看板 Liverpool 關於我們 聯絡資訊
進球的維拉小將巴里 賽後興奮的跑去找法比尼奧交換球衣 https://i.imgur.com/cL6yfH0.jpg
結果他忘了那是自己的職業生涯首秀 是每個人僅有一次獨一無二的球衣 就這樣拿出去交換了 經工作人員提醒下 巴里才趕緊在通道追回法比尼奧 得知詳情後 法比尼奧也欣然地歸還巴里這件「值得紀念的球衣」 https://i.imgur.com/aRiPXCQ.jpg
因此 17歲的小朋友除了職涯首秀對上英超冠軍就首進球 還得到了兩件值得紀念的球衣XD Teenager Barry got the Villa goal, cancelling out Sadio Mane's early opener. Liverpool went on to take control of the tie, adding three goals without reply in the second half, courtesy of Gini Wijnaldum, Mane and Mohamed Salah. Nonetheless, it was a night to remember for 17-year-old Barry and his young te am-mates. At the final whistle, Barry excitedly swapped shirts with Fabinho - only to be reminded by a member of the Villa backroom staff that he might want to hold o n to his own jersey for posterity. Barry then had to chase and catch up with Fabinho in the tunnel and explained the situation. The Liverpool man was quite happy to return the shirt, while letting him keep his as well. Asked about it afterwards, Barry told BT Sport: "I nearly did (give my shirt a way) - but I remembered it was my debut shirt. "Credit to Fabinho, I got (his) shirt as well, so I've got both of them." Former Liverpool striker Michael Owen - working as a pundit at the game - said : "Fabinho gave him his shirt in the end, so he got two for the price of one. "It's a nice little moment and, do you know what, it often happens. Everyone's getting shirts and you think that's a souvenir for the future, when you actua lly forget what you've done in that match. "But that's your debut shirt - that's even more important than anything. That' ll be up on your wall forever." #fran -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Liverpool/M.1610184029.A.853.html
barney6211: 溫馨!Barry待過巴薩青訓,是昨天維拉陣中最有名氣的 01/09 17:51
cupidysean: 很棒 希望他可以繼續加油! 01/10 09:30
leeleeg: 他原本好像想要Thiago的,結果被拒絕,只好轉向Fab XD 01/10 10:37