看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:Daily Horoscope: libra https://www.astrology.com/us/horoscope/ 內容: Buck authority? If it's called for, you're ready to put up your dukes and fight it out. This one issue you've been dealing with lately has really gotten under your skin, and you're willing to do what it takes to make your point. Well, good for you -- because you're right. And you know it, too, don't you? Well, then, don't give up and don't give in. Keep at it. You're almost there. 反抗上級? 假如有這必要,你已經準備奮手一搏。你最近所面對這個事件 已經讓你頗不舒服,而且你也打算付出代價來堅持你的觀點。嗯,真不賴, 因為你是對的,而且你也明白啊,不是嗎? 那麼你就不要放棄也別認輸。 堅持下去,你快成功了。 buck: 反抗 put up your dukes: 舉起雙拳準備搏鬥 under your skin: 膚淺;魂牽夢縈;使人惱怒 ----------------------------- Horoscope.COM Daily Horoscope: Libra Aug 17+1, 2017 - Something might be shaking the very ground you stand on, Libra. Just when you thought everything was calm and stable, suddenly the ground begins to rumble. Secure your footing, hold on, and stay flexible. A few steps in a different direction may position you in a safe area where you can ride out the storm with no problem. Becoming too fixed and rigid would be a bad idea. Source: https://www.horoscope.com/us/horoscopes/general/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1503022959.A.2C7.html ※ 編輯: preikestolen (, 08/18/2017 10:27:10
xul1021 : 謝謝翻譯。註解一下,過去常翻譯的英文運勢是個APP 08/18 10:33
xul1021 : 程式喔,跟這版的運勢內容不同的。 08/18 10:33
preikestolen: 感謝樓上xu11021大,平日常看到您幫忙貼文 08/18 10:43
preikestolen: 我今天只是查了一下外國的說法,也得空順手一翻 08/18 10:45
preikestolen: 覺得外國的兩個文感覺比較貼近天平網友卡到的逆境感 08/18 10:46
xul1021 : 謝謝! 多點不同來源運勢很棒! (不曉得你知道不知 08/18 11:44
xul1021 : 道之前的英文是APP來源,才註解一句的:D ) 08/18 11:44
preikestolen: 感謝xue11021大,您真的人很熱心,果然是我們天平掛 08/18 12:10
preikestolen: 我是沒有裝那個app,平日我靠我們這個板再看這個 08/18 12:11
xul1021 : 最近我的運勢太High,有點不適合採用大大激勵型的星 08/18 12:16
xul1021 : 座運勢,找虐看比較警惕型的運勢。因此就沒有把APP 08/18 12:16
xul1021 : 運勢翻譯上來XD 08/18 12:16
preikestolen: 我大概懂得你的意思。有時看了說法覺得和自己不吻合 08/18 13:01
preikestolen: 就覺得不想貼上來啊。 08/18 13:02
preikestolen: 不過還是很仰仗您平日熱血貼文啊~ 我是懶人~>_<~ 08/18 13:02
sherry40323 : 下禮拜要跟老闆談談了哈哈哈 08/18 22:57
torpon : 推翻譯用心,還可以順便學英文XD 08/18 23:05
lee1022 : 今天才看到這篇,但內容真是超準,昨天我真的開始 08/19 07:57
lee1022 : 反抗了... 08/19 07:57
※ 編輯: preikestolen (, 08/20/2017 00:52:28