看板 LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
連結:https://goo.gl/SKr8Ew 前幾天ESPN放出消息EU LCS將分成4個區域 隊伍可以自己選擇所屬地區城市 目前又更新了隊伍的初步選擇 懶人包: 倫敦: Fnatic,G2 Esports,Misfits,Splyce 柏林: Unicorns of Love,FC Schalke 04 Esports,Team ROCCAT 巴塞隆納: H2K Gaming,Giants Gaming 巴黎: Vitality 消息來源指出Riot的確是模仿足球歐冠聯賽 --- 這只是初步選擇 還可以變動 選擇倫敦的那四隊剛好就是向Riot申請加入NA LCS的那四隊 會不會過 目前不清楚 看來是很喜歡英文的朋友呢! --- 原文: With a format change to the European League of Legends Championship Series ahead, the 10 EU LCS-affiliated teams submitted their region preferences to Riot Games, league sources told ESPN. Four teams -- Fnatic, G2 Esports, Misfits and Splyce -- have asked to play in London; Unicorns of Love, FC Schalke 04 Esports and Team ROCCAT have chosen Berlin; H2K Gaming and Giants Gaming have opted for Barcelona, Spain; and Team Vitality pegged Paris as its home. hese city choices can be changed in the coming weeks, and the four regional leagues will round out their participants to reach six teams each, sources said. Expected members include an array of existing League of Legends teams outside of the EU LCS, European sports teams and new entrepreneurs who are interested in the opportunity to enter the League of Legends scene. Riot Games communicated its format changes in an owners meeting on Sunday at the Summer Split finals in Paris. Those changes include splitting the current EU LCS into four regions, upping the total number of participants to 24 across each region and creating a UEFA Champions League-inspired competition to complement the regional leagues. The changes come after back-and-forth among the community, team owners and Riot Games about the European LCS as it compares to North American LCS. In May, Riot announced the latter league was accepting applications for charter membership and since has received more than 100 applicants, sources said. Four of those applicants included the newly declared London teams, as reported by ESPN in August. Riot has had ongoing discussions about the future of the EU LCS and decided early on that it wanted to mirror soccer's UEFA Champions League, sources said. The future of the EU LCS, including revenue sharing details, have not been disclosed. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1504826647.A.7A0.html ※ 編輯: Harretly (, 09/08/2017 07:27:15
coox : 那應該只有倫敦區的比賽有收視率了 09/08 07:27
MotoDawn : 看來也跟足球一樣走豪門了 09/08 07:30
ying02 : 這賽制感覺走不遠 而且這分得超級不平均XD 09/08 07:30
SlamKai : 誰要當電競曼聯 電競皇馬 XD 09/08 07:34
sassuck : 巴黎只有一隊... 09/08 07:50
Softrella : 因為Brexit才選倫敦的吧XDD 09/08 07:58
b551122 : 倫敦區都是強隊 四選三嗎 09/08 08:02
kullan : 倫敦競爭激烈 09/08 08:08
tassadar1 : 就讓他們去NA嘛,這樣才有趣R 09/08 08:12
swbthj : 選倫敦 暗示想要脫歐 不意外 09/08 08:13
juicylove : 想去Na是哪篇呀 好勁爆沒跟到 09/08 08:14
cycling : G2的組織不是法國的嗎@@ 為何不選巴黎啊 09/08 08:17
ryanchen1234: 這樣eu na會差很多吧 強隊都去na了 09/08 08:18
amos30627 : 直接搬去NA組大聯盟吧 人多競爭力高 09/08 08:18
amos30627 : 說不定有辦法跟LCK一拼 09/08 08:19
Simon951434 : G2的組織起源是西班牙 09/08 08:29
Simon951434 : 就G2和H2K的選擇可能有別的考量吧 09/08 08:30
ja2200 : 這樣競爭力夠嗎?一個區域只有1個強對其他都弱隊 09/08 08:32
TempoStorm : FNATIC應該要去巴黎的 09/08 08:34
coolplus : 倫敦那區太強 巴黎太弱 09/08 08:34
cycling : 只知道G2 csgo是法國隊 09/08 08:52
qscgg : 還真的要玩?這樣不是一堆弱隊而已嗎@@ 09/08 08:52
ohiyo104 : 我看搬去全部na 組個美國檸檬 國家檸檬 好了 09/08 08:58
ringtweety : 不如合併LCL跟TCL 再加入莫斯科跟伊斯坦堡算了 09/08 09:05
squalljack : EU直接變成NA的次級聯賽啊 反正錢那麼少 弱隊又多 09/08 09:12
jason32320 : 法國槍男上星期才剛在DH奪冠,看k神屌打大眼就是爽 09/08 09:13
jschen01711 : 就跟LMS是LPL的次級聯賽ㄧ樣 09/08 09:16
doom3 : 沒平均分? 地區聯賽不是次級嗎 雖說沒降級了 09/08 09:50
swallow0327 : 錢少弱隊多還是是世界賽除了韓國隊成績最好的 qq 09/08 09:55
TempoStorm : 屁孩才會K神K神的叫 major小組淘汰還敢囂張 G2粉= 09/08 09:56
TempoStorm : 聖粉=墮粉 09/08 09:56
TempoStorm : G2粉=聖粉=火粉=墮粉 09/08 09:57
TempoStorm : G2粉=聖粉=墮粉=火粉 09/08 09:58
ja2200 : 有點像現在的GPL? 09/08 10:00
coolplus : 看來真的是選倫敦=脫歐xd 09/08 10:03
roncarrot : 可是倫敦不是歐洲 09/08 10:16
DKnex : fnc不是法國的嗎? 09/08 10:30
freshmints : H2K總部在英國 選倫敦蠻正常的吧 09/08 10:42
coolplus : 選英國的4隊都有提出申請去na h2k反而不是選倫敦 09/08 10:44
ap9xxx : 暗示脫歐XDD 09/08 11:21
lunar : FNC是英國公司啊 09/08 11:23
KYALUCARD : 英德體質還是比較好 法規也比較完善吧 09/08 11:50
KYALUCARD : G2雖然Oce是西班牙人 但他們總部在柏林 09/08 11:53
KYALUCARD : 大家都往倫敦柏林跑不意外 09/08 11:55
Rex1009 : 義大利表示:電競尤文圖斯呢 09/08 12:27
ian1996426 : 只有vit總部本來在法國吧 09/08 16:12