看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yankees made big try for Samardzija, finish second The Yankees, in need of a frontline starting pitcher with CC Sabathia out for the year, made a decent play for Cubs righthander Jeff Samardzija before he went to the A's in a six-player blockbuster, according to source familiar with the talks. The Yankees thought they made a good enough bid only to finish second, sources said. Losing out was a disappointment for the Yankees, who figure to have little hope of prying Rays star David Price from the division rival. The Yankees would surely look at Cliff Lee and Cole Hamels if they were to become available, but even the Yankees have a budget, and they liked Samardzija's contract situation better. Samardzija's salary in 2014 will be $5.345 million and he's eligible for arbitration in 2015, after which he's a free agent. Some next-tier possibilities might include John Danks, Jorge De La Rosa, Ian Kennedy and maybe Wade Miley. The Yankees' system is much improved but they didn't have the elite prospect to match shortstop Addison Russell, who became the centerpiece of the deal with Oakland. The Yankees' best prospects, according to a scout, are right-handed pitcher Luis Severino ("a young Pedro"), shortstop Abiatal Avelino (young upside athlete), Aaron Judge ("poor man's Giancarlo Stanton"), lefthanders Ian Clarkin and Manny Banuelos and rightander Rafael DePaula. They also have two catchers, Gary Sanchez and John Ryan Murphy, who was up earlier. The Yankees didn't want to include set-up man extraordinaire Dellin Betances and probably not Severino, either. But they did like Samardzija very much. The Marlins, Mariners, Dodgers and Angels were among teams thought to be interested in Samardzija. The Blue Jays had shown early interest but may be more interested in a rental, so Jason Hammel's inclusion in the A's deal might have hurt them more. Topics: CC Sabathia, Dellin Betances, Gary Sanchez, Jeff Samardzija, Manny Banuelos, Chicago Cubs, New York Yankees, Oakland Athletics, MLB -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1404706711.A.21F.html
OoyaoO:綠帽是被逼著出Russell的嗎 07/07 12:21
condition0:笑臉人拿出Francisco Lindor+Tyler Naquin+ 07/07 12:26
condition0:Danny Salazar 感覺這包跟A's差不多了 07/07 12:26
searoar:Ian Kennedy!!! 07/07 12:27
maxspeed150:笑臉人這包也好大 07/07 12:50
JakeMcGee:Lindor+Salazar!!! 07/07 12:55
Zamned:Russell的模板是power強大型的Barry Larkin。也有說是丁ete 07/07 13:00
Zamned:r。豆爺開地圖炮出來掃街了...... 07/07 13:01
chaolin:窮人版Stanton XDD 07/07 13:10
pasaword:笑臉人這包也好猛... 07/07 13:27
sin17:收集SS中 07/07 13:43
Sizemore24:錯了,笑臉不願意出 Lindor。 07/07 13:49
Sizemore24:而 Cubs 說若兩投都想要就必須出他,所以沒成交。 07/07 13:50
condition0:sorry 會錯意 07/07 13:59
Sizemore24:不會,若笑臉真的出到這包,結局定改。 07/07 14:16
secpeda:NYY沒有菜色可以換 只有鈔票人家也不跟你換 還是去玩FA吧 07/07 14:17
pasaword:笑臉這包不知道換不換的到Price 07/07 14:23
lwifbf:NYY還是FA去砸砸看Price 07/07 14:31
secpeda:沒有農場換只能玩FA 等大咖都交易完 FA市場也差不多沒人了 07/07 14:35
JakeMcGee:笑臉這包換Price當然可以阿XDD 07/07 14:37
EEERRIICC:Salazar很猛說 07/07 15:34
PlayStation3:Lindor+Salazar有夠大包的.. 07/07 16:45
sunnydragon7:光芒不會放Price到FA.會提前交易大掃貨,每次都這樣 07/07 18:10
epw:今年會再掃皇家一次嗎? Shields有點弱化 + 皇家今年還蠻有機會 07/07 18:15
cd12631:光芒當然不會放Price到FA 但是就算賣掉Price可能也不想和 07/07 18:18
cd12631:新球隊談續約 有可能想進FA試水溫 07/07 18:18
Edwardyu888:X哈哈,養雞什麼東西~ 07/07 19:04
BosRedsucks:樓上掰 07/07 19:05
BosRedsucks:補推 07/07 19:25
Levelmax99:鯊魚乍看好像綠帽名人堂投手 Dennis Eckersley 07/07 21:04
Levelmax99:都是長髮飄逸XD 07/07 21:04
Levelmax99:外加小鬍子 07/07 21:05
GP01:NYY農場現在沒什麼好貨,可能連被搶的資格都沒有... 07/07 22:10
bb5678:某基基迷還真敏感耶 07/07 22:16
mrkey:Theo 一定是要 "talents" 07/08 00:07