看板 MIS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這事情我常幹, 下面以FortiGate 為例 假設你site A - 強國, site B - 不強的國 Site A:, Forti@254, Client 100~150 Site B:, Forti@254, WAN IP= 1. Site B Interface Mode, Site A Tunnel Mode Site A P1 config vpn ipsec phase1 edit "TO_B_P1" set interface "wan1" set mode aggressive set proposal 3des-sha1 set localid "thisisid" set remote-gw set psksecret ENC keykeykey next Site A P2 edit "TO_B_P2" set auto-negotiate enable set keepalive enable set phase1name "TO_B_P1" set proposal 3des-sha1 set src-subnet next Site B P1 config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "TO_A_P1" set type dynamic set interface "wan1" set mode aggressive set peertype one set proposal 3des-sha1 set peerid "thisisid" set psksecret ENC keykeykey next Site B P2 edit "To_A_P2" set keepalive enable set phase1name "TO_A_P1" set proposal 3des-sha1 next 2. Site A - GEO IP / Client Addr edit "IP_China" set type geography set country CN next edit "SITE_A_CLIENT" set type iprange set end-ip set start-ip next 3. Site A - Policy TO WAN For China IP edit xx set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "wan1" set srcaddr "SITE_A_CLIENT" set dstaddr "IP_China" set action accept set schedule "always" set service "ANY" set nat enable next 4. Site A - Policy TO WAN For Non-China IP via VPN edit xx+1 set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "wan1" set srcaddr "SITE_A_CLIENT" set dstaddr "all" set action ipsec set schedule "always" set service "ANY" set inbound enable set outbound enable set vpntunnel "TO_B_P1" next 5. Site B - Allow "SITE_A_CLIENT" to go to WAN edit xx set srcintf "TO_A_P1" set dstintf "wan1" set srcaddr "all" set dstaddr "all" set action accept set status disable set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set nat enable next So, 以上, Site A Client 端IP 出WAN的時候 自己會看dst IP 是不是 China, 不是的就跳到Site B 走Internet 5.0 的 Forti GEOIP會自己update, B繞回A的Policy 就自己加一下巴~ P.S. 此帖需配合 DNS 使用, 如果 DNS 已經遭受汙染, 那麼Client 就得要有個沒汙染的 DNS 能查, 跳板都通了應該不難 :) P.S.2 命令不完整, 意思到了就好了~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MIS/M.1437590850.A.ADC.html
megasteel: FORTI果然可以,但是很多公司都買二線便宜貨... 07/23 07:39
michaellai: 發現有小錯誤,不過不影響理論啦 XD 07/23 08:05
tnshoho: 原PO那篇我有推FG可解決,只是好像又回到原點..$$$$$$ 07/23 08:11
deadwood: 問題還是$$$吧...用公司內電腦架一台VPN server比較快 07/23 08:28
shuinedu: 本來就不一定要一線才能建好vpn呀 只是強國就....... 07/23 08:36
trumpete: 討論串M起來 以後整理到精華區 給強國台勞們參考 07/23 08:45
shuinedu: 強國封網的時候 或是一些情況發生 自建的會斷斷不續續 07/23 08:51
liskenny: 真慶幸當初強力要求主管花錢買Forti真是買對了 07/23 09:13
megasteel: 用一線是因為設定簡單 XD,得考慮人員能不能接手這件事 07/23 09:46
shuinedu: 有比一線的設備簡單的設定呀 你覺得cisco設定很快嗎? 07/23 10:49
michaellai: 二手的B代Forti很便宜,能跑4.0就有GeoIP了,可以考慮 07/23 14:28
michaellai: 一下! 07/23 14:28
megasteel: 感謝提供!! 來提報看看了 07/23 16:45
michaellai: 買二手的順便買備品喔 XD 07/23 16:56
megasteel: 總結出來了,還是沒辦法買,理由用的人、次數少,所以 07/23 18:36
megasteel: 用host to client的方式先使用 07/23 18:36