看板 MARIAH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
首播日期:2020年11月13日 瑪莉亞,有妳的!那All in your mind demo版怎不收藏愛,那麼棒。 裡面在台上被瑪麗亞擁抱的歌迷留言了。還有人說前面她擁抱的合聲罹癌,她為合聲祈禱, 後來康復了。 For all the lambs who want to know what this moment felt like: Hey there, Boris here, the guy who was priviledged to hug Mariah back in 1996. That day, June 17th, was one of the greatest days of my life. I made that sign without ever expecting that my dream could ever come true. When she called me up on stage, I was in shock that I finally got to meet the beautiful angel that described my entire existance with her uncomparable songwriting and unmatched vocal abilities. All I wanted to do, is give her a stuffed animal lion I held in my hands throughout the entire concert, with a personal letter attached to it, describing how much her music changed my life. And I got to give it to her. I know she read it, because she mentioned it to the media the day after. I think I lack the appropriate words to describe how much this moment meant to me. At that moment, I was in shock, knees weak, speachless, and emotional. I remember turning around to get off the stage, and seeing thousands of lambs screaming and enjoying Mariah. For a split second, I got to experience how she feels when she's on stage. It must be an amazing feeling to give so much joy to so many people. I also got to talk to her for a few seconds after the concert, as she was going into her tour bus. All I know is that, despite what some media want you to think, she is one of the sweetest and down-to-earth people ever. I will ALWAYS be greatful to Mariah for this moment. She may not know it, but she changed my life that day. As a kid from a broken family, and many struggles I experienced in that period, this moment proved to me that nothing in life is impossible. "If you believe in yourself enough and know what you want, you're gonna make it happen". From the bottom of my heart, thank you Mariah. -- 對於欣賞創作型歌手的人,或是一個苦思中的創作者而言,相信她的作品一定能夠擴展你的 視野。    中島みゆき作品介紹會 https://www.facebook.com/miyukifanTW ________ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MARIAH/M.1605107712.A.504.html
mlunlun: 會的會的 金庫系列會一個一個公開 11/11 23:22
mlunlun: 我看錯了 沒收進藏愛 但應該遲早會公開XD 11/11 23:23
fendismiso: 阿鳥尾喔!MV要出土了!怎麼可以忍耐這麼久!? 11/11 23:56
honkwun: 嗚嗚嗚 瑪麗亞確實愛著小羊(被愛包圍) 11/12 00:12
wakeupzero: 天啊,竟然真的挖出來了,當時的風格ㄧ定陽春又保守, 11/12 00:23
wakeupzero: 但還是期待啊 11/12 00:23
IAmFreeAndU: 所以現在是告訴我們MV要在年輕時拍好 11/12 01:26
IAmFreeAndU: 老了再拿來用 11/12 01:26
IAmFreeAndU: 最好像VLOG一樣 以後慢慢剪輯 連修片錢都省下來 11/12 01:27
IAmFreeAndU: 髮型?服飾? 一律光頭裸體 這樣就沒人發現是何時拍的! 11/12 01:28
elmayuu: 當年覺得太胖的現在都算瘦!光膠原蛋白就大勝!俗氣的妝 11/12 01:53
elmayuu: 感衣服也能解釋為青澀!太高招! 11/12 01:53
honkwun: 當年風塵味哪有現在這麼重 11/12 14:15
mlunlun: 歐巡花絮 加 你歌伴唱 11/13 23:07
simen60713: 難怪沒有打MV,因為根本就順便拍的 11/13 23:12
honkwun: 可是覺得好看。 11/13 23:18
tmb2015: 很美!! 11/13 23:26
Rdkl1e9z: 原來香車配美人這對嘴老梗這麼年輕就在用,with u,save 11/14 00:59
Rdkl1e9z: the day等其來有自 11/14 00:59
Hermesnavy: 肥咪的mv和演唱會風格,真的到現在還是停留在90年代。 11/14 07:28
nokia6310: 當年很多隻mv都是這種風格啊~ 11/14 08:48
Hermesnavy: 現在肥咪風格還是一樣。演唱會幾個伴舞,背景放自己mv 11/14 09:24
Hermesnavy: . 就這樣唱歌. 11/14 09:24
IAmFreeAndU: 究竟是誰發明汽車? 我要搭乘時光機回去殺了他!!!!!! 11/14 09:24
IAmFreeAndU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUm48lPJPLc 11/14 09:27
IAmFreeAndU: Underneath the car 11/14 09:27
※ 編輯: honkwun ( 臺灣), 11/16/2020 20:27:43
happyjimmy: 這首的題材畫面跟ABMB太像,剪輯在一起看也不奇怪。 11/18 18:12
ie12345: 對 會自動聯想到她在盪鞦韆的畫面XD 11/24 18:43