看板 Liverpool 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://tinyurl.com/v7xcbs5 A message on behalf of Sir Kenny Dalglish and family 俱樂部代國王及他的家人發表以下聲明: Sir Kenny was admitted to hospital on Wednesday April 8 for treatment of an infection which required intravenous antibiotics. 週三原本國王因為某項感染需要注射抗生素。 In keeping with current procedures, he was subsequently tested for COVID-19 despite having previously displayed no symptoms of the illness. Unexpectedly, the test result was positive but he remains asymptomatic. 雖然沒有症狀,但國王因此依目前醫院的標準流程測了COVID-19,結果出乎意料的 是陽性。 Prior to his admission to hospital, Sir Kenny had chosen to voluntarily self-isolate for longer than the advised period together with his family. He would urge everyone to follow the relevant government and expert guidance in the days and weeks ahead. 在就醫前國王已和家人自行隔離了一陣子,希望大家也遵守政府與專家頒布的指示。 He would like to take this opportunity to thank the brilliant NHS staff, whose dedication, bravery and sacrifice should be the focus of the nation’s attention at this extraordinary time. 感謝NHS人員的貢獻與犧牲,在這種非常時刻大家應該要更重視他們。 He would also ask that they are given the space to do their jobs during what is an extremely challenging time for them and that his own family’s privacy is respected. 希望大家給國王和他的家人一點隱私空間。 He looks forward to being home soon. We will provide further updates as and when it is appropriate. 國王希望可以儘快回家,我們會在適當時刻提供狀況更新。 Sir Kenny Dalglish -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (荷蘭) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Liverpool/M.1586547471.A.0C2.html
ddkkz2003: 真的是隨便都會中 04/11 03:55
sam9595: 囧... 04/11 04:41
mesenchymal: 目前沒有症狀是不幸中的大幸,希望國王能繼續維持狀 04/11 06:28
mesenchymal: 態到解除隔離。 04/11 06:28
yen5060: 乾...... 04/11 09:00
asuralee: 希望King Kenny早日康復 該死的武漢肺炎!!! 04/11 09:11
cupidysean: 國王拜託快快好起來! 04/11 09:19
da1989: 祝早日康復 04/11 10:03
fourmemory: 求你沒事 04/11 11:28
thbetray: 祝早日康復 該死的武漢肺炎 04/11 12:10
ajfever: Get well soon 04/11 12:13
dss1017: 吾王保重 04/11 12:43
assasin92: 國王的年紀真的很危險啊,祝早日康復 04/11 13:46
slash1104: 祝早日康復 該死的武漢肺炎 04/11 15:58
NYYsucks: 國王加油 04/11 16:49
wanderlust: 國王加油啊啊這個年紀QQ 該死的武漢肺炎 04/11 17:06
Muarean: 利物浦中興的奠基者,get well soon! 04/11 17:41
dyc2008: 該死的肺炎....... 04/11 19:13
leviliebe: 祝早日康復 04/11 21:36
mron: 加油 04/11 21:59
mithralin: 無症狀的話應該是還好 04/11 23:26
LIRCHEN: 國王已經出院了 04/12 15:39
Torreschu: 靠北......國王保重啊! 04/12 16:53
torrestam: 好險沒事,死中國、武漢肺炎 04/12 19:42