看板 Linux 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://github.com/fenrus75/powertop Build PowerTop for Android LollyPop ------------------------------------ 1. Obtain pciutils and ncurses libraries. Skip this step if they are already in the tree. pciutils: Clone https://github.com/trevd/android_external_pciutils into external/pciutils ncurses: Clone https://github.com/cvpcs/android_external_libncurses into external/ncurses 2. Run ./src/csstoh.sh src/powertop.css src/css.h to generate the css.h header file. 3. Apply patches inside patches/Android 4. PowerTop can be built with top level make, or by doing "mm". 我想編譯android 版本 powertop , 發現需要去 Apply patches 我使用 git apply update_androidmk.patch 不過沒改變裡面 diff 內容 請問要怎麼解決這問題? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Linux/M.1433856823.A.D04.html
goldie: patch內容沒跟上專案的目錄結構與檔案內容之最新狀態 06/30 11:38
goldie: 你可能要看著patch內容手動一個一個改了 Orz... 06/30 11:39
goldie: 幫你改了patch,我只確定可以build過,給你參考一下: 06/30 15:45
goldie: https://gist.github.com/ 06/30 15:46
goldie: goldie-lin/ee1e656b2e31da85b444 06/30 15:46
goldie: 啊…請自行把連結接成一行= =||| 06/30 15:47