看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/pb4harc Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports that the Mets have told the Rockies that they want in on the bidding if Colorado ever decides to trade Troy Tulowitzki and/or Carlos Gonzalez. At least publicly, the Rockies have maintained a commitment to both players. However, there's some feeling that they could eventually change their mind, whether it be at the trade deadline or this offseason. The Mets have been shopping for a shortstop for a while now and have a bevy of pitching prospects, so they could be a fit. However, Sherman notes that Tulo has a no-trade clause and might prefer to play for the Yankees than the Mets. Sherman also adds that the Cardinals are "enamored with Tulowitzki and would move significant pieces to land him." Rest assured, there will be multiple team in on the bidding if Tulo and/or CarGo are put on the trade block. 梅子跑去問了Tulo跟CarGo 當然只是rumor 不過真的會讓COL願意同時賣掉這兩隻的條件,要怎樣的包裹才可以成立阿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1406262972.A.86C.html
ps20012001:應該只是開玩笑..(咦? 07/25 12:37
DavidWright:Tulo-Wright-CarGo 如夢幻般的中心棒次 07/25 12:38
sbbest:Harvey+Wheeler+Syndergaard 07/25 12:40
sbbest:不過這出去GM會被殺頭XD 07/25 12:40
metalguy:梅子有菜嗎= = 07/25 12:41
※ 編輯: OoyaoO (, 07/25/2014 12:42:31
seeyou1002:就這三隻似乎還不太夠 07/25 12:45
JessicaA1ba:不好意思 殺頭算便宜你惹 07/25 12:47
ps20012001:難說..兔肉傷病史實在耗損他太大 07/25 12:47
sin17:Tulo照往常一樣進DL了 07/25 12:53
lUlanJa:落磯外野人材濟濟 cargo搞不好有機會 07/25 12:55
cena0605:覺得CarCo會先走 07/25 12:58
secpeda:這麼大一包 要拿什麼來換? 07/25 13:00
HtheGod:這三個連線都不痛跟天使連線有得拼 07/25 13:03
tiger25:不要嚇人好嗎 07/25 13:03
CUTECNS:兔肉在洛磯都這麼容易受傷了,去梅子還得了(咦 07/25 13:16
Datow:打不過就把你納進DL 07/25 13:17
Tulowitzki2:外野人才濟濟但並沒有人能頂起CarGo跑打俱佳的進攻 07/25 13:26
Tulowitzki2:是說他們就算到落磯大概也會痛啦,落磯隊投手不只容易 07/25 13:27
Tulowitzki2:被打爆,健康通常也都不佳,手臂耗損嚴重 07/25 13:28
cd12631:Mets可出他們那堆有天分新秀投手去換吧 07/25 13:30
safetheho:差點把inqure看成acquire... 07/25 13:45
qozxcv:Tulo想去洋基吧 07/25 13:47
secpeda:nyy拿什麼換兔肉 吉拉迪嗎? 07/25 13:51
ipod7788:Harvey 梅子應該不會想丟吧 07/25 13:53
jchao:Tulo CarGo Wright Grandy 加上Duda好像打出來了 有點猛 07/25 14:00
ck3300511:可是投手都煥光了 07/25 14:02
KevinLiou:CarGo下山可能成績會下修很多.. 07/25 14:06
Tulowitzki2:樓上這話也可以套用在很多球員 Smith, Iannetta, 07/25 14:08
Tulowitzki2:Holliday唷~ 07/25 14:08
Tulowitzki2:他們在Rox的時候的確主客場落差很大,但這並不能推論 07/25 14:10
Tulowitzki2:成Rox的打者只會在山上打球...大部分的球員在主場的成 07/25 14:11
Tulowitzki2:績會比客場優異,這不僅限在某幾支球隊或特定人身上, 07/25 14:12
Tulowitzki2:只是Coors Field的特性把這個結果彰顯得更大了 07/25 14:12
Tulowitzki2:庫爾濕的威力不是只有球的飛行距離,還有對投手變化球 07/25 14:14
Tulowitzki2:的影響,本來能掉很多的曲球在庫爾濕都要效果打折,這 07/25 14:15
Tulowitzki2:樣的球場特性對打者的影響不可謂不小。但這就像吃藥一 07/25 14:16
Tulowitzki2:樣啊,沒那個實力的人吃再多藥都是打不好的啦,有實力 07/25 14:17
Tulowitzki2:的打者下山之後也能很快調回來 07/25 14:18
lahugh:誤看成acquire 07/25 14:23
PlayStation3:大都會DL 07/25 15:10
PlayStation3:虧一點Duda跟你換Votto 07/25 15:11
bh962603:以今年來看用Duda換Votto是真的有點虧XD 07/25 17:54
bluleaf:我也看成acquire 害我嚇了一下 = =+ 07/25 18:48
Romeo5566:acquire的話就飛天了 07/25 22:44
ripcity:互丟強打和巨投…不就只是變成紐約山和落機大都會了嗎= = 07/26 12:13
ripcity:梅子應該要丟農作物吧…雖然已近枯竭…… 07/26 12:13
rahim03:Holliday下山OPS+比在山上還高 下山真的會下修成績? 07/27 11:36