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Troy Tulowitzki considering asking Rockies for trade, per report http://goo.gl/J0Bbo2 By Chris Cotillo @ChrisCotillo on May 12, 2015, 6:23p Rckies' shortstop Troy Tulowitzki will meet with his agent on Thursday to discuss if it is time to ask the Rockies for a trade, according to a report from Joel Sherman of the New York Post. Agent Paul Cohen confirmed the meeting to Sherman, noting that pressure could be building on the Rockies' franchise to move Tulowitzki sooner than later: "It could get to the point for [owner] Dick Monfort and GM Jeff [Bridich] that the storyline every day with the team is when is Tulowitzki being traded," Cohen said. "That is negative for the franchise as the idea of trading the face of the franchise. They are smart enough to recognize they don ’t want that going forward." Rumors have swirled about Tulowitzki's availability for years, with the Cardinals, Yankees and Mets being among the most commonly-linked teams as the Rockies have continued to struggle. Tulowitzki's status as the face of the franchise has led to the club being reluctant to make a move involving him, though a new regime led by new general manager Jeff Bridich may finally lead to a trade being made. Bridich declined comment when asked by SB Nation about the report this afternoon. Tulowitzki, 30, has been excellent this season, hitting .307/.317/.495 with two homers despite the Rockies stumbling to an 11-17 record and losing their last nine games. He is under contract through the 2020 season at the price of roughly $110 million, meaning that a team with a big payroll would likely have to be the one to make a move. Sherman reports that the Yankees are not likely to trade for Tulowitzki, despite some early struggles from Didi Gregorius at the shortstop position. If he decides to ask the Rockies for a trade, Tulowitzki would likely have control over where he would be sent due to his strong relationship with Bridich and team owner Dick Monfort, who has been vocal about the team's commitment to helping Tulowitzki and star outfielder Carlos Gonzalez do what is best for their careers. Tulo's decision this week will have a massive impact on the trade market, potentially accelerating its forces more than two months before the July 31 trade deadline. 簡而言之他這次會很慎重的跟他的經紀人好好討論是否該跟洛基的高層會談了 不過當然,消息沒說死,畢竟有什麼意外很難說 只說兔肉考慮跟高層聊他或許該被交易的事情 但我相信大家都還記得,去年他就有表達想走的意願 還特地跑去洋基的比賽現場當觀眾給媒體拍 相信心已經是真的飛往別處了 所以~~下家會是哪呢? 相信到時搶人大戰會很精彩!! --
Superkidking:這裡有qn也太難了吧XD 10/13 04:29
hit10116:qn 10/13 07:27
iamyamashi:如果qn會來 我就吞樓上的____ 10/13 07:28
qn:iamyamashi 如你所願 什麼時候約一約表演給大家看阿10/13 08:16
whsh3310:這絕對有做成簽名檔的潛力...為啥qn連NBA_Film都會看..XD 10/13 08:25
看板:NBA_Film #1EbSBpF0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1431470154.A.8CD.html
secpeda: 梅子:屬性相符 我收(誤) 05/13 06:45
HolaDiego: 洋基不出手了嗎 05/13 07:11
dinos: NYY現在戰績還可以,應該不會急著換掉Didi或Drew 05/13 07:22
dinos: COL應該也不會想要拿兔肉換弟弟 05/13 07:31
nitrile: 痛痛院長當然要到大都會或遊騎兵 05/13 07:37
krjr24: 有Arenado可以賣兔肉了 05/13 07:52
OoyaoO: 會Fire sale一次把正副院長+猛牛賣掉嗎 05/13 08:09
fetoyeh: 對NYY來說入場時機根本不對吧 沒菜又不急 05/13 08:10
mrkey: NYM是要拿誰換啦XD 05/13 08:21
OoyaoO: NYM的菜不少吧 05/13 08:25
uranusjr: NYM 直接拿 deGrom + Plawecki + Nimmo 換不換? 05/13 08:48
Zuleta: 還是受不了了XD 05/13 08:49
uranusjr: 問拿誰換到底是在反串還是怎樣我都看不懂了 05/13 08:50
z1233218: 梅子會包這麼大包嗎 05/13 08:50
ultratimes: 友愛之邦:用我們的同捆包如何 05/13 08:54
rahim03: 他去洋基看比賽 是因為他是基特的球迷 去年要退休 05/13 09:18
steven211037: NYY根本沒菜換 就算錢 現在的NYY也不一定想出 05/13 09:30
corlos: 也要考慮兔肉強歸強,他的傷痛史也非常精彩啊 05/13 09:30
lyk191947: 如果派基特當說客說不定直接來了 05/13 09:38
jl3000x: 兔肉不是有些痛痛嗎? 05/13 09:45
king310184: 不是有些痛痛,是超級痛痛吧 05/13 09:53
alcard22: 兔肉的偶像是Jeter,退休前的比賽當然會去看啊 05/13 09:57
c87873334: 痛痛中的佼佼者 05/13 09:57
pttlolo: 還是痛痛 05/13 10:01
Yeeeha: major登板後維持一年小保養->一年進廠大修的規律 05/13 10:02
Yeeeha: 去年大修過 運氣好的話今年只是保養年 05/13 10:03
kenkenken31: 今年算稍微學會養生野球了~以前就拚超猛數據,然後就 05/13 10:18
kenkenken31: 進DL...... 05/13 10:19
TKW5566: 地方醫院需要院長? 05/13 10:19
JessicaA1ba: 川哥表示:就是愛洋基啦 05/13 10:35
edouard09: 早點吹就可以進我基了唉 05/13 10:46
JackSmith: 結果加入鳳凰城醫龍隊 (大誤) 05/13 10:52
tong70624: 來我基!! 05/13 11:14
secpeda: 身為一個專業的DL 選擇加入DL大隊也是很合理的 05/13 11:17
KKyosuke: DL大隊...條子要出手了嗎 05/13 11:27
Lacus0827: 綠帽修看看(? 05/13 11:35
bonjovi0930: 來我熊!要薪資有薪資要農場有農場,重演07洛磯傳奇 05/13 11:41
sonnyissonny: 一場經紀人瘋狂鼓吹身手 GM瘋狂酸他傷痛的拉鋸戰 05/13 12:14
rahim03: 扣掉第一年是打一半才升上來 以及今年還沒打完 05/13 12:27
rahim03: 他平均一年出賽也有11X場 不知道這樣算不算超級痛痛 05/13 12:27
rahim03: 當然如果只看最近幾年 12、14都算大修 是有比較痛 05/13 12:28
au3rupy3: 11X場就是平均一年要休快2個月了... 05/13 12:30
acd51874: 要打季後賽的球隊請慎重考慮... 兔肉那時可能在DL裡 05/13 13:09
vgil: 去蛇蛇吧 亞利桑那醫療品質讚 05/13 13:31
waiting0801: 強歸強但是痛痛病史...有些豐富= = 05/13 14:40
AndreEthier: 來我躲 05/13 14:45
hakk: 推 05/13 15:48
linisthebest: 去洋基養老別吧 05/13 16:01
hit10116: 簽名檔的那個人還沒吞我的____ 05/13 16:43
KKyosuke: 11X以一個先發野手來看是悲劇等級吧 05/13 16:59
KKyosuke: 幾乎等於每年要修掉1/3 05/13 16:59
wolf0531: 蠻痛痛的 05/13 18:02