看板 LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/Olleh/status/1258846632939974657 Hi i have a idea about my streaming. I am curious about your thought. I wanna talk about 4 things from my experience. 1. @PainGaming 2. @HongKongEsports 3. @Immortals 4. @TeamLiquidLoL I will talk about everything with 100% honest. Whatever questions you can ask. 嗨,我對我的實況有個點子 我好奇你們的想法會是如何 我想以我的經驗談談以下四件事: 1.PNG 2.HKE 3.IMT 4.TL 我會百分之百誠實的談論一切 你們想問啥都可以 https://twitter.com/Olleh/status/1258853809301803008 to talk about all stuffs honestly.( +all sensitive stuffs) I am asking my former teammates if i can talk about it or not. I will open stream when everyone says yes. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. Thank you :) 為了誠實地談一切(加上所有敏感的事情) 我會問我的前隊友們我能不能在實況上講到這些 當大家都說OK時我就會開實況 我不想要有任何人感到不舒服 謝謝 :) -- 然後歐雷明天還會開慈善實況 https://twitter.com/Olleh/status/1258923420378513408 I'm going to make a charity stream to help other people dream come true. 1. 1 viewer = 1 USD 2. Randomly I will pick one person and listen to his dream. 3. And no matter what I will help him to get his dream. 4. I will show How much I make + spend 100percent on live stream. 我要開慈善實況來幫助他人達成夢想。 1.一個觀眾=一美金 2.我會隨機選一個人並聆聽他的夢想 3.無論如何我都會幫助他完成夢想 4.我會在直播中完全展示我賺了多少和花了多少 https://twitter.com/Olleh/status/1258924293783580673 + I will have talk show with my former teammates talking about my history, having fun! I am talking to my friends and please share it with friends. Don't worry about my money but let me help you. It's gonna be tommorow cuz I have to go to bank branch to unlock money limit. 我還會和我的前隊友一起談我的過往, 我會和我的朋友們一起聊聊,請你們分享給朋友們 別擔心我的錢夠不夠,讓我幫你們吧。 我會在明天開台,因為我要去銀行分行解鎖限額 https://twitter.com/Olleh/status/1258927510986715136 Please share my tweet. I will choose people who share on twitter and give money away too. Everything is gonna be on stream. Believe me or not it's up to you. Ok I will choose 10 people here and give 1000usd each. Everything is gonna be on stream. 請分享我的推文。 我也會挑出在推特上分享推文的網友並給他們錢。 一切都會在實況上展示。 信不信由你。 我會在這裡選出10個人,每個人送1000美金。 一切都會在實況上展示。因為很重要所以要講兩次 -- https://i.imgur.com/RhWQQ89.png
NL語錄:https://reurl.cc/k5bO2b 作者:政大歷史柴崎岳 提供大家刷頻用 BloodTrail -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1589003157.A.FFB.html
ITEegg : 歐雷大乾爹 05/09 13:47
※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 05/09/2020 13:52:14
Nuey : 白到發亮 05/09 13:53
Wardyal : 怎麼突然這麼聖光 好猛 05/09 13:57
jgps61203 : 沒有KT和GGS :( 05/09 13:58
rainnawind : 1000鎂...比紓困還好賺 05/09 14:07
N40805 : @Toyz @Dinter 05/09 14:18
qaz123505 : 歐雷紓困領起來 05/09 14:20
blastGG : 幫誰實現夢想 公車嗎 05/09 14:21
jayd8654 : 河蟹事件 05/09 14:24
frog0824 : 他怎麼了..... 05/09 14:25
karry0912 : 他不是富二代嗎 而且在北美打比賽 應該沒那麼缺$ 05/09 14:31
Siika : 原來他還在NA喔= = 05/09 14:33
king45682 : 比申請紓困還簡單 05/09 14:35
q347 : 幹 我都沒有領到錢 05/09 14:44
Atwo : 小雲配合度高嗎 05/09 14:47
chianlee98 : 樓上這真D敏感 05/09 14:49
justastupid : 是賺了多少美金 05/09 14:52
ccccclaude : 錢 05/09 15:00
philip81501 : 發錢漂白 依然噁心到吐 05/09 15:14
amsmsk : 笑死 比紓困簡單 05/09 15:15
NotBe21 : 問前隊友會問丁特嗎 05/09 15:50
pulululu : 錢 05/09 16:12
kevin110503 : 問心結 05/09 16:40
hn013579 : 可憐 05/09 17:05
BLTR : 錢 05/09 17:46
pomelo0129 : 隨便搞都比紓困還猛 05/09 18:19
Water0823 : 他是吃錯藥? 發錢加爆料? 05/09 19:09
sxcv : 他精神是不是有狀況阿 05/10 00:30
kelvin1105 : 反觀另外兩個前職業 05/10 01:52