看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文恕刪. 這是 FOX Sports 一週前關於 ASG 的專欄. 當時 Altuve 還是明星先發二壘. 原文網址: http://goo.gl/g5oH77 --- 'No shenanigans,' but Royals fans are overlooking a few good All-Stars Ken Rosenthal FOX Sports It's 1957 all over again, and the glorious stench of foul play is in the air. Everything is up to date in Kansas City, all right. Maybe a little too up to date, based on the fact that the Royals lead the American League All-Star balloting at seven of nine positions. This is not about stuffing the ballot box, the way Cincinnati fans did in ’57 to “elect” – heh-heh – seven Reds to the NL team. No, this is about a potential hacking of the electronic ballot box in the first year of exclusive online voting. And frankly, the threat to America here is bigger than the Kardashians, bigger than even the FIFA scandal. (Attention, Royals fans: By now, most of you probably can tell that I am writing this tongue-in-cheek. For those of you spoiling for a fight, and I don’t mean Yordano Ventura, imagine if it were seven Yankees or seven Red Sox leading the balloting. You’d be screaming for a government investigation of both MLB and my humble employers at FOX, not to mention the confiscation of every laptop in the eastern time zone. (Oh, and another thing: Worthy All-Stars in both leagues could get shafted if the entire state of Missouri continues its clicking crusade; Cardinals lead the NL voting at four positions due to the efforts of St. Louis’ self-proclaimed Best Fans in Baseball. I’ll get to the potential snubs in a moment. But for now, back to saving the ASG from Omar Infante.) Good citizen and fair-minded journalist that I am, I demanded an investigation Wednesday in a conversation with a top MLB official, knowing that three updates remain before the actual winners are announced. Yes, the Royals are the defending AL champions, the first-place team in the AL Central, etc., etc. But I suspect that the spawn of one of those manic number-crunching Royals fans – I’m looking at you, Rany Jazayerli! – is responsible for the craziness on the AL ballot. Alas, that MLB official – Bob Bowman, president for business and media – assured me there were no irregularities, no improprieties, no impish teenagers in the KC metropolitan area creating phony e-mail addresses and voting up to 35 times for every Royal but Amos Otis. “No,” Bowman said sternly. “We check on it. We look for programs. We look at IP addresses. We do all that. I would say over the last 12 to 15 years we’ve seen isolated instances (of tampering), more in the Final Man vote than in the All-Star vote. But if we see efforts like that, we always disallow it.” So, no matter how these elections turn out, commissioner Rob Manfred is not about to turn into Ford Frick, appoint non-Royals as starters and take away the fan vote. Frick, according to Wikipedia, discovered that half the ballots in ’57 came from Cincinnati and that the Cincinnati Enquirer had printed pre-marked ballots and distributed them inside their Sunday editions. Oh, for the days when newspapers had such power! Frick appointed Willie Mays and Hank Aaron to replace the Reds’ Gus Bell and Wally Post; Stan Musial had been the only non-Reds starter. The fans, meanwhile, did not regain the vote until 1970. The issues are just slightly different now, in the first year of all-digital balloting. “The vote totals are twice as high as last year,” Bowman said. “We have 50 percent more people voting 50 percent more often, so it’s almost 100 percent in terms of vote totals. That, more than Kansas City or even St. Louis, is what has caught our eye. We’ve been scrubbing it every day and haven’t seen anything irregular.” Bowman was referring to the voting procedures, not the actual votes themselves. No less an authority than Tigers left-hander David Price tweeted on Wednesday: “MLB please do something about the Allstate voting (Yes, auto-correct nailed even Price). Not that it’s funny but it’s kind of a joke. #VOTEMIGGY.” Price added in another tweet, “An All-Star Game IS NOT a popularity contest . . . It’s for home-field advantage for whatever reason) for the World Series!! Best players play.” No, not true, David. The ASG is a classic hodgepodge of mixed messages. The fan vote is, in essence, a popularity contest. And if the game truly was for the best players, baseball would change the rule requiring that every team be represented. But let’s go over some of the most glaring atrocities, starting with the one rankling Price most: * AL first base. The Royals’ Eric Hosmer leads Miguel Cabrera by more than 500,000 votes. Hosmer is a fine player. But Cabrera ranks first in the AL in OPS, Hosmer 13th. * AL second base. The Astros’ Jose Altuve is the leader despite his .540 OPS since May 10. Infante, who has the second-lowest OPS in the entire AL, is 1.5 million votes ahead of the Indians’ Jason Kipnis, who is the major-league leader at second base in that statistic. To top it all off, Infante actually is gaining on Altuve! * AL third base. The Royals’ Mike Moustakas is a very good player enjoying a terrific season. The Blue Jays’ Josh Donaldson is an even better player enjoying an even better season. Moustakas leads Donaldson by 1.7 million votes. * AL designated hitter. The Mariners’ Nelson Cruz leads the AL with 18 homers – and trails the Royals’ Kendrys Morales by 141,513 votes. * AL catcher. Can’t quibble too much; Salvador Perez arguably is the Royals’ most important player. Still, the Athletics’ Stephen Vogt has superior offensive numbers to Perez yet only half the votes. * AL outfield. The Royals’ Lorenzo Cain is the top vote-getter, more than 500,000 ahead of the Angels’ Mike Trout. No big deal – Trout still would be a starter – but can someone please explain how KC’s Alex Rios is fourth, more than 300,000 votes ahead of the Orioles’ Adam Jones, when he has appeared in only 15 games all season? * NL second base. The Marlins’ Dee Gordon leads the majors with 88 hits, ranks second with 20 stolen bases and fifth with 10 defensive runs saved. Yet, Gordon is only 113,058 votes ahead of the Cardinals’ Kolten Wong. * NL outfield. The Nationals’ Bryce Harper, Cardinals’ Matt Holliday and Marlins’ Giancarlo Stanton are the three leading vote-getters, which is at it should be. But I don’t want to live in a world in which the Giants’ Nori Aoki – a former Royal, of course – is only 46,902 votes behind Stanton. “I would say this about Kansas City,” Bowman said. “If you watch a game or go out there, they have been pushing it hard from Day 1. During their TV broadcasts, during their radio broadcasts, they’ve got everyone in their infrastructure pushing Kansas City players.” The Royals’ local TV ratings on FOX Sports Kansas City are the highest in baseball, though the size of the market means the actual number of viewers ranks lower. “It’s early,” Bowman said. “Nobody’s assuming this is the way it’s going to end. But it’s kind of exciting. You can make an argument for a lot of those players, maybe you can make an argument for somebody else who deserves to be there. But a lot of those players obviously deserve to be where they are. “That’s what it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be about fans getting involved, getting behind it. There are no shenanigans going on, just the involvement and energy of the Kansas City fans. Not just in Kansas City, but nationwide. They kind of charmed the nation last year. They didn’t win, but they kind of got the A-plus in the charm and modeling category.” Bowman’s analogy is appropriate, seeing as how the All-Star balloting is one big beauty pageant. Keep it up, KC. You look absolutely lovely. Just never complain about big-market influence again! --- 所以呢? Bowman 表示, 沒有不合規則的灌票, 沒有系統被駭的問題; AL 先發名單就是 KC 迷很努力投票的成果啊. 而且皇家隊似乎贏得了全美的好感, 看起來大家都來幫忙投哩. 那麼還是老話一句: 想這麼投的可以這麼投, 沒人禁止; 而既然別人無法否決你們投出來的先發名單, 讓人討論一下都不行嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1434465821.A.1AC.html
KayRain: 就都給他們打阿 大部分球員都比較想放假吧 06/16 22:48
flamelight: 狗吠火車 給他們打到爽 06/16 22:48
sam105251: 柱仔姊效應? 06/16 22:48
Brothre23: 樓下Hector 06/16 22:49
RaXePhOnZeRo: 反正明年還持續同樣的方式 mlb官方就會是他x的白痴 06/16 22:51
sam9595: 網路投票這種不反應人氣的事,我建議T恤賣出數也加入投 06/16 22:51
sam9595: 票數! 06/16 22:51
RaXePhOnZeRo: 看看今年怎麼收尾 06/16 22:51
Hector: 可以理性討論 謾罵球員就不必了吧 至於既然認為這是不合理 06/16 22:53
Hector: 的投票結果 為什麼不去找多一點人把票投給更合理的球員? 06/16 22:54
Mooooose: 所以,就是說你為什麼不去灌票呢? 06/16 22:55
Hector: Price幹譙完也是希望大家支持Miggy而不會說那就去投Hos吧 06/16 22:56
flywater: 因為民情不同,該想辦法補救的應該是美國人才是 06/16 22:57
luguei: 因為我知道的美國鄉民也很想順水推舟啊 XD 06/16 22:59
Hector: 投票是每個球迷相同且平等的權益 投Hos不投Miggy就叫灌票? 06/16 23:00
Mooooose: Infante跟Rios那種成績配上票數不能講灌票? 06/16 23:01
luguei: 欸, 我沒有說灌票喔, 我上面post是說"努力投票的結果" 06/16 23:01
Hector: 好吧 既然不願意想辦法改變 讓所謂更合理的球員先發 那就 06/16 23:02
Mooooose: 可以這樣投阿,那就是灌票的結果 有什麼問題? 06/16 23:02
luguei: 其實我覺得最奇怪的一點是, 這投票台灣球迷真的只有看 06/16 23:02
Hector: 等著看聯盟怎麼打算囉 又或者是繼續裝傻下去 XDDDD 06/16 23:02
Mooooose: 你覺得不是灌票,是偉大的KC迷努力的結果 that's fine 06/16 23:03
luguei: 美國球迷投票結果,然後在一旁喊燒的份(台灣MLB球迷有多少? 06/16 23:03
luguei: 也就是說我們只能打打嘴砲,Hector大一直要我們去"合理化" 06/16 23:04
Hector: 花時間在這邊說文解字沒有意義 那你說是灌票就是灌票囉 XD 06/16 23:05
Brothre23: 反正某人就是覺得皇家迷迷"努力投票"好棒棒 我們這些其 06/16 23:05
Brothre23: 他隊的球迷沒辦法幫自家球員或者說所謂更合理的球員爭 06/16 23:06
Brothre23: 取到先發席次都是自己的問題 以上 06/16 23:06
bgp915117: 查無不法 蟹蟹指教 06/16 23:06
luguei: AL ASG 先發名單, 好像搞錯角色了吧 XD 06/16 23:07
Mooooose: 要像他們一樣每天都投給OPS+37的球員35票 我還真的不行 06/16 23:08
Mooooose: 就這點來說,我是很佩服的 06/16 23:08
Brothre23: 樓上說到重點惹 06/16 23:09
Hector: 我的意思是 很簡單啊 如果Miggy比Hos合理 那就是多投Miggy 06/16 23:10
luguei: Hector兄你跟我們講沒有用啦,台灣MLB迷加一加還不見得 06/16 23:10
luguei: 比 Royals 迷多咧 06/16 23:11
Hector: 不是所有投票的球迷都是精通各項數據 像這裡的一些大大 06/16 23:11
Hector: 他天天看到Salvy Hos Moose...所以他心中就覺得他們是明星 06/16 23:12
flamelight: 孩子的教育不能等 06/16 23:12
Hector: 至於你說Infante 或許就是勾了球隊提示 純粹是懶得改了吧 06/16 23:13
Brothre23: 好吧 其他人就算了 我還以為Infante的OPS還挺好理解的 06/16 23:13
barry20025: 我還以為打擊率跟全壘打數算是很好理解的 06/16 23:14
Mooooose: Perez Hosmer Moustakas的成績是夠格進AS的 我沒有意見 06/16 23:14
Hector: 所以就是前面提過的 既然沒有很健全的投票方式 那就是拿掉 06/16 23:15
KAIS: 說穿就跟爪爪迷一樣阿,很多人愛酸爪迷當然就很多人愛酸那些K 06/16 23:15
KAIS: C迷 06/16 23:15
Hector: 決定WS主場優勢這點 爭議就會小很多了 06/16 23:15
luguei: 不過說到這個, 亞特蘭大斧頭隊的宣導相比之下真的很差, 06/16 23:17
da452nny: 我只想看電動裡才會出現的明星大堆頭 WS主場優勢就還好 06/16 23:17
luguei: 今年轉播球賽的談話頭好像都沒有在催票 06/16 23:18
sylviehsiang: 發個教學文 大家一起來灌啊 本版流動人口少說也有一 06/16 23:18
sylviehsiang: 千人吧 06/16 23:18
Brothre23: 癥結點不在WS主場優勢吧 大家想看OPS+37的人打明星賽? 06/16 23:19
sylviehsiang: 我是很好奇賭盤到時候開出來會多好笑 06/16 23:19
Mooooose: KC迷想阿,也努力的投票了 06/16 23:19
Hector: 或許對於某些大城市球隊來說 真的比較不care明星賽 甚至 06/16 23:20
Hector: ㄧ些球員 會覺得利用這幾天好好休息比較值得 但對KC來說 06/16 23:20
alankira: Hector:是整個體制的問題,不要怪灌票的球迷 這樣? 06/16 23:21
Hector: 球迷已經悶了20幾年 可以從今年進場人數暴增看得出來 06/16 23:22
Brothre23: 綠帽迷難道不在乎嗎 去年好不容易出了Donaldson這個ASG 06/16 23:22
da452nny: KC迷想要明星先發 但非得要灌出整隊都KC嗎= = 06/16 23:22
luguei: Hector兄的意思是,這是投票的結果,別酸皇家隊,別酸 06/16 23:23
Brothre23: 先發 今年Vogt終於break out 球迷當然也想送他進明星賽 06/16 23:23
Hector: 應該是說投票方式 目前就是這樣 除非有人為因素介入 不然 06/16 23:24
Brothre23: 啊 誰知道前面殺出Perez這程咬金 至少論打擊我敢說Vogt 06/16 23:24
luguei: 皇家隊球員,也別酸投出這份先發名單的人,只能怪無力阻止 06/16 23:24
RBaldelli: KC拳擊迷悶了這麼久就讓他們爽一下啊 06/16 23:24
da452nny: 往年也有同一隊很多球員進先發的 也沒被酸成這樣 06/16 23:24
KAIS: 爪爪迷也是只要黃袍加身就是明星無誤 06/16 23:24
Hector: 我覺得 每一張不管任何原因所投的票都應該予以尊重 06/16 23:24
luguei: 這種先發名單出現的其他球迷 06/16 23:24
Brothre23: 絕對不輸Perez 但是輸給皇家迷的"投票"也只有認了 06/16 23:24
alankira: 沒問題啊,如果大多數"球迷"都認為Infante比Altur更有資 06/16 23:25
luguei: 又沒人不尊重投票結果,你有看到有人在喊選舉無效嗎? XD 06/16 23:26
alankira: 格進明星賽的話,但看起來比較像皇家迷+看熱鬧的球迷 06/16 23:28
KAIS: 尊重球員是應該的,Infante是無辜的,但不能酸球迷對球員超過 06/16 23:29
alankira: 的結果,現在看Infante可以到這麼前面連我都想投他了XD 06/16 23:29
KAIS: 其表現的愛有點海巡,你可以說別人酸葡萄但人家也有酸葡萄的 06/16 23:29
KAIS: 自由,就跟KC迷有其投票自由一樣 06/16 23:29
luguei: 可是看到Infante拿的票比Altuve/Kipnis高,不可以笑嗎? ~"~ 06/16 23:29
JustinIdiot: 是阿 可是Vogt的守備跟Perez不太能比吧 你舉其他的吧 06/16 23:32
Hector: 可以笑啊 後者我也覺得他的票低到不合理 那笑完就快去投啊 06/16 23:32
da452nny: 投不贏啊 先發給你 給我們笑一笑酸一酸總行吧 06/16 23:32
fountainNess: 在兩者成績差不多的情況下(都值得明星賽)輸在投 06/16 23:33
fountainNess: 票也只能認了,而且Perez是第一高票,因此大家不是 06/16 23:36
alankira: 不用投啊...我很期待這次官方的反應XD 06/16 23:36
fountainNess: 投Gordon順便投Perez(英方鐵應該就是這個情況) 06/16 23:36
fountainNess: 英方鐵這種成績害原本應先發的未先發,應入選而沒入 06/16 23:37
fountainNess: 選的才該鞭吧 06/16 23:38
RBaldelli: 投成這樣最幹的應該是FOX 06/16 23:40
Sechslee: 查無不法 謝謝指教 06/16 23:46
JustinIdiot: 我認為決定主場不需要改過 是投票方式需要改變 像今 06/16 23:46
JustinIdiot: 年這樣的方式 投票者稍微有心就可以造成這樣的結果 06/16 23:46
Sechslee: 等收視率出來 就會知道誰的褲子漂走 06/16 23:46
JustinIdiot: 因為不是所有人都會完全善用自己的權利 06/16 23:46
flamelight: 皇迷根本不care那個,舒服得很呢 06/17 00:01
sam9595: 呵呵 用這種方式選總統 也會有人說大家公平你怎麼不灌 06/17 00:03
Joanry: 今年又不是在黃家比賽 灌成這樣有點難看 06/17 00:56
l5i9hbba: 支持皇家啦 快點拉下鱒魚 06/17 00:56
maxspeed150: 皇迷還很囂張耶 當然只好繼續票投皇家教訓 06/17 01:00
snth0705: 偉大的KC迷迷投票辛苦了 06/17 01:20
DerekJeter02: 投票又不用錢 就盡量投阿~~XD制度本來就是要衝撞的 06/17 01:21
sft005: 認真覺得網路投票這種低成本的形式很不合理 06/17 02:07
sft005: 要搞清楚真正的客群在哪裡 這樣投票才有意義 06/17 02:08
sft005: 網路隨便灌灌 導致轉播收視降低 官方就會知道問題了 06/17 02:09
sft005: 甚至到底有多少人會去買票看這現場都有很大問題 06/17 02:10
sft005: 所以請支持MLB總選舉制度,買球衣才有投票權!! 06/17 02:11
luguei: 推總選舉XD買球衣附選票(可以順便附簽名券嗎)(有球場盤嗎) 06/17 02:15
bravefan: 誰叫遊戲規則要定成網路投票? 如果用進場一人一票應該 06/17 08:18
bravefan: 也不會這麼極端啦。至於人家KC迷在乎這件事,所以有足夠 06/17 08:19
bravefan: 多的人去"灌票"造成這結果,對此不滿的也可以發起灌第二 06/17 08:20
bravefan: 名的方式看能不能逆轉啊? 既然就沒有足夠的人願意去行動 06/17 08:20
bravefan: 代表就是相對來說沒那麼在乎,那還有什麼好說的。 06/17 08:21
bravefan: 原本的明星賽本來就不是有多少人重視或者一定收看,現在 06/17 08:22
bravefan: 這樣KC的球迷一定看,愛看熱鬧跟著灌票的可能也會想看 06/17 08:23
bravefan: 總之遊戲規則這樣定,有什麼資格可以不屑KC迷投自家人呢 06/17 08:24
bestteam: 總選舉讓我覺得秋元康真是撈錢天才 06/17 08:46
a2156700: 不是說是國聯投的嗎XDDD 06/17 18:48
pkajames: 用進場ㄧ人ㄧ票的話 乍聽不錯 但我芒什麼時候可以有人進 06/17 19:08
randolph499: 支持瘋邦先發 06/17 21:05