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遊戲名稱: The King's League : Emblems 國王的遠征 : 徽章 遊戲類型: 養成類 遊戲載點: http://armorgames.com/play/18014/the-kings-league-emblems 遊戲介紹: 國王的遠征 系列,第三代。9/8剛出的Beta版,目前只有正常模式。 遊戲心得: 大致上跟上一代一樣,幾個大改變: 1. 初始選陣營,目前免費版本兩種陣營,戰士類與弓箭類。 初始角色不同,一些任務的加成也不同,找到的同伴好像也不同。 2. 可以選擇每階段要打的聯盟種類,1v1 3v3 5v5 。 3. 新增了選擇劇情事件,大概都是三選一,然後各種不同結果獎勵。 4. 結束最後的王國盃破台後,會有PVP模式。 ---更新下攻略: 角色加入方法: *任務事件加入* 劍士: Swordmaster - Event: Healings Dealings - 2.Heal the Warrior 法師: Phantom - Event: Circus Suprises - 2. Save unit in nearest tent 鏢槍(弓箭型): Javaliness - Event: Circus Suprises - 3.Save the animals 女武神: Valkryie - Event: Cornerstone - 2. Defend the city by yourself (You get her whether you win or lose.) *特殊條件加入* 主教(補師): 完成20個任務 Bishop - Complete 20 quest 龍(戰士型):七個以上的領地 Dragoon - Own 7 or more Territories 王家衛士:攻略兩個地城 Royal Guard - Beat 2 dungeons 神槍手(弓箭型):收集四個徽章後 Gun Slinger - Collect atleast 4 emblems 女忍者:在完成20個任務之前,將rough職業的技能升到五級。 Kunoichi - Get Bandit skills to max (level 5) with less than 20 quest done via character skill screen (The 10/20/40/80/120 crystal unlocks) =========================================================================== 任務: Boxes: Red - Iron Sword (Physical Attack+5%) Blue - Oak Staff (Magic Attack+5%) Green - Shield (Defense+5%) -------------------------------------------- Farm World Problems: Send Units: Battle All Units Strength+1 Gold+1000 Pay Blades: Blades of Glory+30 Gold-2000 Apologize: Runesse-10 Blades of Glory-10 --------------------------------------------- Wandering Woes: Send a unit to escort them to the city -- Agi+3 Stam-1 Gold+2000 Tell them directions to the nearest city -- Golden Scales-20 Ask them to follow your party -- Gold+500 ---------------------------------------------- Call for Cures: Collect Saffron -- Runesse+30 Gold+1000 Collect Monkshood -- Battle Runesse+30 Gold+2000 Pass -- Runesse-30 ------------------------------------------------- Circus Surprises: Help Circus Folk -- Crystal+20 Send Unit To Nearest Tent -- Stam+3 Recruit Phantom (Mage) Send Unit To Cages -- Stg+3 Recruit Javelineer (Archer) -------------------------------------------------------- Bootleg Bias: Blades of Glory: Battle Blades of Glory+50 Gold+1500 Shadow Corps: Battle Shadow Corps+30 Runesse-30 Gems+20 Runesse: Battle Runesse+30 Gold+3000 --------------------------------------------------------- Healing Dealings: Golden Scales: Golden Scales+30 Runesse-30 Gold+3000 Blades of Glory:Blades of Glory+30 Gold+1000 Swordmaster (Warrior) Runesse: Runesse+60 Golden Scales-30 Gold+3000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drawing the Line: Defend Luogh Harbor: Battle Subquest Below Infiltrate: Subquest Below Defend Hilltown Hamlet: Battle Subquest Below (Luogh) Queer Pier: Morning: Battle Blades of Glory+60 Gold+2000 Afternoon: Battle Golden Scales+30 Gold+3000 Night: Battle Runesse+30 Gold+2500 (Infiltrate) Scoop Up: Send a Messenger: Golden Scales+10 Gold+2000 Patrol in Afternoon: Battle Golden Scales+30 Gold+3000 Gems+20 (Hilltown) Cornerstone: Leave: Blades of Glory-60 Runesse-30 Golden Scales-10 Defend By Yourself: Battle Round Shield (8% Defense) Gold+2000 Champion (Knight) Ask for Assistance: Amulet of Haste (Movement+10%) Agility+5 ---------------------------------------------- Treasures and Trinkets: Basement: Subquest Third Floor: Subquest Fifth Floor: Subquest (Basement) Grave Robbery: Back off: Shadow Corps+30 Gold+2000 Leave without taking: Battle Subquest Leave with taking: Battle Subquest Gold+3000 (Leave without taking) Gallant Soul: Stay: Battle Gold+3000 Swift Dagger (Crit Rate+8%) Leave: Gold+3500 (Leave with taking) Amity and Luck: Send a Unit: Battle Gold+3600 Crystal+50 Decline: Gold+1500 (Third Floor) Knowledge is Power: Tell you heard nothing: Battle All Units Stam+3 Subquest Leave: Nothing (Tell you heard nothing) Enigmatic Runes: Send a unit: Intelligence+3 Gold+4000 Crystal+10 Leave it: Gold+4000 Crystal+25 (Fifth Floor) Open Sesame: Wait: Gold+4800 Advance: Subquest Send a scout: Subquest (Advance) Basement Findings: Fight and let scholars know: Battle Gold+6000 Fight and take some treasure: Battle Gold+5000 Crystal+20 Back out: Gold+2000 (Send a scout) Guardian: Inform scholars: Battle Necklace of Wit (Magic Defense+8%) Blast open door: Gold+8000 Necklace of Wit (Magic Defense+8%) Use physical force: Gold+6000 Necklace of Wit (Magic Defense +8%) ----------------------------------------------------- Wobbly Delivery: Main Path: Battle All Units Strength+3 Gold+4000 Subquest Alternative Path: Battle All Units Agility+3 Gold+4000 Subquest Decline: Nothing (Main Path) An Interference: Send a unit: Agi+3 Int+2 Subquest Send whole team: Battle Gold+6000 Crystal+20 Subquest Send Shadow Corps: Nothing (Send a unit) Hidden Nest: Send a unit: Gold+5000 Crystal+10 Move out: Battle Gold+4500 Crystal+10 (Send whole team) Mouse Hunt Split: Gold+4500 Crystal+10 Carefully explore: Gold+2500 (Alternative Path) Crash Course: Pass: Shadow Corps+60 Runesse-999 Keep: Battle Shadow Corps-30 Subquest Escape: Battle Shadow Corps-30 Subquest (Keep) Plan Keeping: Pass: Runesse-60 Fight: Battle Gold+5000 Crystal+10 (Escape) Plan B: Leave Parcel: Runesse-60 Insist: Battle Crystal+100 ------------------------------------------------ Hunt is On: Join: Battle Blade of Glory+60 Head to Guild: Battle Blades of Glory+60 Decline: Blades of Glory-60 ------------------------------------------------------ A Brewing: Main Group: Subquest Supporting Group: Subquest Decline: Shadow Corps-30 (Main Group) Fortlifting: Designated Point: Battle Subquest Cellar: Battle Subquest Grab the goblet: Shadow Corps+30 Crystal+80 (Designated Point) Target in Sight: Entire team: Battle Shadow Corps+90 Gold+7000 Crystal+30 Retreat: Shadow Corps-90 Send a unit: Stamina -2 Shadow Corps+90 Gold+8000 (Cellar) Gold Guardians: Fight: Battle Shadow Corps+90 Golden Scales-30 Crystal+40 Retreat: Shadow Corps-90 (Supporting Group) Diversion: Main Gate: Battle (Hardest) Subquest Back Gate: Battle (Easiest) Subquest Front Outpost: Subquest (Main Gate) Encore: Pull Back: Battle Gold+5000 Crystal+10 Continue: Battle Gold+6000 (Back Gate) Encore: Pull Back: Battle Gold+5000 Crystal+10 Continue: Battle Gold+6000 (Front Outpost) The Road not Taken: Move toward main gate: Battle Gold+4000 Crystal+10 Stay here: Battle (Hard) Gold+8000 -------------------------------------------------- Trade Terror: Patrol: Golden Scales+30 Subquest Investigate: Golden Scales+30 Subquest Don’t Answer: Nothing (Patrol) X Marks the Spot: Negotiate: Battle Golden Scales+30 Gole+15000 Crystal+30 Suggest: Battle Golden Scales+30 Gold+8000 Crystal+10 Decline: Golden Scales-90 (Investigate) Clue Chase: Send a unit: Golden Scales+30 Gold+8000 Subquest Gather info: Subquest (Send a unit OR Gather info) Stubbing Out: Head toward base: Battle Subquest Track down bandits: Battle Golden Scales+30 gold+7500 Crystal+15 (Head toward base) Last Call: Let others: Gold+4000 Send bandits: Golden Scales+30 Gold+10000 Crystal+20 Stay back: Golden Scales-60 Gold+3000 ----------------------------------------------------- Royal Recognition (High Runesse Loyalty Required) Gold: gold+20000 Crystals: Crystals+100 Something else: Crystal Amulet (Magic Defense+12%) --------------------------------------------------- Blazing Blade (High Blades of Glory Loyalty Required) Gold: gold+20000 Crystals: Crystals+100 Something else: Claymore (Physical Attack+12%) ----------------------------------------------------- Shadeshifter (High Shadow Corps Loyalty Required) Gold: gold+20000 Crystals: Crystals+100 Something else: Whitney’s Badge (Health+15%) ------------------------------------------------------ Trade Hero (High Golden Scales Loyalty Required) Gold: gold+20000 Crystals: Crystals+100 Something else: Lunanie’s Tome (Magic Attack+15%) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Little-Games/M.1504890221.A.02F.html
willgood : 好玩推, 一路爽玩到底結果還一個城沒攻下來ˊ_>ˋ 09/09 22:25
martian001 : 槍兵好像不好用? 09/15 01:03
※ 編輯: KanoLoa (, 09/17/2017 16:21:57
KanoLoa : 槍兵不弱,預設主角四雜魚槍兵的結尾pvp有前30。 09/17 16:23