看板 LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《l000kgw (o'_'o)》之銘言: : I had slept for caring of myself. 我對自己放了整晚的治癒,睡了一陣子 : I woke up early and i read all messages and comments. 然後早起之後把大家的留言和意見都讀過之後 : I got many points of view about this situation. 我開始能用不同的觀點來看待現在的情況 : So, I wanna explain what i wanted to tell you. 好,我想我得跟你們解釋點甚麼 : 1. I knew she was cheating on me and her ex. 我知道小雲劈了我跟Awei : After i met her, I asked him about her. 我遇到Awei之後我有跟他問點小雲的事情 : Me: "Hey, I met her yesterday. Is it okay to you?" O:「嘿我昨天有跟小雲碰面,你能接受嗎?」 : Him: "Yes, I don't care , she is not my girlfriend anymore." A:「當然可以啊,我不在意,反正她不是我女朋友了」 : "???? Hey wait, Did you meet her yesterday ?" A:「等等????你昨天跟她碰面?」 : "WTF, I broke up with her today morning." A:「你她媽的我今天早上才跟她分手欸」 : Me: "Ah... She is cheating on us... I can't believe..." O:「啊,她在我們之間周旋...真是難以置信」 : I talked with him and i was willing to be friend with him. 我跟Awei有了些進一步的交談,我願意跟他做好朋友 : He gave me many information about her like what she did. 他給了我一些關於小雲的消息,就像小雲也給過我Awei的一樣 : Then, I accepted all. 我可以接受,全部都坦得住 : 2. I know that toyz didn't mean to hurt me. 我知道Toyz不是有心要傷我啦 : This is why i tried to understand what he did to me. 這也就是為什麼我一直想要搞懂他幹嘛這樣 : I endured many times and I sent messages to him on friday. 我承受了他一堆的傷害然後我禮拜五終於密他 : But, It was too much and too hurt to me. 但,傷害已經造成,而且傷我很深 : I never want to play with uncomfortable feeling. 我壓根不想要帶著賭爛的心情來打比賽 : This is why i tried to quit my team. 這也是我試著離開HKE的原因 : 3. Someone said Her boyfriend didn't say any bad word to her. 有人說:「Awei根本沒有對小雲罵髒話啊」 : I heard what he said and i knew. 但我聽到了,我都知道 : Actually, He told the truth of her to viewers. 事實上,Awei和他的觀眾講到小雲的任何事情,都是真的 : I accepted that,too. 我也能接受 : I was good to hear that because i got more information from him. 對我來說,聽到那些本來不知道的消息也是一件好事 : But, I just didn't understand Why he posted "She is Bit**". 但我真的不懂,為什麼他要表示:小雲是個賤** : I know She did many bad things. 我真的知道小雲做了很多錯事 : (Two timers and Cheated on everyone) 腳踏兩條船然後一路瞞天過海 : It was so bad to him. I felt that and i broke up with my ex as same way , too. 這對Awei來說是晴天霹靂,我也曾經有這樣的感受,因為我跟我前女友也是這樣分的 : I could understand his feeling. 我完全能夠同理Awei : I meant that they loved each other once. 我的意思是:他們曾經相愛 : How to say that word to ex lover? 那怎麼有辦法對前任做出那樣的評論? : 4. Why i have kept relationship with her? 那我又為什麼要繼續跟小雲在人生的積分中雙排呢? : Actually, I realized She is not good girl. 說真的,我看得出她不是個好女孩 : But We promised that if she does something bad with her will , We will break : up for sure. 我們已經說好,只要她順從自己的渴望再次出那些拍歹幾,我們就分 : Then, I told her "You have to face your all mistakes and know what you did : wrong. " 我告訴小雲「妳必須面對妳所有的摸史,並且找出妳到底雷在哪裡」 : For example, When I knew She had wanted to make insurance before she broke up 舉例而言,當我知道她分手前就在策畫無縫接軌的時候 : I said to her " I know your way to meet other guy. But It's totally wrong. : It's too bad ". 我就直接告訴她:「我知道妳和其他男人應對的模式,真是大錯特錯又可惡至極」 : I didn't notice that I have many fans to support me. 我沒有跟她提說我有很多粉絲支持我的決定 : I am so sorry about what i did. 我對我的所作所為感到抱歉 : I won't delete my posts to awaken myself. 我不會再砍掉自己的文章來打醒自己了 : I will focus on my career and practice harder than before. 我會專注在我的電競生涯上,而且要比以前更專注練習 : Thank you for reading my post and caring of me. 謝謝大家願意看我的文章,而且關心我 : P.S I was so surprised to see that many people used english. 順帶一提,這麼多人會講英文真是嚇到我了 : Because It was hard to meet people who can speak english in taiwan. 因為我在台灣很難遇到有人會講英文的 : It was so great... 太爽辣... : After my tournaments, I really wanna study chinese to talk with my fans and : make jokes with my teammates. 等我的賽程結束,我認真想要學點中文來跟我的粉絲交談,然後開開我隊友的玩笑 : 求翻譯 >_< 林北要成為Olleh御用翻譯!!! 可是每次交卷都太慢RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 有錯誤拜託告訴我,讓我能夠好好修改 謝謝m(__)m --
jeffh :環流已經被破壞了,不太可能會增強....倒是要注意地07/22 17:44
hsr7016 :話說他如果離開台灣時北偏 那西南尾會不會也跟著帶進07/22 17:44
jeffh :形效應和風雨狀況了07/22 17:44
hsr7016 :來阿?07/22 17:44
jackshen32 :樓上很嗆07/22 17:46
hsr7016 :我只是把話講完阿....不要誤會阿QQ07/22 17:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1436834282.A.F4A.html
Aprildie : 88 07/14 08:38
kudoshaki : 掰 07/14 08:38
habbit24 : 88 XD 07/14 08:38
iphone55566 : GG 07/14 08:38
wssxxx : 888888888888 07/14 08:38
ros : 88 07/14 08:38
puddingsb : 跟我一樣翻的慢 07/14 08:38
NoPush : 施主自盡吧 07/14 08:38
FrankerZ : 88888888888 07/14 08:38
tmds : 施主請自盡 07/14 08:38
Waitaha : 888888888 07/14 08:38
Cchild : 真的8 07/14 08:38
byidsky : BOOM BOOM BOOM 07/14 08:38
kudoshaki : 至少你及時刪掉了(′・ω・‵) 07/14 08:38
haha109z : 再見 07/14 08:38
love83824 : 慢走不送 07/14 08:39
iceiceme : 被M了 真的要掰掰了 07/14 08:39
wssxxx : 御用翻譯翻這麼慢對嗎 07/14 08:39
LFTK : 你盡力了 不忍噓 07/14 08:39
PercyJackson: QQ各位 再見了 07/14 08:39
skhu1987 : wei開台了還不去聽在這發文 07/14 08:40
trextrex : GGGG 07/14 08:40
james11song : 爽啦 一堆愛跟風翻譯的 自以為猛 進桶玩水過暑假囉 07/14 08:41
fkmt : 8 07/14 08:41
PercyJackson: QQ我錯惹嗚嗚 07/14 08:41
teddy198909 : 晚了 07/14 08:41
m821014 : 真的八八八八八八八八八了 07/14 08:41
lkkoper : 球進不算 07/14 08:41
Aprildie : 到底沒事翻這幹嘛... 07/14 08:42
leochao101 : 88888887 07/14 08:43
anjohn : 翻譯一下賺個賭盤錢R 07/14 08:43
cena63104 : B1 07/14 08:43
ousen : 補血 但888888888888 07/14 08:43
ya1357977889: 我覺得你翻的滿好笑的XD 推一個 安心上路 07/14 08:44
OPOPPOP : 翻國小英文幹嘛.. 07/14 08:45
QoQEx : 哈哈 07/14 08:45
pulato16 : 這篇滿認真的 可惜了 07/14 08:45
FrankerZ : 你還是21小時之後再來吧 07/14 08:45
FrankerZ : 廢文翻譯大賽 比的是速度 07/14 08:46
cursedsoul : 靠北這種國中英文不用翻譯啦 07/14 08:47
natsu123 : 你只是晚了點 但你這篇的風格我喜歡XDD 07/14 08:48
SSAB : 88888888888888888 07/14 08:49
iaaf : 第三篇第三篇 07/14 08:49
SDDDS : B1 掰 07/14 08:50
permitswish : 推波西傑克森~~~ 07/14 08:51
MIDDLELIN : 翻這麼爛 速度又慢 07/14 08:53
sk1683fat : 8888888888888888 07/14 08:54
reivaxpop : 哈哈 推這篇 07/14 08:54
reivaxpop : 說真的這篇翻得不差喔 07/14 08:55
beastlcc12 : 不錯啊 比一堆有梗多了 07/14 08:55
Luber : b1 07/14 09:03
qoq0417 : 推一下 幹嘛噓人家啦~ 07/14 09:19
deo685 : 8888888888888 07/14 09:19
erosecs : B1 掰 07/14 09:20
gn01172011 : 你這次還是交卷太慢了 可惜 07/14 09:32
a8901012 : 你為什麼要自殺 07/14 09:45
LucAngel : 妳必須面對妳所有的摸史 XD 07/14 09:50
ab056921 : 88 07/14 09:53
BepHbin : 快自刪啊 07/14 09:59
a54534 : 8888888888888888888 07/14 10:17
purplecofe : 88888888888888888888888888888888 07/14 10:31
gamania31610: 888888888888888888888888888888888 07/14 10:33
love83824 : 怎麼還不刪 07/14 10:33
PercyJackson: 刪不掉啊QQ新手翻譯翻太慢就是要接受啊 07/14 10:39
mifxmax : B1 07/14 10:42
timmyjjljg : B1 88 07/14 10:43
timmyjjljg : 但是這篇翻譯很清楚:D 07/14 10:44
jim20031234 : 快D吧 不然要進桶了 07/14 11:10
Ferrarin : 暑假就是要進水桶玩水阿 不然...(咦?!) 07/14 11:30
kci9kimo : 8888888888888888888888 07/14 11:48
ShuHaoLin : 8888888還好我還沒開始翻 07/14 12:00
bores : 看到簡單的英文大家都搶著翻.... 07/14 13:18