看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra Dec 16 2016 You may have such a strong urge to resolve a problem that you are trying everything. It's possible that you started out with the most logical solutions, and when they didn't' work you may have resorted to illogical methods. 你也許會有迫切解決一個棘手狀況的需求,剛開始的時候你會試著用合理的方式來 解決這件事,在沒有進展的情況下你會用盡一切手段來解決問題。 And now it seems you have exhausted all the options and you wonder where you went wrong. It may not be that you are doing anything wrong at all, Libra. Perhaps you are trying to resolve a problem that just isn't ready to be resolved. 現在看來你已經耗盡所有的選擇了,你想知道你是否哪裡做錯了。 親愛的秤子,其實你沒做錯事情,也許只是這個問題還沒有準備好被你解決而已。 Timing is everything, and even though your need seems pressing, you can fix what's wrong when the time is right, so allow yourself to let go off it and feel confident that a solution will come to you - when it's time. 時機是最重要的,僅管你的需求看起來很急,只要時間到了你就可以修正這個問題 ,所以容許自己先放開它,對自己有信心一點,相信當那一刻到來時,問題就會被 解決了。 【不負責偽籤詩版】 千般手段,萬般無奈,束手無策,心灰意亂; 時候未到,憑添煩惱,時候若到,光明大道。 【不負責暗黑版】 怕屁啊就倒霉喝涼水也會塞牙衰到了啊,不然要怎樣膩,反正也不會更糟啦, 拎北(拎鄒罵)就吃剩飯等你,等時機一到看我怎麼收拾你。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1481866368.A.2BE.html
masakowind : 問題傲嬌了 12/16 13:44
putow : 時候未到 12/16 14:45
imdidi : 我期待著! 12/16 16:32
MissMonday : 好喜歡暗黑版,謝謝您:) 12/16 17:08
Twink : 謝謝翻譯! 12/16 17:31
asdf0923 : 暗黑版超有感覺XDD 12/16 18:10
kiwievian : 推暗黑版(挖鼻 12/16 18:37
yesterdayslo: 喜歡暗黑版XDDD 12/16 18:43
neoo19 : 哈哈哈。可愛的暗黑詩 12/16 19:02
lezsam : 看到暗黑笑翻了 12/16 19:46
hiBaymax : 推了 12/16 19:48
libra945kkk : 籤詩好有才!推暗黑版~ 12/16 20:04
Palace1107 : 煩惱啊~~~ 12/16 20:26
queen1019 : 哈哈哈!好可愛 12/16 20:51
yueying : 好厲害 12/16 21:56
Libra24 : 好可愛,感謝~~ 12/16 22:05
shoungson : 推!等待時機吧~~~ 12/16 22:15
lovelatin : 推,暗黑版籤詩 12/16 22:26
india21210 : 可以不要這麼準嗎?我相信今年結束前會有轉機的T_T 12/16 22:43
lee1022 : 真的翻譯得超好,有些事真的光看文字不懂意思! 12/16 23:07
wannakai : 大推籤詩跟暗黑版!!! 12/16 23:18
sunny9114 : 喜歡暗黑版xD 12/16 23:25
NTUTcc : 推暗黑版,只能等了 12/17 00:00
dbgtc : 等待中 12/17 00:52
creep888 : 真的超神準,前男友不願面對問題,昨日已放生! 12/17 07:59
creep888 : 我這幾天真是白等白煩惱了XDXDXDXD 12/17 08:00
z1288 : 等了兩年,早已經成佛了 12/17 09:20
kikiball : 翻譯辛苦了~謝謝!! 12/17 13:44
hddaniel0928: 好準! 12/18 01:48
lifewillbeok: 原來是...時機未到,都要想破頭了... 12/18 16:43