦白某些感謝/感情/內心話的好機會 ^_^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1465738249.A.C73.html
simpsong : thanks 06/12 21:31
s26232354502: 謝謝鼓勵了我 06/12 21:36
bluechuan : 0.0 06/12 21:37
shoungson : 到底該不該說出來呢~~~ 06/12 21:42
yueying : 說出來 真的會好受一些 06/12 22:21
justspeed : 嗯 準 06/12 23:29
wishBonnie : 好想說出口 06/12 23:34
ps90706 : 怕說出口沒人理解... 06/12 23:43
fullfool : 我不敢QAQ 06/12 23:48
peter890701 : 之前說過了~可是都被打哈哈 QAQ 06/13 00:05
※ 編輯: lacoaaa (, 06/13/2016 02:36:03
f328900 : 勇敢面對! 06/13 08:19
EMKCUF : 憂鬱到想講還不知從何講起…… 06/13 11:08
Joe22 : 準到不行 06/13 12:06