看板 Lions 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第一次發文,剛好看到有時間就隨意翻翻了 只翻獅隊的選手,對其他隊的有興趣的可以去看看 有錯誤請指正 Bruce Billings (Uni Lions) My jersey would have to probably say “Brupapi” because it's a play off of Brudaddy which was given to me by my high school buddy Darren Mitchell. We would do drills together and he would be freestyling all the time. He would sometimes do a freestyle and throw in Brudaddy, which I found really amusing. It stuck obviously. So Brupapi is the Spanish version of Brudaddy that many friends over the years have used because I’m half Mexican. And I’d have to have spikes that were some type of Batman Tumbler-inspired scheme! 布魯斯 (Brupapi) 我的綽號應該是”Brupapi”吧 ,因為聽起來像Brudaddy,我高中的好友Darren Mitchell取的,我們有時候會一起練習,他隨時隨地都在Freestyle,他有時候會在 Freestyle裡加入Brudaddy,我發現時覺得很有趣。然後這個綽號就一直跟著我了。 Brupapi是西班牙語版的Brudaddy,很多朋友知道這個綽號因為我是一半的墨西哥人。 然後我想要有一雙釘鞋上面要有關於蝙蝠人的圖案。 Alfredo Figaro (Uni Lions) “Figgy”. Everybody calls me Figgy. When I first went to the United States it was a nickname that was given to me quickly and it stuck fast. 福瑞多(Figgy) Figgy,每一個人都叫我Figgy。當我第一次去到美國時,他們給我這個綽號,然後這個綽 號就一直跟著我到現在了。 Michael Nix (Uni Lions) A nickname that has stuck the last little bit has been "Big Sexy". For one obvious reason of me being big, but I also like to dance a little when I go out with my wife and with the guys. I'm not usually a swag guy, but I do like to have nice cleats. Something with some funky matching colors. 麥克爾(Big Sexy) 跟著我的最後一個綽號是”Big Sexy”。只有一個理由,因為我很大隻,但是當我跟我妻 子與朋友出門時我也很喜歡跳舞。 一般來說我不是一個很酷的人,但我喜歡有一雙好的釘鞋配上一些時髦的配色。 布魯斯跟麥克爾的綽號還蠻好玩的XDD 福瑞多的綽號我就不太懂是甚麼意思,看獅版有沒有人能補充 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lions/M.1502787444.A.265.html
henry860520: Figgy 我第一個想到費古洛... 08/15 16:58
Dejan: 同樓上 08/15 16:59
lajji: Figgy不就從姓氏變來的 是說費古洛跟福瑞多的姓氏應該是同 08/15 17:07
lajji: 個字源? 08/15 17:07
tsaodin0220: Figgy想到老費+1 QQ Figaro跟Figueroa也很像 08/15 17:23
tsaodin0220: 所以布魯斯你也有freestyle嗎A_A 08/15 17:24
tsaodin0220: big sexy跟他的長相 越來越有4X的fu了XDD 08/15 17:25
apple8335: 老費+1 08/16 00:28