看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/07Q3JC Police report: Aroldis Chapman fired gunshots, 'choked' girlfriend in domestic incident Cincinnati Reds closer Aroldis Chapman allegedly fired eight gunshots in the garage of his Miami-area home following an October argument with his girlfriend in which she told police he “choked” her and pushed her against a wall, according to police reports obtained by Yahoo Sports. No arrests were made after the incident, in which more than a dozen police officers were dispatched to Chapman’s home in Davie, Fla., around 11 p.m. on Oct. 30. Chapman’s girlfriend exited the house and hid in bushes following the argument that stemmed from something she found on Chapman’s cellphone, according to the police report. "I've reviewed the facts as portrayed," Jay Reisinger, Chapman’s attorney, told Yahoo Sports on Monday night. "On behalf of Mr. Chapman, we vehemently deny the allegations as stated. Beyond that, we have no further comment at this time." The Reds through a spokesman declined to comment when asked about the alleged incident. The Reds have attempted to trade Chapman in recent weeks and were believed to have completed a trade with the Los Angeles Dodgers on Monday until word of the incident held up the deal, sources told Yahoo Sports. Through a spokesman, Major League Baseball confirmed to Yahoo Sports that it would investigate the incident. 文章很長就不貼了 應該沒有死傷發生 "Choked"意近"勒脖子" 最慘應該是殺人未遂吧... 吵架原因據女方說法是在Chapman手機看到"不好"的東西 On Dec. 3, four days after the incident, police spoke with Assistant State Attorney Marcie Zaccor, who said “due to conflicting stories, no cooperating witnesses, and no physical injuries, there is insufficient evidence to charge Mr. Chapman with simple battery,” according to the report. 證據似乎不足,不足以控告Chapman "battery" battery在英美侵權行為法上是故意對他人施加身體暴力的行為 補充:battery的重點在於為行為時是帶有敵意(hostile)的,行為不一定要很抱「暴力」或 造成傷害 MLB會介入調查這起事件,交易還沒完成 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1449542980.A.D89.html
jaysuzuki: ...... 12/08 10:50
stevenchiang: 看來能跟Puig成為好友 12/08 10:50
atmmaxing: 這下子道奇熱鬧了 12/08 10:50
yankees733: 原來Chapman這麼猛! 12/08 10:51
barber: 這也太扯,道奇要哭哭了!? 12/08 10:51
Pennyjr: 道奇休息區會不會越來越忙 12/08 10:52
OnlyTD: ...................................................... 12/08 10:52
zxc60804: 道奇:WTF 12/08 10:52
KISSFORMISS: 三小.....這還能打球嗎.... 12/08 10:52
bestteam: 道奇交易能反悔嗎? 不然一來就被禁賽的話 不就白了 12/08 10:52
zxc60804: 書僮:吹密 12/08 10:52
jackeynt: 看來Puig有伴了 12/08 10:52
d123xxx: 別說我不留情 子彈已經比我球還慢了!! 12/08 10:53
c871111116: 走了ZG又來一個古巴人 溥儀表示欣慰 12/08 10:53
zxc60804: 書僮 12/08 10:53
GardenLost: 古巴有古巴的玩法 12/08 10:53
atmmaxing: 希望把梅子的古巴人也全部弄來道奇 我要看暗黑武術會 12/08 10:54
barber: 交易還沒完成的樣子... 12/08 10:54
curtis920: 以毒攻毒負負得正 12/08 10:55
Anakin: 道奇又還沒確定交易到Chapman 12/08 10:55
TSbb: ZG:好在脫逃 12/08 10:56
kao14: 以為是用下面對女友開八槍 原來是真槍… 12/08 10:56
fireguard119: 怎麼古巴人的問題這麼多啊 12/08 10:56
corlos: 書僮可以跳脫嗎?wwwwwwwww 12/08 10:57
krajicek: 會不會被控告殺人未遂啊? 12/08 10:58
kao14: puig: 少了個礙眼的ZG 來了個氣味相投的同鄉 爽爽爽 12/08 10:59
damo45012: ...... 12/08 11:00
saiulbb: 好可怕QQ 12/08 11:01
yankees733: 道奇還想交易他來,休息室有他跟Puig兩個人鬧就夠了 12/08 11:01
LucasDuda: 殺小啦... 12/08 11:02
KAIS: 躲人是不是在追Jose Fernandez? 嘿嘿 12/08 11:02
kuaiphoto: WTF............. 12/08 11:05
uranusjr: 八卦點在這件事發生在十月底, 隔了超過一個月才爆出來 12/08 11:05
mamaya3: 希望Kuma回頭是岸 12/08 11:05
JessicaA1ba: 躲人:負負得正, 懂? 12/08 11:06
starcry: 不知道他開槍打人跟拿球丟人哪個比較嚴重 12/08 11:07
chaos21: ......................... 12/08 11:07
usausausa: 寶貝碰表示: 汝也懂鎖喉??? 12/08 11:08
fountainNess:轉錄至看板 Baseball 12/08 11:10
s90523: .......還好ZG走了 12/08 11:10
Ken Rosenthal @Ken_Rosenthal 23秒23 秒前 查看翻譯 Source confirms report from Yahoo that Chapman trade is indeed being held up by domestic-violence allegation against Chapman. 交易因為被控告而延宕。 (好險我蛇731沒買...)
LucasDuda: 其實是Jansen爆的料XD (誤 12/08 11:11
MrNeverDie: 樓上XDD 12/08 11:12
fountainNess: 超陰謀論 12/08 11:13
Jeffrey0221: 這樣是道奇知道這件事後還是交易哦? 12/08 11:14
Raskolnikov: LA果然是問題球員的聚集地 12/08 11:14
msekili: 古巴人性格都不好嗎? 12/08 11:15
zippy: 天啊… 12/08 11:17
lahugh: 負負得正 12/08 11:18
BerwickSt: 就算拿了大約也不用開槍慶祝啊... 12/08 11:21
SlamKai: 道奇還要組古巴ALL STAR嗎? ( ′-`)y-~ 12/08 11:21
taker627: 幫道奇默哀三分鐘 12/08 11:22
jackys313: Abreu人蠻不錯的阿, JoFz覺得是被大魚抹黑的== 12/08 11:25
kauw: 書僮你當心點 亂放話有生命危險 古巴幫進攻囉.. 12/08 11:31
epw: 道奇: Sssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 12/08 11:32
epw: Ja**en : I know what your girlfriend did last summer.... 12/08 11:33
Heimdallwind: 道奇是要養蠱王出來殺四方的概念 這卦真猛! 12/08 11:33
※ 編輯: fountainNess (, 12/08/2015 11:40:20
eon4: 古巴人真的很會鬧XDD 12/08 11:39
erotica: 還是亞洲球員好管理 快簽曹錦輝吧 12/08 11:41
mygoing: Luig:我的好朋友不來了嗎? 12/08 11:41
mygoing: 名字打錯 Puig 12/08 11:42
austin7037: 躲人不ey 12/08 11:48
haruhi5566: Jansen: 12/08 11:52
bryant780417: 台灣的只會去花錢光明正大玩女人 不會拿槍硬幹唷 12/08 12:03
b5023556: ...... 12/08 12:11
ultratimes: 道奇順便和費城談談寶貝碰吧,看壓不壓得住古巴人 12/08 12:17
greenpeace21: 應該說"叛逃出去"的古巴球員性格有問題的比例高 12/08 12:18
greenpeace21: 畢竟是寧可捨棄母國家人朋友師長.... 12/08 12:19
ericf129: ... 12/08 12:21
epw: 道德野球又要開始了? ._.? 那這幾年年叛逃出來的一整群都是? 12/08 12:21
sky419012: Abreu個性內斂 愛看書 12/08 12:21
JButton: 這是拍電影吧 12/08 12:21
ultratimes: 道奇:好可怕,簽個寶貝碰管管他們好了 (?) 12/08 12:26
edhuang: 這是三小…… 12/08 12:51
KKyosuke: Choked要翻譯的話就是鎖喉啊 12/08 12:53
mightymouse: 叛逃的如果取得美國籍可以把家人接走嗎? 12/08 12:56
Lacus0827: 道奇休息室我懷疑被做法 12/08 13:02
kjkent: 還不簽放肆火來當教頭嗎? 12/08 13:07
BerwickSt: 蒙大拿 12/08 13:09
kamihio: 不簡單..... 12/08 13:15
vgil: 簽放肆火+1 當士官長 12/08 13:28
corlos: 放肆火不是去打業餘美式足球了嗎 12/08 13:34
linisthebest: 書僮會不會被帶壞 12/08 13:34
shoshobe: https://youtu.be/L1tElJeameg Chapman對Swisher 12/08 13:49
peterhuo: 為什麼這麼晚才曝光?十月底的事了,跟轉隊有關嗎 12/08 14:09
Allenichiro: 把Carlos Zambrano、Michael Barrett、AJP都簽一簽啊 12/08 14:33
aa10252233: 古巴人都好狂 12/08 14:46
Zuleta: 不意外吧 他還蠻多事情的 12/08 14:46
Zuleta: 以前也開車超速開到150km被警察抓過 12/08 14:46
bkm1: Chen<--乖男孩,不開個100M/6y給他嗎! 12/08 15:07
Jeffrey0221: 簽寶貝碰跟費城談????? 12/08 15:19
ypw: 車速不能低於球速的意思嗎? 12/08 15:29
tupacshkur: 哇靠 12/08 15:35
mess: 才150KM? 12/08 15:37
GordonJordan: 對女友投了八球? 12/08 15:49
j12289368800: Chapman的球可以當凶器了 12/08 15:52
Zuleta: 而且超速時駕照早就被掉銷了w 12/08 15:54
Timekeeper: 古巴人都這樣的嗎= = 12/08 17:13
mornstar524: 還是回古巴去吧 12/08 22:15
kkjjkkjj: 古巴專出毒瘤 12/08 22:51
acergame5: 看來真的是"亡命"左投了 12/08 23:32
kay16victor: WTF 12/09 00:39
O10lOl01O: Chapman:Ball or Bullet Make a choice 12/09 00:56
poet1112: 客氣了要是拿球丟她早就趴了 12/09 12:32
Tomatowei: 書僮不要被帶壞啊 12/09 14:14
stja: XD 12/09 18:45
wahahaflower: 剛好跟Puig湊一對 好球哦 12/09 19:23