看板 Libra 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:Daily Horoscope 內容: You may be feeling bad about a lack of support in some area of your life, Libra. Perhaps you have begun a new endeavor and you hoped that others would be there as your cheering gallery. You may think they just don't care, but more likely they aren't there because you assumed they would just know what you need. Have you conveyed your goals? Have you expressed your desire for support? Sometimes you give the impression of being wholly independent, so you might want to share how you are feeling. If you do, you can expect all the support you can handle. 秤子,在生活的某些方面缺少支援會讓你覺得很糟,也許你已經展開新的努力,你期望有人在那裡為你加油。你可能認為沒有人在乎,因為你以為他們知道你想要的是什麼,但更有可能的是他們並不在那裡。 你有傳達出你的期望與目標嗎? 你有表示出你需要別人的支援嗎? 常常你會給人家一種完全獨立的印象,所以你可能想要分享你現在的感受, 如果你這麼做,你可以預期得到所有你可以掌握的支援。 #不負責解讀: 秤子老是堅強成性,又慣常悶在心裡 習慣性的去體貼他人 畢竟擁有鋼鐵之心的秤子,對外更是比鋼鐵人還鐵啊 不想麻煩他人又忍不住期待有人能主動發現關心 但不是每個人都像秤子這麼貼心啊 偶爾示弱一下也好 總是要讓其他人知道,秤子也是人.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1548964108.A.AAE.html
grandma5566 : 推>< 02/01 04:04
southducky : 謝謝翻譯>< 02/01 06:55
gin1010 : QAQ 02/01 10:09
chipmunk1019: 謝謝翻譯,推解讀 02/01 13:03
aikochen : 嗚嗚 終於又有了 感謝翻譯 02/01 17:12
hamy0829 : 感謝感謝 02/02 22:43
TECO2oo : 推 ~~ 02/02 23:07