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https://t.co/9xllnCBwJ6 Cuba's Gurriel brothers believed to have defected Yulieski has been top player on island; Lourdes a top prospect SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic -- Two top players from the most famous base ball family in Cuba are not expected to return to the island. Brothers Lourdes Gurriel Jr., 22, and Yulieski Gurriel, 31, are believed to ha ve defected from Cuba's Ciego de Avila team following the Caribbean Series tha t concluded Sunday in order to seek contracts with Major League teams, accordi ng to sources. Lourdes is considered the top prospect in Cuba while his brothe r is considered the country's best player. Both have repeatedly expressed a desire to leave the island legally and with t he permission of the Cuban government. Their defection was first reported by Miami's El Nuevo Herald. Yulieski Gurriel is one of Cuba's most celebrated and decorated players. The i nfielder was an Olympian in 2004 and has represented Cuba in all three World B aseball Classic tournaments. He's been part of Cuban championship teams at the Pan American Games, Central American Games, World Baseball Championships, Int ernational Cup and Caribbean Series. Gurriel Jr., who plays shortstop and outfield, was hitting .321 with eight hom e runs and 32 RBIs and a .924 OPS in 43 games for the Havana Industriales this season. The brothers are the youngest members of the first family of baseball in Cuba. Oldest brother Yunieski, 33, won two MVP Awards during his 16 seasons in Serie Nacional. In addition to his Cuban league play, Yunieski spent the past two s easons playing for Quebec in the Canadian-American Association. Their father, Lourdes Gurriel Sr., played for the national team for 15 years and won a gold medal, two batting titles and an MVP Award in Cuba. He was also a national tea m manager. The brothers also had an uncle, great uncle and cousin who starred in Cuba. Cuban players who are at least 23 years old and have played in a Cuban profess ional league for five or more seasons are exempt from the international signin g guidelines established by the Collective Bargaining Agreement, effectively m aking them free agents once they are eligible to sign with a big league club. Cuban players who leave the island and go directly to the United States are su bject to the signing guidelines of the MLB Draft. Lourdes has played six seasons in Cuba and won't be 23 until October. It could take several months for him to become eligible to sign with a Major League cl ub. He will not be subject to the guidelines if he signs after he turns 23. 古巴古瑞爾兄弟藉由參加加勒比海大賽的機會叛逃成功 哥哥 Yulieski 內野手 31歲,被喻為古巴國內最強打者之一也是國家隊常客,可以直接 以自由球員的方式和大聯盟球隊簽約而且不受國際球員簽約金限制 弟弟Lourdes 22歲 守游擊和外野,被評為古巴頂級新秀。由於未滿23歲,要簽約可能要 等上幾個月才能以自由球員身分簽約 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1454945263.A.535.html ※ 編輯: albertlaw (, 02/08/2016 23:30:51
tony123839: 老了才要叛逃......02/08 23:34
bestteam: 之前不是才說帶著古巴政府的祝福、合法離開這座島 02/08 23:41
albertlaw: 內文有講:他們家族是古巴棒球世家 老爸當過國家隊總 02/08 23:41
bestteam: 怎麼還是決定叛逃了 02/08 23:42
albertlaw: 教練 一直想以合法的方式出國打球所以到現在才叛逃 02/08 23:42
LucasDuda: 最強的是二哥Yulieski吧,另外以前看到都是Gourriel。 02/08 23:44
alex2426chen: 大哥跟三弟落跑 他們家最強的是二哥沒錯02/08 23:53
ykesha: 這樣二哥會被株連嗎? 可是不是兩個都恢復正常關係了?02/08 23:57
ykesha: 兩國都正常化了 叛逃這問題應該也該正常 不該政治化才對 02/08 23:58
Huns: 文章裡面是寫二哥跟三弟吧?我看錯了嗎 02/08 23:59
alex2426chen: 應該是二哥跟三弟 MLBTR也是這樣寫 02/09 00:01
Huns: 嗯31歲跟22歲的02/09 00:02
ykesha: 開頭的確是說老二老三 怎麼元PO說成老大老三?02/09 00:02
alex2426chen: 不過大哥跟二哥只差一個字 Yuniesky / Yuliesky 02/09 00:03
alex2426chen: 很容易被搞混02/09 00:03
感謝指正 我真的被搞混了
blacklittle: 正常化會被管制啊 叛逃就自由多了~ 02/09 00:04
GyroZ: 終於想開了嗎02/09 00:05
※ 編輯: albertlaw (, 02/09/2016 00:18:42
jenchieh5: 還是逃走了... 02/09 00:21
mannypo: 之前的場面話是測試政府風向嗎...? 02/09 00:44
betadu: 正常離開有很多限制 叛逃方便多了 02/09 01:09
oralboralb: 早十年叛逃現在大概年薪20M/Y 02/09 01:27
JustinIdiot: 最不可能叛逃的…二哥普遍被認為至少MLB先發等級 弟 02/09 02:02
JustinIdiot: 弟則是潛力不錯的prospect 02/09 02:02
JSMJ: 古巴是那個三壘手嗎= = 最近一次國際賽對他有印象 02/09 03:36
Zuleta: 二哥十年前評價就很好了 02/09 08:19
Zuleta: 不過說什麼要合法出去 果然等不及了ww 02/09 08:20
tony123839: 話說古巴國家隊是真的越來越沒人才了...... 02/09 08:36
pjharper: 31歲少賺很多啊~ 02/09 08:42
abc12812: 十年前就傳過叛逃 結果發現是芭樂消息 02/09 09:01
Narancia: 二哥2014在日本合法打了幾個月啊 2015就各種理由不去了 02/09 10:02
Narancia: 2015本來二哥還要帶三弟一起去日本 後來不了了之 02/09 10:04
Heyward: 中華隊表示: 02/09 10:58
a81526a: 哥哥是不是有來打12強,在y拍買了一顆12強的簽名球,好 02/09 15:47
a81526a: 像有他,背號10號 02/09 15:48
albertlaw: Gurriel三兄弟都有來打12強 02/09 15:59
kusami: Yuliesky真的晚太久了 但也可能年紀到了才改變想法 02/09 16:50
dw1012: 三兄弟不只有打12強 還常常同時打前三棒 02/10 01:59
wakayama: 哥哥完全像是壓線去WH的XDD 02/10 09:16