看板 Little-Games 關於我們 聯絡資訊
睽違已久的更新 上次更新已經是8/19 所以已經有40天沒更新了 對比之前沒幾天就更新一次 實在是很久阿~~~ Hey guys! Sorry for the long time without any update. And no, this isn't an update as well :/ Nonetheless I should keep you guys informed of what’s going on. So here we go: 1. As many of you know Idle RPG was built for a game jam without the intent of making it a long game. It is also, technically, my first public game. With that said, the core of the game wasn’t coded as tidy as it should be expected. With every update I released I tied to clean up the mess little by little until I reached a point where it requires me a lot of refactoring to get it done. Pretty much coding it down from zero. That led me to… 2. If I’m to code Idle RPG back from scratch I had a second option in mind. Why not work on Idle RPG 2 instead and get everything that was good from the first game and add to the second one while making the core of the game more stable and faster? I did discuss it a bit on Discord and it seemed that everyone also thought that way. 3. I’m fully aware of memory leaks happening to the game. I ran a couple of tests with a new project to find the source of the leaks and it turns out the fault is on the compiler itself. I got in touch with YYG and I’m hoping for them to fix it from their sides. 4. I finally realized YYG introduced variable definitions to GMS2 less than a year ago. I will dedicate some time to use those we won’t have problems with int32 (2.1b limit) anymore~ 5. On a final note, I use mostly Discord to keep you all informed of the upcoming patches, news and other sorts of stuff. Come and join us on https://discord.gg/3vrvHS and you can also check out the sneak peaks for Idle RPG 2~! Cheers, ThePandaSenpai (ZeroKalt)~! 如果我沒搞錯的話 有可能會直接出二代 然後一代就這樣停止更新了。 噗~還以為會有什麼大改版 是說還有人在跑嗎?lol -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Little-Games/M.1538219908.A.FB5.html
acopika : 這樣也不錯..單一idle如果沒大團隊維持還不如打掉 09/29 21:01
acopika : 而且1我記得好像因為引擎所以有些限制 09/29 21:02
ddrtime : 是因為引擎有嚴重記憶體溢位問題所以打算換一個來做 09/29 21:31