看板 Linux 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I don't type in English on purpose, and I really want to search questions before asking, but I can't use chewing input for chinese searching. Here is my question, I suddenlly can't switch to chewing input from English. This happened after I logged out and in. Before logging out, I remember I installed Virtual Box and try to learn something, then VB asked me something about keyboard or typing.. (not sure about what happened exactly) And I say YES to some settings..probably..? This is the only clue I have. I can see the chewing icon if I press SUPER+SPACE key, https://i.imgur.com/BMWXY7i.png
but I can't type any chinese out, It is still English. BTW, I am using Ubuntu 18.04. -- Usually I prefer to google question by my own, but this issue is tricky, I don't know what keywords related to it. And Not every Linux person needs chewing input, so I try to ask for help here. Or I have to reinstall Ubuntu again...OMG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Linux/M.1575114102.A.9FE.html
OrzOGC: vb的鍋那就砍vb的設定檔重設就好 11/30 20:02
I have deleted VB and related config files then logged out again, but not working
roccqqck: ibus-chewing? 11/30 20:03
I am not sure if ibus-chewing. it is from system, I didn't install chewing from outside but I chose "fcitx" not "ibus" in keyboard input method system
roccqqck: shift有效嗎? 11/30 20:03I
I tried almost all shift-control-alt-command combinations, but nothing happened.
roccqqck: win+空白鍵有效嗎? 11/30 20:03
The machine I am using is MacBook Air 2014, So there is no Windows key. And I found something weird Chewing only worked in this search box...?? https://i.imgur.com/O0sGbtv.png
Bencrie: echo $XMODIFIERS $GTK_IM_MODULE 檢查看看吧 11/30 21:16
It shows: @im=fcitx fcitx But I don't know the meaning...
sanya5405: 跑fcitx-diagnose看哪邊有問題 11/30 21:18
https://gist.github.com/linkchen1982/6dba8943748f63661d798ba6ce4459d3 Here is the result. I can't figure out what should I follow..@@ And I saw some lines in red color, looks like alerts or problems: # Fcitx State: 3. process: **Fcitx is not running.** **Please check the Configure link of your distribution in [Beginner's Guide](http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Beginner%27s_Guide) for how to setup fcitx autostart.** # Fcitx Configure UI: 2. Config GUI for gtk2: **Config GUI for gtk2 not found.** 4. Config GUI for kde: **`kcmshell4` not found.** # Frontends setup: ## Xim: 2. XIM_SERVERS on root window: **Xim server name: "ibus" is different from that set in the environment variable: "fcitx".** ## Gtk: 2. `gtk-query-immodules`: 1. gtk 2: **Cannot find `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk 2** **Cannot find fcitx im module for gtk 2.** 2. gtk 3: **Cannot find `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk 3** **Cannot find fcitx im module for gtk 3.** ## Input Methods: 1. Found 0 enabled input methods: 2. Default input methods: **You don't have any input methods enabled.**
qoopichu: .config/fcitx 整個砍了或是改名看看 11/30 22:56
I did and logged out again, but nothing happend.
brli7848: Ubuntu有拆包的話,去把fcitx-gtk3 fcitx-gtk2裝回來 12/01 11:18
sanya5405: fcitx沒有啟動,還有root的XIM_SERVERS被設成ibus了 12/01 13:29
bamchisu: 到linux板問吧?一個解法是先把輸入法改成ibus 12/01 17:09
bamchisu: 用gui就可以改了,改了記得重開機或是重新登入 12/01 17:09
bamchisu: 對的這邊linux板,試試看我說的方法先 12/01 17:11
chang0206: 移除ibus 然後強制重裝fcitx-chewingf 12/02 14:19
bamchisu: 如果問題解決了也上來回個推文吧! 12/02 21:41
Sorry I didn't solve it. And I am still using it without Chinese typying. The funny thing is I can work with it very well...XD This old MacBook Air is just a machine for me to practice Vue.js coding, I usually do read or search English Documentation on this MBA, so Chinese typing is not the first priority here.
dces4212: you can use your cellphone LUL 12/02 23:50
You are right! But I just hate to do typing things on a cellphone
WSClifford: 我之前也是這樣!爬文各種嘗試都無效,就在試到快崩 12/03 03:35
WSClifford: 潰的時候突然又好了… 12/03 03:35
qoopichu: 你創一個新的使用者登入看看有沒有同樣問題 12/04 21:24
qoopichu: 沒有就是你家目錄底下有設定搞爛了 12/04 21:24
qoopichu: 反之就是你系統設定有問題 12/04 21:25
I know it must be something about config, but the problem is I dont know what, where and when I did..@@ I am too newby to understand Linux configuraton now. === I am not a typicall IT guy, I don't really know computer science. For some reasons I start to learn programming alone, it just happened couple months ago. And I just feel fun to give a shot on Ubuntu. This is the first time I try Linux system. Again, I really thank everyone who gave me suggestion or solution to try. Althought I couldn't get it done, attempting to solve this issue makes me do many searches about Linux. I don't feel sad about it. The more searches I do, the more surprise I get from Linux. Linux is a great system I have never seen. But I feel that I need a solid foundation to learn. Instead of looking around everything a little bit but not exactly know how, I decide to learn it from scrach. This is my new goal. I am reading "Linux from scratch" now. http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ Not really sure if it works for me, and this is really extremely difficult. I don't know when I could make it, but I promise that one day I will be back for this issue with the answer. If anyone still has other solutions to this issue, please leave message below this article. I am happy to see and try. Probably I will do reinstallation in Chinese New Year holiday. ※ 編輯: danadanad ( 臺灣), 12/17/2019 14:48:09
Bencrie: 新手不要硬啃 LFS 啦,太花時間 12/17 19:26