看板 Linux 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我外籍朋友Augustin 遇到了一些問題,因此託我替他詢問。 以下是他遇到的問題: 我使用gentoo,且用德沃夏克鍵盤(Dvorak Keyboard)ibus-chewing 輸入法來輸入中文(如果有更好的輸入法請推薦給我謝謝:)) 而我遇到的問題是,我無法在firefox以外的程式使用 ibus-chewing (例如任何KDE的應用程式、以及LibreOffice皆不能使用)但在firefox使用是正常的。 而我現在使用ibus-chewing的版本是: app-i18n/ibus 1.5.12 dev-libs/libchewing 0.4.0-r1 app-i18n/ibus-chewing 1.5.1 也許我的問題是configuration的問題,請問我該如何測試? $ locale LANG=en_GB.utf8 LC_CTYPE="en_GB.utf8" LC_NUMERIC="en_GB.utf8" LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" LC_COLLATE="en_GB.utf8" LC_MONETARY="en_GB.utf8" LC_MESSAGES="en_GB.utf8" LC_PAPER="en_GB.utf8" LC_NAME="en_GB.utf8" LC_ADDRESS="en_GB.utf8" LC_TELEPHONE="en_GB.utf8" LC_MEASUREMENT="en_GB.utf8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_GB.utf8" LC_ALL= 假如必要,我可以嘗試patches 或 re-compile,或是最新的版本。 另外,我想徵求軟體開發者。(在台中且可長期合作的,酬勞可議) 而需要的條件如下。 - C++ - KDE - Linux - Chinese input 謝謝大家。 以上是我替他翻譯的,而原委託文如下,由於我是門外漢,怕中文有專有名詞無法表示清楚。 I need software developers: - C++ - KDE - Linux - Chinese input. I use ibus-chewing https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki to input Chinese. Is there a better input system to input Chinese using Bopomofo. My problem is: ibus-chewing works in applications like Firefox. but it does not work in *any* KDE application. It does not work in LibreOffice either. How to set up ibus-chewing so that it works? What test can we make to troubleshoot the problem? I use gentoo. I don't use Ubuntu. My keyboard uses the dvorak layout. Here is the versions I currently use: app-i18n/ibus 1.5.12 dev-libs/libchewing 0.4.0-r1 app-i18n/ibus-chewing 1.5.1 Maybe the problem is a configuration problem. How can I test this? $ locale LANG=en_GB.utf8 LC_CTYPE="en_GB.utf8" LC_NUMERIC="en_GB.utf8" LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" LC_COLLATE="en_GB.utf8" LC_MONETARY="en_GB.utf8" LC_MESSAGES="en_GB.utf8" LC_PAPER="en_GB.utf8" LC_NAME="en_GB.utf8" LC_ADDRESS="en_GB.utf8" LC_TELEPHONE="en_GB.utf8" LC_MEASUREMENT="en_GB.utf8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_GB.utf8" LC_ALL= I can test patches and re-compile, or test the latest versions if necessary. Thank you very much, Augustin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Linux/M.1499970978.A.8EF.html
s25g5d4: 有看過 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IBus 07/14 03:24
s25g5d4: 這行 > If IBus does not work in Qt/KDE applications 07/14 03:24
s25g5d4: ensure that the ibus-qt library is installed and 07/14 03:24
chihungtzeng: 試試.xinitrc裡加入 export XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus" 07/14 17:27
chihungtzeng: export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus" 07/14 17:27
chihungtzeng: export QT_IM_MODULE="ibus" 07/14 17:28
Bellkna: 可以考慮用fcitx看看 07/14 20:06
HMKRL: 提到這個 順道問一下 gcin會讓gnome-terminal 不能用到底有 07/15 01:50
HMKRL: 沒有解? 07/15 01:50
HMKRL: 我arch+gnome3.24最後處理不了直接裝了mate terminal… 07/15 01:51
POSIX: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/IBus 他應該有看過這個吧! 07/16 02:39
POSIX: 目前用 gcin 在 gentoo 還蠻 ok 的 07/16 02:41
fourdollars: 也試試看 fcitx-chewing 跟 scim-chewing 07/17 15:14