看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)》之銘言: : http://www.rotoworld.com/player/mlb/3223/josh-hamilton : TR Sullivan of MLB.com reports that the Rangers are close to acquiring Josh : Hamilton from the Angels. : A return to the Rangers is one destination that seems to make sense, though : Sullivan notes that there remains a lot of work to be done before a trade is : officially announced, which may not happen until Monday. Reports from SI.com : and Ken Rosenthal first noted that the Angels and Hamilton were close to : parting ways. The Halos will surely have to pick up a large portion of the : $83 million remaining on Hamilton's contract. 目前兩邊基本上談妥了 正在等相關人士同意: https://twitter.com/JeffFletcherOCR/status/592114803759386624 One reason Hamilton trade not done yet: 5 parties involved: Angels, Rangers, Hamilton, MLB, Players Assn. Lots of approvals needed. http://bit.ly/1HGAIyC A source said that the Rangers will be paying Hamilton in the range of $2 million to $3 million. They see the deal has having no risk financially. Angels will eat a significant chunk of the $83 million remaining on Hamilton’ s contract while receiving no players in return. 遊騎兵付出 $2M~$3M, 天使吃下 $83M 中的大部分, 而且不會拿回任何球員 Hamilton, according to reports, has agreed to forfeit some of the remaining money back to the Angels, and the union approved because the financial hit will be eased by Hamilton not having to pay state income tax in Texas. 因為德州不用繳州稅, Hamilton 會補償天使一些錢,球員工會也同意這樣做。 http://bit.ly/1HGFH2g The Rangers total investment in Josh Hamilton will come to less than $7 million – and could be far less than that, according to sources with knowledge of the talks. Hamilton entered the season with about $80.2 million remaining on his contract. The Angels, according to reports, are willing to take on about $68 million of the salary. Hamilton will sacrifice about $6 million on his own 目前還有 $80.2M, 遊騎兵吃少於 $7M, 天使吃 $68M, Hamilton 自己付 $6M -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1430022860.A.C5C.html
ocean11: 哇~~比昨天聽到的68M還多 04/26 12:36
EEERRIICC: ...... 04/26 12:38
pujos: 這說沒裸照我才不信,裸照都沒這麼好用吧-.- 04/26 12:38
JessicaA1ba: 猴子超哭哭 ;條子根本拔根毛而已 04/26 12:39
ChrisDavis: 根本超撈 04/26 12:39
sunchen0201: 是天使狠下心要丟掉 還是被迫不得不丟啊? 虧成這樣.. 04/26 12:40
linisthebest: 83 XDDDDDD 04/26 12:41
JButton: 這樣感覺條子賺很大....就算回不來也沒什麼損失 04/26 12:42
Alexander13: 我要寫一個慘字 04/26 12:45
kevev: 天使好慘 噴錢就為了丟掉毒蟲 04/26 12:45
ccpz: 大概一年打個5發 HR, 條子就賺回來了 04/26 12:47
folker: 這跟DFA沒兩樣了吧 04/26 12:47
EEERRIICC: 會接球 能把球打到外野 就可以了.. 04/26 12:48
Alexander13: 丟掉就算了,一不小心還有可能資敵 04/26 12:49
acd51874: 美西繼續戰國時代 04/26 12:50
o0991758566: 這樣好爽耶 居然付到83M XD 04/26 12:50
linisthebest: 世上最強臥底-黑米 04/26 12:51
SlamKai: 天使:黑米 以後對上我們 記得手下留情 Q_Q 04/26 12:51
azlbf: 不是只剩下83/3Y? 04/26 12:52
borriss: Hamilton也要出錢 XD 04/26 12:52
azlbf: 跟Amare一樣贖身嗎xd 04/26 12:52
kiddlau: 哇!!! 04/26 12:53
whalelover: 天使為了擺脫爛約常常這樣幹啊 像是GMJ或是Wells... 04/26 12:54
ccpz: 原文 83M 好像是指全部,我改一下 04/26 12:54
※ 編輯: ccpz (, 04/26/2015 12:59:06
whalelover: 應該是指吃下83M的大部分 04/26 12:55
c871111116: 他跟wells到底誰比較倫啊 04/26 12:58
KKyosuke: 是吃83M的大部分吧 04/26 12:58
godisgood: HAMMY比較倫吧 04/26 12:59
whalelover: 覺得Wells略勝一籌 04/26 12:59
Alexander13: Wells那個那次,把別人爛約搶過來吃,然後才丟掉... 04/26 13:00
linisthebest: wells至少還有手套 黑米還會抓了波 04/26 13:01
remix999: 條子真爽!天使基本上就是切心了…… 04/26 13:02
azlbf: 沒州稅球隊的先天優勢,但也要球員同意 04/26 13:03
sezna: 自費打球 04/26 13:18
bbo40453: 條子gm:計畫通! 04/26 13:19
o0991758566: 這樣條子還是賺翻 7M/3Y 就算直接砍掉也沒差XD 04/26 13:25
yrt3168: 黑米抓了波也是在條子的時候好嗎= = 04/26 13:41
krajicek: 只能說洛杉磯球隊真有錢 04/26 13:47
Seiran: 自費轉隊 04/26 13:47
corlos: 加州州稅太重了,所以表面薪水會高 04/26 13:48
O10lOl01O: 條子:壞了 50收 04/26 13:48
krajicek: 所以隔壁老大其實也沒有拿很多啊,考慮州稅的話 04/26 13:55
wahaha5678: 這樣看起來條子賺翻啦~ 04/26 14:21
SatoTakuma: 條子當初沒簽肥約給Hammy 真是神決策 04/26 14:31
finalmaple: 感覺就像條子買了一張大樂透 04/26 15:49
mannypo: 放黑米給天使簽還能回收 黑米這臥底太成功了 04/26 16:27
bkm1: 如果根本上不了台 佔一個40人名單外加7M 誰虧還不知道勒.... 04/26 16:51
terop: 真的大笑... 04/26 17:09
sikerkuaitai: 這跟直接released有什麼差別...? 04/26 17:16
lef1986: 差10M 04/26 17:21
KAIS: 怎麼沒差,10M很好用的... 04/26 19:32
vergilmir: 等等轉隊後回春 天使大概會氣死 04/26 19:35
krizarlid: 太搶了吧 ................... 04/26 21:55
GP01: Wells的交易TOR居然不用給任何一毛讓LAA全吃,還搶了拿胖 04/26 23:43
GP01: 不,應該說是被說瞎老爸無視的拿胖,最後換回同區猛打LAA 04/26 23:44
GP01: Wells的交易的後果應該比Hammy影響的多吧... 04/26 23:45
afulet: 自費轉隊是哪招... 04/27 10:05
seemoon2000: 83M XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/28 00:12