看板 LinkinPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
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這段訪談其實就很清楚Chester自殺的內心想法了 I was just like Fuck the world Not like ,i need the break Honestly like , Fuck all of you 希望Chester能在天國好走 因為一些揮不去的傷痛而罹患憂鬱症的我 在看到 linkin park 官方釋出的一段最近的訪問 我完全能理解他罹患上蠻重的憂鬱症 因為這段對我來說也很重要 所以我打成逐字稿給自己 也給一些低潮的看或許你會有很多的共鳴 I was just like Fuck the world Not like ,i need the break Honestly like , Fuck all of you like everybody and everything and i don't like do anything anymore Nothing makes me happy i don't like anyone i even told one of my therapists at one point i said i don't want to feel anything None of us immune from you know , just shit happened to you , not to you but just kind of making poor choices or being human. there's always that element and for me , life got really weired, and really hard all at one time there was few times over the last couple years ,where i was just ready to thro w in the towel ,and i just kind of give up on everything but i found that, for me most of my suffering is self inflicted. it's not like its coming from some external source ,that's making me feel that way No one can make you feel anything Its what you think about internally that make you feel things, like you are the only person that makes you feel anything. And so i know , that i have this pattern of getting into these kind of thought and this actions and choices . I have always had this kind of depressive side , and i think that's something, some people my not have gone down the road of injecting on the streets and lik e you know that kind of stuff, so they think "Oh , my story's not that bad" So dude ,no,may, if you are here , if you're here , its that bad . Its nothing spicial about that guy who is living on the street, and the person who's just a binge drinker like three times a month. Your life's fuck up ,and you realize that there is something , you got to do a bout it , and its just as hard on either end ,but each one is just as relevant as the next , and you don't have to know somebody to have an intimate experie nce with them ,and also you don't have to know like someone to feel safe to ta lk to them . Any group of people can get together and just be like "Hey ! were gonna get re al in here ,like lets get real" ,and just be vulnerable , say whatever's going on ,and be accepted, and walk out the room and then feel great. Chester之前就嘗試過自殺, 但或許一些因素,不管是家庭、好友也好, 相信他最後所說的他只要這群能同理他的人聚在一起, 才讓他感到真實, 而這其中我覺得也包括Chris好友, 而他的精神支柱也是能讓他感受到所謂真實一面的他, 在五月自殺了, 美國時間7月20號是Chirs的生日, 而這天Chester撐不住了,還是難過的上吊自殺了 很多人說有勇氣死為什麼沒有勇氣自殺 幹,就是一堆這種想法才會一直讓憂鬱症患者找不到自己的棲身之處 對我們來說,帶著解不開的傷痛活著, 比起死亡更需要勇氣,死亡真的太簡單了 Chester小時候長期被性侵害 也不是一兩天的事了 有點資深的歌迷應該都懂, 他的嘶吼及抒情感人的嗓音, 都在發洩他過去的傷痛 只是沒有現在這麼憂鬱, 我相信他隨著時間過去 成為了世界搖滾的知名歌手, 娶了漂亮妻子生了6個小孩 卻也發現,他的傷沒有好,因此越來越嚴重 Mike其實一直看在眼裡 每場live看到mike跟chester的互動就知道他們情同手足,就像家人一樣 每場來台的演唱會, 甚至是你以Dead By Sunrise名義來華山演唱 全到 甚至一直到昨天晚上睡不著 我還是在聽著他們的新歌 Battle Symphony 半夜因為憂鬱症失眠 聽著聽著,凌晨兩點跑出chester上吊自殺的新聞 真的是用悲痛不已來形容 而我聽的這首Battle Symphony 是你獻給我們最後的戰歌 我不知道該怎麼形容這件事情的發生 他有個漂亮老婆,無數的錢,6個小孩 看似成功走出陰影, 因為人總是叫你努力成功, 賺大錢好像一切就沒事一樣 所有全亞洲的長輩有八成都會跟你這樣說 但他敵不過人生陰影 最後還是上吊離開人世了 回頭看看 Leave out all the rest , Shadow of the day 這兩首歌 這是2007年Minutes to Midnigh 這張專輯的兩首歌 如今對比起來格外辛酸.... Leave out all the rest, don’t be afraid I’ve taken my beating, I’ve shared what I made 就把其他的都忘了吧! 不用擔心這樣做,會有什麼不妥。 我已經用盡心力過完我的人生, 我也已經分享出我所有努力的成果。 I’m strong on the surface, not all the way through 旁觀的你們認為我是個堅強、成功的人,但其實並非一直如此; I’ve never been perfect, but neither have you 我從不是個完美的人,但旁觀的你們也都不是啊。 Forgetting all the hurt inside you’ve learned to hide so well 你努力忘記那些我無意間對你造成的傷害, 那些你學會藏在內心深處、不為人知的傷口。 Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 我卻只能逼自己相信著, 總有一天,會有個人, 能把我從自己的牢籠中解放出來。 I can’t be who you are 對不起,我就是無法變得跟你一樣,無法像你那樣思考、生活… Shadow of the day 這首是你最初的心情嗎... I close both locks below the window 我將窗緣的鎖扣上 I close both blinds and turn away 拉上布簾然後轉身 sometimes solutions aren't so simple 有時答案不是這麼簡單 sometimes good-bye's the only way 有時說再見是唯一方式 and the sun will set for you 太陽會為你西沉 the sun will set for you 太陽會為你西沉 and the shadow of the day 而這白晝的黑影 will embrace the world in gray 把整個世界擁抱在灰暗中 and the sun will set for you 太陽會為你西沉 in cards and flowers on your window 在你窗前的花和卡片裡 your friends all plead for you to stay 滿是朋友們要你留下的字句 sometimes beginnings aren't so simple 有時凡事起頭難 sometimes goodbye's the only way 有時說再見是唯一方式 致我心中最愛的歌手Chester Bennington... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LinkinPark/M.1500622521.A.5C3.html
NomoRedEny: 查斯特...07/21 15:47
qazwsxedc345: Rip......07/21 16:00
ianmoon: RIP07/21 16:01
best9708125: R.I.P 07/21 16:24
JJFROMCIA: 看到新聞也是想到Mike一定很傷心 07/21 16:28
zomb12: 現在回頭細聽這首才知道原來如此沉重... 07/21 16:58
wanju: RIP 加油! 07/21 17:01
jrong: RIP 07/21 18:53
jrong: 希望你別學他阿! 07/21 18:53
stan1083: 加油 07/21 19:00
a0607152: 這首的頻率是跟心跳的頻率很接近。 07/21 19:19
nickhoult55: 好難過QQQQ 07/21 19:49
Fame: 最喜歡的歌就是Leave out all the rest... 07/21 19:57
ianmoon: 太難過了為什麼要如此 07/21 20:03
lthee: 今天看到新聞,馬上想到的就是"sometimes, goodbye's the o 07/21 20:34
lthee: nly way." 07/21 20:34
diditomtom: 真的很難過 07/21 20:38
※ 編輯: max6060789 (, 07/21/2017 21:02:42
melanie31: 看TMD 虐童者性侵者都去死 07/21 22:43
ChesterB: 的確這訪問已經透露很多 Mike訪問感覺也挺擔心的 07/21 23:56
dormice: 真的很難過 我恨那些虐童性侵犯陳國星 07/22 00:30
melanie31: 我愛的Elliott Smith 也是小時被虐 後來自殺了 07/22 00:41
max6060789: Mike在旁邊感覺其實一直很擔心,因為這時候已經每況愈 07/22 15:58
max6060789: 下了 07/22 15:58
max6060789: 加上兩個月前 兒子寫紙條給Chester希望他撐下去 珍惜 07/22 15:58
max6060789: 生命 07/22 15:58
max6060789: 這些都是團員間才真正知道的事 07/22 15:59
Fieldcoco: R.I.P. 07/22 22:04
fish120: RIP 07/23 21:06
wanju: 令人十分感傷的文章.... 07/27 08:00
Bennington: 推 08/06 01:36