看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Libra horoscope for Wednesday Jul 11 You may be trying to push or pressure someone into being more of what you thin k you want or need, Libra. This may not be intentional. You may just be saying or doing things unconsciously in an effort to get this person to fit into a c ertain ideal. But if you are using guilt or any kind of manipulation to change something about this situation - even subconsciously - then it may come back to haunt you. You can't change someone. Even when they conform to please you i t will probably be temporary. You need to recognize any tendency to do this an d put an end to it. 你也許嘗試著要去施壓/改變某事件成為你心目中應該要具備的模樣,雖然這不是你自願的 。 你無意識地花費自己心力去矯正到正常點的狀態。但,如果你是帶有內疚或是任何想彌補 的意圖去改變,甚至你的潛意識這樣認為,那之後的結果就是反過來傷害你。 你是無法改變的,即使是他們去取悅你那也是短暫的。你需要的是學會觀察/判斷趨勢,什 麼該做,什麼不該做。 PS, 我覺得重點是: 改變自己應該會比較快 -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. -- -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my HTC_U-3u -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1531277443.A.96E.html
z1288 : 寫的好模糊... 07/11 10:52
southducky : 意思是要順其自然 不強求嗎? 07/11 12:32
southducky : 然後在旁邊靜靜的觀察? 07/11 12:33
bayeah : 另一個解讀應該是 做好自己的本分就好 07/11 13:20
southducky : 嗯嗯 07/11 17:36
babylove5566: 謝謝翻譯 07/11 20:51